Ever since Liu Ke defeated the Japanese and Gan Ning came to question him, the Yamatai Kingdom surrendered and opened the door to trade.

Liu Ke doesn't want anything, just silver mines, and only grain in exchange.

However, the Japanese nobles were extremely happy, after all, it was food!

As a result, the Japanese mined silver mines extensively, and Yangzhou also provided some mining technology.

Mining is a high-risk occupation these days.Even in later generations, death is inevitable, let alone now?

However, the entire Yamatai country is keen on mining, and silver mines represent food!

I don't know how many people will die in a year.

Last time Gan Ning reported that no less than [-] people died in mining a year.Now in Yamatai, slaves are almost used up, and some semi-bald farmers have also started mining.

With so many earthquakes and natural disasters, farming is not as good as mining for food and clothing.

So, how could Liu Ke let such unlucky Japanese people come to Yangzhou?

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Before Liu Youyi's big birthday started, the guests went to Dongyang City one after another.

If it was just an internal celebration, Cao Cao would certainly not be jealous, but the King of Korea, the Prince of Baekje, and the "Prince" of Liaodong arrived in Yangzhou one after another.

What is this ghost?

Dealing with a Yamatai country at the beginning already made Cao Cao very honorable. What is Dongyanghou doing now?

All nations come to court?

That is also to Chang'an!

Cao Cao felt very uncomfortable, and at the same time was angry at Liu Ke's Chao Yue.

For a long time, Cao Cao has firmly believed that power is overwhelming the world, and he never thought of replacing the Han Dynasty, because he knew it would be too difficult.

As long as Dongyang Hou is alive, this idea is unrealistic.

"I finally know why the Marquis of Dongyang didn't accept the throne. His plans are bigger and ambitious." Cao Cao said angrily.

"Prime Minister, calm down! If Marquis Dongyang wants to make a fuss, let him go and see what he can do. Then, we'll catch him again." Sima Lang said.

"Do you want him to torment? The imperial court has never had any foreign envoys visit. Fortunately, Marquis Dongyang, several of them came at once." Cao Cao said.

Although there are only a few, it represents the attitude.

This unhealthy trend, Cao Cao believes, cannot be allowed to develop unchecked.

Sima Lang also understood what Cao Cao meant, and said, "Prime Minister, do we want to make a move?"

"Tomorrow, I will accuse the Marquis of Dongyang in the court and receive the foreign envoy in private," Cao Cao said.

"Not only that, the Marquis of Dongyang also built a Dongyang Palace, which is also suspected of overstepping." Sima Lang followed Cao Cao's words.

"The Marquis of Dongyang has made no secret of his ambition, and even said that he doesn't want to be crowned king!" Cao Cao said.

In the early morning of the next day, countless Cao Cao's men and horses participated in Liu Ke's book.

Emperor Xian looked at the piles of memorials and didn't know what to say.

Major affairs in the world are never allowed to be dealt with, such trivial matters are endless!

But Emperor Xian couldn't refuse, after all, he still needed Cao Cao's support.He looked at several memorials with style, but did not express any opinions.

At the same time, I couldn't help but sigh, if the world is under his governance, can it achieve such a grand occasion?

Maybe not!

This is the talent of Dongyanghou.

"Your Majesty, please issue an order to punish the Marquis of Dongyang, and not let him do anything wrong!" Cao Cao said.

"Just follow the prime minister, you don't need to ask me for instructions on what you want to do." Emperor Xian said.

This sentence was full of resentment, Cao Cao frowned when he heard this, but he still publicly accused Liu Ke.

This incident was widely spread in Chang'an, and there was nothing trivial about Dongyanghou's affairs.

What Cao Cao has to do now is to hit Liu Ke's prestige and not make Liu Ke more comfortable.

The battle between the two sides is already predictable, so there is no need to hide it.

With Cao Cao's help, the matter intensified.

In Yangzhou, however, everything is calm.

For this reason, Zhou Buyi also published a newspaper, depicting Cao Cao as a sour image, which attracted constant laughter from everyone.

"Teacher, I've done this for you, can I have less homework?" Zhou Bu doubted.

In order to prevent Zhou Buyi from causing trouble, Liu Ke assigned many tasks.

"Are you calling it done?" Liu Ke asked.

Zhou Buyi's eyeballs rolled around, and finally said: "Yes! There is nothing wrong with it."

"You are stable only in Yangzhou, what about Chang'an?" Liu Ke said.

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