Zhou Buyi was in a dilemma for a moment, Chang'an was Cao Cao's territory, what could he do?

"You are only borrowing my reputation to make a difference in Yangzhou. Even if you don't show up, anyone can appease you. So, what do you have to be proud of?" Liu Ke said.

"Students have been taught!" Zhou Buyi said in disbelief, as if he was saying in his heart: Teacher, if you have the ability, you can also change Chang'an's reputation!

How could Liu Ke not know Zhou Buyi's careful thinking, and said: "This matter is very simple, if I do it, what would you say?"

My own teacher can always create miracles and solve some seemingly impossible things.

Therefore, Zhou Buyi was afraid that he would fall into the trap, so he gritted his teeth, wondering if he should agree.

"Although you are smart at a young age, it is not easy to maintain it. It is very likely that your IQ is not high, and you will disappear from everyone when you grow up." Liu Ke stimulated.

"Teacher, I bet! If I lose, I must study hard. What if I win?" Zhou Bu doubted.

"How could you win? Don't think too much." Liu Ke said firmly.

Zhou Buyi rolled his eyes.

Liu Ke personally wrote an invitation card, signed his own name, stamped his exclusive seal, handed it to Zhou Buyi and said, "After sealing it, send it to Chang'an."

Zhou Buyi took it apart and looked at it, and he was overwhelmed with admiration.

Actually invited Emperor Xian to come to the birthday banquet?

Emperor Xian is Cao Cao's darling, how could he be allowed to come here?

It was already an adventure to hold the autumn hunting in the first place.

Of course, it's not just a simple invitation, but also a threat to Cao Cao!

If you talk nonsense again, you will bring Emperor Xian to Yangzhou.

Although this is impossible, what if?

Cao Cao absolutely did not dare to gamble, because his momentum all came from Emperor Xian.

Without the power of the Han Dynasty, how could Zhang Yan take refuge in Cao Cao?

Cao Cao's current status is due to the contribution of Emperor Xian.

Once Xiandi is gone, the consequences will be disastrous.

So Liu Ke's move is very clever.

Zhou Buyi couldn't help but slap himself when he saw it, why didn't he think of it?

"Teacher, what skills do you have, don't hide them, teach me quickly!" Zhou Buyi said shamelessly.

"Actually, you are too stupid and inexperienced. It has nothing to do with my teaching. There are several ways to witness the world. One is to wander around. This is not suitable for you. The other is to become a county magistrate in various places. You are too old. Small, the third is the newspaper office, you can't calm down even for a small newspaper office, what do you want to do in the future?" Liu Ke said.

Zhou Buyi felt very ashamed. After he found out the situation of the newspaper office, he started fishing.

Because there are so many more fun things to do.

Unexpectedly, I missed so much!

"Teacher, the students understand!" Zhou Buyi said firmly.

Then, he arranged for manpower to send the invitation to Chang'an.

Things to give to Emperor Xian usually go through Cao Cao's hands.

When Cao Cao took it apart, he was immediately furious. After calming down, he immediately stopped fueling the flames.

Without the power of the government, the reputation of Liu Ke has skyrocketed.

Out of courtiers' etiquette, Cao Cao handed the invitation to Emperor Xian.

When Emperor Xian saw it, he knew he couldn't go, so he wrote a letter of congratulations and handed it to Cao Cao.

Cao Cao looked it over carefully, and there was no problem, and said: "Your Majesty, rest assured, I will definitely deliver it to the Marquis of Dongyang."

Emperor Xian nodded, generally Cao Cao would not fool himself with such trivial matters.

Anyway, he is still an emperor.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The birthday banquet arrived as scheduled.

All classes in Yangzhou came to participate, and there were no less than [-] guests. Including their servants, there were at least [-] to [-] people.

For this reason, Liu Ke also arranged Xu Chu and Dian Wei as guards to maintain order.

It is definitely not an easy task to prepare food for so many people.However, the cooks in the barracks are all trained to help prepare some ordinary meals, which is easy as pie.

Moreover, the delicious food in Yangzhou is famous.

As the economy develops, people's living standards continue to improve, and people's requirements for food are even higher.

Historically, vegetable oil began to appear after the Han Dynasty, but it was not edible and was only used to make silk cloth. It was not until the Song Dynasty that there were records of edible vegetable oil, including sesame oil, soybean oil, vegetable oil, and camellia oil.

However, the existence of Liu Ke made edible vegetable oil thousands of years earlier.

Coupled with some special spices, it can be regarded as delicious in the world.

So in terms of food, Liu didn't worry about being shabby.

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