Zhao Yu tried to persuade him to stay, but was rejected.

For this reason, Zhao Yu gave Liu Ke a white look.

Liu Ke is very innocent, what does this have to do with me?

"Don't embarrass that little girl." Zhao Yu said.

Liu Ke had no choice but to explain, and Zhao Yu didn't say much.I have a new understanding of Sun Shangxiang's recklessness.

"By the way, the construction of Dongyang Palace has been completed." Zhao Yu said.

"Dongyang Palace? Where is it?" Liu Ke asked in surprise.

Zhao Yu was speechless, so he had to remind: "You forgot? The palace that father wants to build."

Liu Ke suddenly realized that there was indeed such a thing, and it was originally named Dongyang Palace.

For this, a lot of money was spent.

"Father asked us to move there, he was bored alone." Zhao Yu said.

Liu Ke was speechless, now there is no shortage of women around Liu Youyi.

Moreover, Liu Ke has younger brothers and sisters, although they are not very close, but they are always related by blood.

"It's good for a family to live together. I'll leave the matter of moving to you," Liu Ke said.

"No problem." Zhao Yu said.

Under the influence of Liu Ke, Zhao Yu has become more and more capable in doing things, and there are many things that Liu Ke does not need to worry about.

And there is no shortage of patrons at home.

"Keep the personnel streamlined, don't be fancy, and increase the number of guards." Liu Ke said.

If three thousand palace maids come out, Liu Ke... still remembers how Emperor Ling of Han put the empire in turmoil.

There is also the plot of court ladies wearing crotch pants.

"Understood." Zhao Yu said, "I'm still afraid that you will mess around!"

Liu Ke held Zhao Yu in his arms and said, "How could it be?"

Zhao Yu enjoyed it very much.

Speaking of Liu Youyi, Zhao Yu continued, "There are still two months left, and it will be my father's fiftieth birthday."

Hearing this sentence, Liu Ke suddenly felt a little ashamed, as if he hadn't blessed his father well.

Since ancient times, the whole life is relatively grand.

So this time, Zhao Yu informed Liu Ke two months in advance.

If there is no such good helper as Zhao Yu, Liu Ke must have forgotten.

Of course, Steward Liu will definitely remind Liu Ke a few days in advance.

Liu Ke didn't need to be displaced when he came to this world, it was because of Liu Youyi.Although there are still some grudges in my heart, it is already insignificant.

Therefore, this time for the [-]th birthday, it is time to perform well. Moreover, Dongyang Palace has just been built and the venue is sufficient.

"Yu'er, do you have any suggestions?" Liu Ke said.

"Father's affairs are still for you to decide. If I arrange it, my father will not say anything in his heart, and he will definitely not be as happy as you." Zhao Yu said.

Zhao Yu saw it thoroughly, Liu Youyi was still a relatively traditional person.

When Liu Wu was born, he was not very happy.

"Yu'er has been wronged." Liu Ke said in relief.

"No way~" Zhao Yu smiled happily.

Therefore, the division of labor is clear, Liu Ke is in charge of birthday matters, and Zhao Yu is in charge of moving matters.

How to live a big birthday, Liu Ke has no experience.

Therefore, Liu Ke found Cai Yong.

Cai Yong's suggestion is to directly invite famous people in Yangzhou to a banquet and congratulate them together.

But Liu Ke felt that something was missing. Since it was his birthday, at least it should not be tacky.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

In the past, no matter what celebrations were held in Dongyang City, some generals and governors stationed in other places had no chance to come back.

Therefore, Liu Ke intends to get everyone to act.

The first is to distribute invitations, and everyone has received them. As for whether to come or not, Liu Ke gave them great autonomy.

Everyone who wants to come is approved as a holiday.

Now all the states are becoming more stable, and even Jiaozhi has no rebel groups.

When Liu Kegang ruled Jiaozhou, he did encounter many difficulties, but they were all solved by Jia Xu.

After several rounds of raids and the proof of the truth of time, I still have food with Liu Ke.

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