This is a troubled time!

The disputes between the princes cannot be seen here.

Is this the reason why Dongyang Hou pushed his own ideas?

People for people, war for war.

Sun Quan seemed to understand a little bit.

However, did the war really have no effect on this place?

Sun Quan didn't believe it. After all, the Marquis of Dongyang had participated in countless battles, and someone would always die.

And these sacrificed people should have close family members or close friends, right?

So Sun Quan made an investigation.

Another fact was discovered, that is, Yangzhou will not be sad because of this.

Rather proud and proud.

Yangzhou is already strong enough.

The previous situation was that when joining the army, there was a mouthful of food.

Now, will Yangzhou still worry about this matter?

Certainly not.

So, why do people in Yangzhou continue to join the army?

One of them, of course, is Dongyang Hou, who is invincible and worthy of allegiance.The second point is to get ahead, who doesn't want to be a general?

However, the most important reason is to protect the prosperity of Yangzhou!

Yangzhou was brought up step by step by Liu Ke, but all the people were responsible for the construction.

Yangzhou is a haven for everyone, and they don't allow anyone to destroy it.

Not only that, every soldier who died is eligible to leave his own name on the monument.

The monument has become the glory of Yangzhou.

What surprised Sun Quan even more was that the Marquis of Dongyang actually gave subsidies to the families of the soldiers who died in battle.

How much does this really cost?

Sun Quan couldn't imagine it.

There was once a country that did this, and that was the State of Wei in the Spring and Autumn and Warring States Periods.

Wei Wuzu, who once shocked the world, was invincible and invincible, because Wei Wuzu was brave and fearless of death, so he had no worries.

Of course, because of too many state subsidies and financial shortages, Wei Wuzu died just like that.

Will it be the case in Yangzhou?

Sun Quan directly denied it, because Yangzhou is really too rich.Sun Quan understood one more thing, why the Marquis of Dongyang didn't restrain the merchants.

Even, vigorously develop business.

Because, need.

This will bring a lot of money to Yangzhou.

A series of problems brought about by the development of merchants were suppressed by Dongyanghou.

Under the chain of links, Yangzhou has become stronger.

Sun Quan once thought that the strength of Yangzhou was due to the Marquis of Dongyang, and the fact is the same.

However, even without Dongyanghou now, Yangzhou can still develop sustainably.

Dongyang Hou has already finished the framework, just follow the steps.

Sun Quan took out a small notebook and recorded everything he had seen and heard, as well as his emotions.

This is the task Zhou Yu entrusted to him.

Looking at the small book and the simple pencil in his hand, Sun Quan once again felt emotional.

These two things are the oil and salt of literati, without them we can't do it.

It is also a product of Yangzhou.

Dongyanghou thought that the previous books were too heavy, so he improved the papermaking technology, and the paper was used in large quantities.

As for the pencil, it was a utensil that Dongyanghou disliked the trouble of carrying pen and ink all the time, and tinkered with it.

Although the current pencils are very crude, easy to smear, and cannot be stored for a long time, they are already an improvement.

Sun Quan memorized as he walked, and a small notebook was filled up.

There are no historical sites in Dongyang City, but it has a strong cultural atmosphere.

Sun Quan first visited Hua Tuo, because he was the master of the medical hall.

Now the medical doctors all over the four states under Dongyang Hou's rule are either Hua Tuo's apprentices or Hua Tuo's grandsons.

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