By the way, you can also advertise vegetable oil and spices. After today, these two spices will become famous.

The Liu family is responsible for the production and sales of vegetable oil, and it is even more difficult to obtain spices. Gan Ning dispatched warships to Southeast Asia to purchase them.

Liu Ke didn't go to greet the guests in person. With so many people, wouldn't he exhaust himself to death?

He stayed by Liu Youyi's side, walking around.

"Ding Fang, don't you agree with extravagance and waste? Seeing the scale of the banquet, I can't stand it." Liu Youyi sighed.

"In order to unite people's hearts, what is this little money?" Liu Ke said.

Moreover, the placement of advertisements allowed Liu Ke to make a small fortune.

For example, whoever buys vegetables is also particular.

There will be more publicity in the future, this is the green vegetable used by the guests of the Dongyang Hou banquet, do you want to buy a dozen and go back to taste it?

Therefore, most of the costs are borne by the merchants.

What's more, if you come to the banquet, how can you not give a gift?

Just to count the gifts, the Liu family dispatched a thousand people.

Stacked up like mountains.

"When you grow up, you will be very assertive, so I won't say more." Liu Youyi said.

"Father, please rest assured." Liu Ke said.

So Liu Ke took Liu Youyi around, and people kept praising him for being "filial", but Liu Ke didn't care too much, toasted a glass of wine, and left.

Stopping like this, Liu Ke drank a few jars of wine, worried that Liu Youyi drank too much, and blocked a lot for him.

"Dingfang, don't be brave, why are you drinking so much?" Liu Youyi asked with concern.

"It's okay, my mind is still clear." Liu Ke said.

With Liu Ke's drinking capacity, it is really difficult to meet the limit, after all, his physique is much better than ordinary people.

There are also performances of singing, dancing and chime bells.

Liu Ke has only one request, and that is to be magnificent.

Therefore, there were a total of one thousand people performing.

"it is good!"

The cheers were endless.

An hour later, Steward Liu sent a list of gifts. Liu Youyi opened it and saw that there were all precious gifts on it, so he didn't care.

Then he glanced at the gifts from several northerners, and Gongsun Kang sent some precious ginseng, all of which were about [-] years old.

As for the so-called thousand-year-old ginseng, it is more of a boast.

A hundred years is already the limit, and three hundred years is the best.

Liu Youyi was very satisfied, because he had heard about the magical effects of ginseng from Liu Ke.

Prince Jane of Baekje gave some emeralds, which are fine and dense in texture, translucent and slightly transparent, and there are magical cloud-shaped plaques in them.

Liu Youyi likes it very much.

As for King Baki of Korea, he was even more straightforward, sending beautiful women.

This also proves that Goryeo is really poor.

However, less than half a year after Baki became king of Koryo, Marutu Mountain City was evacuated by Liu Ke again. What else could he give away besides beauties?

Liu Youyi was very interested.

"It's all about." Liu Youyi said.

Seeing his father satisfied, Liu Ke was also very happy.

Whether the birthday banquet is complete or not depends on Liu Youyi's mood.

"Father, I'll go to the garden to sober up." Liu Ke said.

Liu Youyi waved his hand, signaling that he doesn't need to accompany him.

Before going to sober up, Liu Ke and Guo Jia had a few drinks.

These drunkards, when they get a chance, never let it go.

Liu Ke inexplicably drank a pot, and escaped by urinating.

After entering the garden, Liu Ke sat down in a pavilion and let out a long breath.

Not long after, there was warm applause from the women's family.

There were only a few hundred people who could bring their female relatives, so Liu Ke handed it over to Zhao Yu directly.

Since the female relatives do not show up easily, Dongyang Palace has become their activity place.

Suddenly, a fourteen or fifteen-year-old woman appeared in front of Liu Ke, and saluted the group, "Greetings, Marquis of Dongyang!"

She was wearing a fairy dress with wide sleeves, she was extremely gorgeous, her brows and eyes were full of spring, her skin was as delicate as warm jade, and as soft as greasy.

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