Liu Xuan blushed a little and retreated into the garden.

She is already a big girl.

Liu Ke smiled and shared a drink with all the guests.

Then, he went to the outfield and started toasting along the way.

The outfield is full of wealthy businessmen from all over the world, as well as big businessmen. It stands to reason that Liu doesn't need to cover everything, but he still came.

"A toast to the Marquis of Dongyang! May your father be as blessed as the East Sea, and live longer than Nanshan!" A businessman stood up and said.

Afterwards, everyone got up and congratulated Liu Ke one after another.

Liu Ke also had a few drinks with them.

It was originally a happy thing, but someone still made a discordant voice.

"The Marquis of Dongyang is too much for fame, isn't he? Father's birthday is such a grand occasion, isn't he afraid of making a fool of himself?" Zhen Yao sneered.

The forest is really big, and there are all kinds of birds.

Make trouble in Liu Ke's place, do you want to kill yourself?

However, some people just know how to assess the situation. If it was normal, they would still worry about Liu Ke beheading him. Now that they are guests at a big banquet, when celebrating his father's birthday, it is impossible for Liu Ke to see blood.

So, this gives people with ulterior motives a chance.

Immediately, a steward whispered in Liu Ke's ear, and the person who spoke was Zhen Yao, who was from the Zhen family in Hebei.

It was originally the eunuch's family, but later it fell into business and became a wealthy man in Hebei.

However, under the impact of the Yangzhou Chamber of Commerce, the Zhen family began to lose money.So there was resentment, and he wanted to embarrass Liu Ke.

A businessman has so much courage?

If Yuan Shao didn't get in the way, Liu would never believe it.

Now that the enemy has shown his sword, of course Liu Ke will not show weakness to the enemy.

"The ostentation is not big, how can we invite the Zhen family? The Zhen family is one of the best families in Hebei." Liu Ke said.

"Haha~" Everyone laughed like no one else was there.

The Zhen family has a bit of reputation, but in Liu Ke's view, what is it?

Of course Zhen Yao heard the sarcasm in it, and said, "Hmph, Marquis of Dongyang, don't you think you are too flamboyant? Receiving foreign envoys privately is a crime of disrespect!"

"Which foreign envoys are there?" Liu Ke asked with a smile.

"Gongsun Kang, Jian Weiju, and Baqi, aren't they all?" Zhen Yao said triumphantly.

In his opinion, Liu Ke has lost his sense of control, so he would ask such a naive question.

The task of Yuan Bus agent is really too simple.

"Don't talk nonsense! Liaodong still belongs to the big Han." Gongsun Kang retorted.

"This...then it doesn't count you, what do Jane Biju and Baqi say?" Zhen Yao said, not afraid that he couldn't find fault.

"I'm here as a businessman to purchase armaments." Baqi said, "The materials are being loaded on the ship now. If you don't believe me, you can check."

"But, you are the King of Koryo!" Zhen Yao seemed to grab Baki's braid.

"Who said the king can't do business? All of you present have different identities." Bach said.

"Well said!" The members of the Yangzhou Chamber of Commerce echoed. After all, they are all businessmen, and they have been doing things to improve the status of businessmen.

The king is also in business, how dare you look down on businessmen? !

Zhen Yao knew that he couldn't get entangled in this matter any longer. If the major event of the Yangzhou Chamber of Commerce were ruined, even if the Marquis of Dongyang didn't take action, the Zhen family would die without a place to die.

"Jane is still here! Could it be that she is also a businessman?" Zhen Yao still did not give up.

Jane coughed and said, "The big man didn't recognize Baekje, so Baekje is not a kingdom. We came to the banquet as a tribe affiliated to Lelang County."

Damn, how can you say that?

In order to please Dongyang Hou, has your dignity been eaten by dogs?

Zhen Yao had never seen such a brazen alien.

Lelang County has always been the territory of the Han, and Jane is actually proud of the Han.

The name of the King of Baekje, no more?

However, Zhen Yao still had a second hand, and said with a cold snort:

"Hmph, I won't quibble with you. However, when His Majesty celebrates his birthday, there are only a few hundred participants. Doesn't Dongyang Hou embarrass His Majesty by doing this?"

This is indeed a legacy of history.

Xiandi's life is not shabby, but compared with Liu Ke's ostentation, it pales in comparison.

Zhen Yao seemed to be pointing at Liu Ke's nose and cursing, His Majesty is suffering, but you are here to enjoy it, isn't it appropriate?

It's about Emperor Xian, so everyone was embarrassed to speak, and looked at Liu Ke to see how he solved it.

Liu Ke smiled, and said, "Do you know who said the first sentence, Blessing is like the East China Sea, Shoubi Nanshan?"

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