"What is the population of Dongyang City?" Paqi couldn't help asking.

"Under the control of the lord, the population of Dongyang City is more than one million. If there is no limit, it may reach two million." Wang Can said.

Two million?

Baki couldn't help trembling. When Goguryeo was at its strongest, it didn't have such a large population.

As for Koryo, which is now divided, the population is about [-], right?

It is not comparable to a city in the Central Plains.

No wonder Dongyanghou's army is always in the north.

Defeat the king of Liaodong, defeat Goguryeo again, break Baekje, and break the second of the three Hans, Baekje and Chenhan surrendered.

The Goryeo Dynasty also surrendered...

Dongyang Hou is so terrifying, if he can get his support and destroy Goguryeo, what is it?

Baki's heart had never been so hot.

After arriving at Dongyang Palace, Baqi got out of the carriage and was shocked again.

As soon as he saw Liu Ke, Ba Qi respectfully saluted and said, "Meet Dongyang Hou!"

"You don't need to be too polite, you want to buy armaments?" Liu Ke said.

Baqi didn't expect Liu Ke to be so direct, and said: "If the Marquis of Dongyang is willing to sell, this king is willing to buy [-] armors and weapons."

Now Koryo has only [-] troops.

"Do you know the price?" Liu Ke asked.

Baqi's heart skipped a beat, and he said, "I also ask the Marquis of Dongyang to express it!"

Liu Ke paused and said, "Yangzhou has always been very strict in the control of armaments. Even if the princes offer a high price, I will not pay attention. Then, why should I sell it to Goryeo?"

Baqi is also a shrewd person, and said: "Baqi is willing to serve Dongyanghou! Even if Dongyanghou wants to turn Goryeo into a county in Yangzhou, Baqi will offer it without hesitation!"

Seeing the prosperity of Dongyang City, Paqi felt that his throne suddenly became insignificant.

Bucky is very decisive!

Liu Ke had a higher opinion of him, saying, "I still don't like that poor place in Goryeo."

Baki very much agrees that Goryeo is really too poor, although the area he occupies is the most prosperous area in Goguryeo.

But being poor is always being poor.

"Well, [-] armors and weapons are impossible." Liu Ke said, "But I can sell you [-]."

Baki was very excited, ten thousand tools would be enough.

"Don't rush to be happy, the price is one million gold." Liu Ke said.

When Liu Ke sold it to Cao Cao, it cost about [-] gold for [-] armor and weapons.

For Bagchi, it can be said that the lion opened his mouth.

"One million gold..." Paqi repeated, now that Goryeo is destitute, how can he come up with one million gold?

Absolutely impossible thing.

"Dongyang Marquis, can you give me some time?" Baqi didn't give up, he was still fighting for it.

"Well, if you can't afford so much money, livestock and war horses are fine," Liu Ke said.

There are many pastures in the north, but Goryeo is not Wuhuan. It is not that simple to produce a large number of livestock.

"Thank you Dongyanghou!" Baqi said.

For making money, Liu Ke has always spared no effort.

Baki withdrew, worrying about the one million gold.

Hearing that King Goryeo was going to Yangzhou to attend his birthday, Gongsun Du was also a little moved.

Now that the overlord of Liaodong has become the Marquis of Dongyang, he should show it.

So, he sent Gongsun Kang.As the heir of Liaodong County, Gongsun Kang's status is enough.

Not to be outdone, Baekje King Wei Qiutai also sent his son Jane to take the place.

Chen Deng had a very headache. Why did you guys come here one by one?

However, Chen Deng still made things difficult for a while, and then actively contributed to this matter.

Liu Ke has seen through everything, so he made Chen Deng happy.

Now, the King of Korea, Gongsun Kang, and Jian Wei all owe Chen Deng favors.He did only one trivial thing, and the means were very effective.

Liu Ke gave Liaodong a deterrent, and now Chen Deng is doing Huairou, and the effect is not bad.

Finally, Yamatai Kingdom will also join in the fun.

Liu Ke refused without saying a word.

For the Japanese, he did not have such kindness.

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