It was beyond Zhen Yao's expectation.

Yuan Xi was travel-laden, and his body was still covered with dust. It looked like he was galloping wildly, without stopping to rest at all.

Therefore, as soon as he got off his horse, his anger became very heavy.

"Tell me, do your Zhen family take me seriously?"

From Yuan Xi's point of view, Zhen Yao deliberately took away his fiancée just to find his next family.

Yuan Xi has long heard that Zhen Mi is dissatisfied with this marriage, but what if she is dissatisfied?

What can a woman do?

As long as they get married, Yuan Xi is sure to make her docile.

After all, this is a rare beauty.

"Second Young Master..." Zhen Yao was about to explain when he was slapped by Yuan Xi.


Didn't stay strong at all.

Zhen Yao's cheeks were burning hot, but he didn't dare to fight back, and even tried to explain to Yuan Xi, saying:

"Second Young Master, our Zhen family has absolutely no two hearts. At the birthday banquet, our Zhen family's performance is the best proof."

Then, Zhen Yao explained what happened at the banquet again.

"Really?" Yuan Xi's anger subsided a little, "I hit you because you were not doing well!"

"Second Young Master is right." Zhen Yao said.

Zhen Yao bowed his knees, and Zhen Mi saw clearly in the carriage, and couldn't help feeling a little distressed.

This is the Yuan family!This is the second son of the Yuan family!

The Zhen family single-handedly supported the Yuan family, but what did the Zhen family get?

Crossing the river and tearing down bridges and mistrust.

The Zhen family was already out of breath under the attack of the Yangzhou Chamber of Commerce, but they did not receive any help from the Yuan family.

In the end, Yuan Shao agreed to expel the Yangzhou Chamber of Commerce, but gave the Zhen family a task, which was to go south to humiliate the Marquis of Dongyang.

What's the point of doing this other than angering Dongyanghou?

What happened to the Zhen family was embarrassing.

Looking back at the Mi family, it was a completely different result.

The Mi family's position in Yangzhou is very detached, no one dares to offend.It may be an exaggeration to call it the second family in Yangzhou, but it is indeed the second wealthiest family in Yangzhou.

There are so many wealthy businessmen in Yangzhou, but the Mi family firmly occupies the second position, which is the return on investment.

Liu Ke gave the Mi family an unprecedented return!

"It's good that you know that I'm busy with business, so you can't be more honest. In order to pick you up, I was ridiculed by my elder brother, and my father's eyes changed when he looked at me." Yuan Xi complained, how difficult it was for him!

"Second Young Master said that the Zhen family made Second Young Master bother." Zhen Yao said.

"Where's Zhen Mi?" Yuan Xi ignored Zhen Yao, looking around for his fiancée.

Zhen Mi knew that she couldn't escape, and Yuan Xi came for her, so she got off the carriage.

What a graceful figure!

Yuan Xi's heart was moved for a while, seeing that Zhen Mi did not betray him, he was finally relieved, but his expression still turned cold, and he said:

"Married to my Yuan family, married to my Yuan Xi, did you make things difficult for you?"

"Second son, that's not the case. I just want to see the prosperity of Yangzhou, so I followed my brother south." Zhen Mi explained.

"Yangzhou is prosperous? Can it be as big as Yecheng?" Yuan Xi sneered.

In his opinion, Yecheng is not weaker than Chang'an Luoyang.

As for Yangzhou?

Only in the legend.

When Zhen Mi heard Yuan Xi's answer, she couldn't help feeling disappointed.

With such knowledge, is he worthy to be her husband?

However, there is no choice.

"Naturally, Ye City is bigger." Zhen Yao said.

Yecheng was first built in the Spring and Autumn Period during Duke Huan of Qi Dynasty, and it has always been an important city in the Yellow River Basin.

But compared to the current Dongyang City, it's just a joke.

"I didn't ask you a question, who asked you to interrupt?" Yuan Xi said.

Zhen Yao stepped back quickly.

"Tell me, why did you go south to Yangzhou? I don't want to hear lies." Yuan Xi forced.

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