How can Yangzhou be interesting? The people here speak so nicely.

In Yangzhou, you can always buy strange things!

Like flying lights...

Jingzhou is lifeless, besides training soldiers, it is still training soldiers.

"Second brother, have you prepared [-] gold?" Sun Shangxiang suddenly thought of this.

"Don't worry, I have my own measure." Sun Quan said.

"Don't talk halfway." Sun Shangxiang pouted.

"I made a bet with the Marquis of Dongyang that if you win the imperial examination, I can take you back. If not, it won't be too late to spend another [-] gold." Sun Quan said.

Yangzhou's gold list refers to the top ten, and it is not easy to get it.

"It seems to be more than [-] gold now, and my food and clothing expenses here have also been included." Sun Shangxiang said.

"What is this?" Sun Quan patted his chest and said.

How much can a girl spend?

So Sun Quan dared to guarantee it.

"About a hundred thousand gold." Sun Shangxiang said without feeling guilty at all.

Sun Quan couldn't believe his ears, and said, "Sister, are you sure? Don't be joking."

"I'm not kidding, Dongyang City, prices are a little bit high." Sun Shangxiang said.

"..." Sun Quan was speechless, how tall can he be?

Ordinary people in Jingzhou are spending copper coins!

Hundreds of thousands of gold, can you buy a county seat?

To prove herself, Sun Shangxiang pointed to the clothes and said, "Look at this dress, the price is 3000 gold."

"..." Sun Quan was speechless, why not just rob him!

so tired!

Sister, you can't do this, we won't be able to support you if you do this.

However, Sun Quan suddenly noticed that Sun Shangxiang was wearing women's clothing!

In Jingzhou, this is definitely an incredible thing.

"It's so beautiful!" Sun Quan praised.

This time, he actually felt that the 3000 gold was well spent!

"Thank you second brother!" Sun Shangxiang said happily.

"But, it won't cost hundreds of thousands of gold, right?" Sun Quan raised his own question.

"I only bought seven or eight pieces for myself, but I still have my mother!" Sun Shangxiang said, and there are many other interesting things.

"Arrogant and extravagant, go back and see how elder brother treats you." Sun Quan said with a headache.

"..." Sun Shangxiang had nothing to say.

"Can you retreat?" Sun Quan asked weakly.

"No!" Sun Shangxiang refused, "At worst, I won't pay back the money."

Sun Quan suddenly remembered that Sun Shangxiang had no money, and mentioned the word "return".


Besides Dongyang Hou, who would be so generous?

Hundreds of thousands of gold, directly lent to a sister-in-law.

However, Sun Quan thought about it again, if he could be named on the gold list, he would be exempted from the [-] gold and only need to pay a hundred thousand gold, which is still acceptable.

"When you return to Jingzhou, you must be obedient and change your habit of spending money lavishly." Sun Quan said, "Change it now!"

"For the time being... I don't want to go back yet." Sun Shangxiang said.

Sun Quan was out of breath, and said, "I can't help you!"

No wonder everyone says Yangzhou is paradise!

If more than [-] gold came out to play, Sun Quan thought that he would probably fall too.

This girl is beyond help.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Sun Quan stayed in Dongyang City for three days, and wandered around for three days under the leadership of Sun Shangxiang.

He finally knew how the hundreds of thousands of gold was spent.

What else to do but sigh?

Why is there such a rich city in the world?

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