Zhen Yao has been on the outside all the time. After Liu Ke came out, he directly made trouble. How do I know who said it?

However, his heart skipped a beat, as if something bad had happened.

Liu Ke didn't betray her, and said, "It's Princess Wannian! The biological daughter of the former emperor, and the younger sister of the current emperor."

The royal family has sent people to congratulate you, you small businessman, what right do you have to babble?

Zhen Yao's heart sank to the bottom in an instant, he did not doubt Liu Ke's words, because he was not worthy.

Liu Ke didn't stop attacking, and directly dealt critical damage.

"Take out your majesty's letter of congratulations!"

Xiandi, but wrote a congratulatory letter to Liu Youyi.

So, a master of ceremonies immediately read the letter in public.

Everyone held their breath and concentrated, this is almost like an imperial decree!

Zhen Yao was about to say something, but Liu Ke interrupted him, saying: "I have already answered your two questions in a serious manner, and I have shown it in front of everyone. You have to think about it, the third question, what price will you have to pay?" ?"

A few words reminded the two of them of their identities.

Liu Ke's answer to Zhen Yao's challenge was to clear up everyone's doubts.However, Zhen Yao, a businessman, why did he ask Liu Ke repeatedly?

"Now, it's time for you to answer my question. Who ordered you to come here?" Liu Ke said.

Zhen Yao took two steps back, breaking out in a cold sweat. The Zhen family's territory is in Jizhou, he dared to say, did Yuan Shao mean it?

At that time, they will not only offend Marquis Dongyang, but also Yuan Shao. How will the Zhen family survive?

Therefore, it cannot be said that Zhen Yao was killed.

"Dongyang Hou was joking, how could someone instigate him?"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Liu Ke smiled and didn't speak.

Xun You also handed Liu Ke detailed information about the Zhen family in Hebei. Liu Ke read it once and knew it by heart.

Is the Zhen family in Hebei really nobody?

This is not the case, otherwise Xun You would not have made a record.

If wars are raging, no matter whether it is fighting or governing, there is one hurdle that cannot be avoided, and that is money.

If the princes want to get ahead, they have to ask whether their wallets are full.

Without money, nothing can be done.

When Liu Ke first started, he didn't have any territory. Through the Liu family's assets, he became the county magistrate of Dongyang County.

However, just becoming a county magistrate is not enough!

There must be troops.

However, the Liu family's wealth is not enough for Liu Ke to squander. At a critical moment, Mi Zhu appears.The Mi family was originally one of the four major families in Xuzhou, and no one knew about its wealth.

There are no less than ten thousand servants and tenants alone.

Without the support of the Mi family, Liu Ke would still have to spend a lot of time to start a family.

Liu Ke has the support of the Mi family, but what about Cao Cao?

Cao Cao was originally very rich, but later he ran out of money, so he began to develop "Faqiu Zhonglang Jiang" and "Mojin Xiaowei", because the Chang'an and Luoyang areas he occupied had a large number of cemeteries of princes and nobles.

Therefore, Cao Cao began to rob tombs.

Many descendants of the Cao family died young, and it was rumored that it was because of this.

The eldest brother and the second brother are like this, so what does Yuan Shao rely on?

It's the Zhen family in Hebei!

The extent of the Zhen family's wealth is unimaginable to ordinary people. There is a saying in Jizhou that half of Yuan Shao's territory was bought by the Zhen family.

After Yuan Shao got rich, he also took good care of the Zhen family, so the Zhen family is very prestigious in Hebei.

Moreover, Yuan Shao's second son, Yuan Xi, is still engaged to the youngest daughter of the Zhen family.

At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, before the rise of the Yangzhou Chamber of Commerce, there were a total of five wealthy business families.

They are the Zhen family in Hebei, the Mi family in Xuzhou, the Lu family in Jiangdong, the Ma family in Jingzhou, and the Qin family in Xichuan. Among them, the Zhen family in Hebei and the Mi family in Xuzhou are the most famous.

As for the Jiangdong Lu family, it was Lu Su's family.

It's just that Lu Su is too righteous. In order to help the people, he spends money faster than making money.

Therefore, the Hebei Zhen family is definitely not a small family.

"To be honest, I don't know why the Zhen family chose to make an enemy of Yangzhou at this time." Liu Ke said.

Zhen Yao quibbled: "Dongyang Hou is joking, our Zhen family is just a merchant family, how could we be your enemy?"

"Then ask, among the people present, who would do business with your Zhen family?" Liu Ke said.

"My Mi family and the Zhen family cut off all business relations!" Mi Zhu said firmly.

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