After several waves of immigration, Jiaozhou has become an area dominated by Han people.

Xuzhou has entered a period of rapid development, and so is Qingzhou.

As for Lelang County and Daifang County, of course it is impossible for Chen Deng to come back, but Liu Ke still sent a letter.

Liu Ke, who already had a plan, visited Liu Youyi first. After all, he is the protagonist of the birthday.

Butler Liu was still the one who received Liu Ke. Although he was old, he was always in good health.

"Master, it's really great that you can come to visit the master." Liu Guanjia said.

"I'll move here in a few days, it's better to live together." Liu Ke said.

"The young master is right, the master has always missed you." Liu Guanjia said.

Liu Ke ordered someone to bring up some century-old ginseng, causing Butler Liu to roll his eyes and said, "Young master, you are too out of touch, why did you bring a gift!"

"It's nothing, just some century-old ginseng." Liu Ke said, then took out a box and handed it to Butler Liu.

Butler Liu evaded and said, "Master, I can't take it."

"This is a reward from the master, a tonic, something to extend life, but don't take too much, it will have the opposite effect." Liu Ke said.

"It's three-point medicine, thank you for your concern, young master." Butler Liu took the box excitedly.

"It's always been Mr. Liu who took care of my father for me. I should thank you very much." Liu Ke said.

"The young master was joking, it's my duty to take care of the master." Liu Guanjia said.

Butler Liu led Liu Ke through several corridors, and only then did he meet Liu Youyi.

I have to say that the newly built Dongyang Palace is very grand, not much worse than the previous palace in Luoyang.

It may be smaller in terms of floor area, but the decoration inside is more exquisite, with a dazzling array of carvings.

The craftsmen put a lot of thought into it.

The most surprising thing is that the humanistic atmosphere inside is very strong, and there are inscriptions by Sima Hui, Cai Yong and others.

There are also some magnificent stone slabs engraved with ancient and modern masterpieces.

Liu Ke's sentence "Grape Wine Luminous Cup" was on it, and he couldn't help being so moved that he even forgot to salute Liu Youyi.

"Do you like it?" Liu Youyi asked.

"Father has always had a good eye." Liu Ke said.

"Hahaha! Remember to move here early. In fact, this palace was tailor-made for you. I'm already old, and I don't know how long I can live." Liu Youyi said.

People nowadays, due to poor medical conditions, can live to sixty years old.

Coupled with the impact of the war, the average life expectancy is about fifty years old.

"Father will surely live a long life," Liu Ke said.

"Okay! I will work hard!" Liu Youyi said loudly.

"By the way, father, how do you want to celebrate your [-]th birthday?" Liu Ke asked.

"It's the same as before, the whole family gathers for a meal, why do you suddenly care about this?" Liu Youyi said.

"Father's birthday, can't I care about it?" Liu Ke asked rhetorically.

Liu Ke's speech has always been like this, simple and casual, so Liu Youyi didn't think it was offensive.

"I'm going to invite guests from the four states." Liu Ke said.

Now it was Liu Youyi's turn to be surprised, and said: "Dongyang Palace has already spent a lot of money, there is no need to mobilize people after one's lifespan."

In Liu Youyi's view, the palace can still be left to his son, so what's the point of being so extravagant and wasteful after his birthday?

"I'm using my father's name to get together with everyone." Liu Ke explained.

"You make your own decision, it's not my money anyway." Liu Youyi said, but he was still very happy in his heart.

After all, I still have a little use, and I didn't hold back my son.

Regarding his son's record, Liu Youyi was very clear, and he could even recite it backwards.

Sons are the ones who do great things!

Maybe he can rejuvenate the Han Dynasty like Emperor Guangwu Liu Xiu.

Thinking of this, Liu Youyi became passionate, so he planned to build a palace.

Otherwise, with his personality, he would be comfortable wherever he lives.

"Then it's settled, I'll take care of it," Liu Ke said.

Liu Youyi was taken aback, and said: "You do it? Just leave it to your subordinates. You have so many things to do, why bother with such trivial matters?"

"This is a major event that shocked the entire Yangzhou!" Liu Ke said.

It was only then that Liu Youyi came to his senses that he had become a big shot. He hadn't gone out recently, and except for a few regular guests, Housekeeper Liu stopped them all.

Not even a report.

Of course, this is what Liu Youyi meant, and he didn't want to disturb his son.If I do something embarrassing, wouldn't it ruin my son's event?

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