There are people from the Zhen family around Yuan Xi, and the Zhen family naturally has people from Yuan Xi.

Some gossip, Yuan Xi knows it all.

Zhen Mi bit her lip and said, what good would it do everyone?

Seeing Zhen Mi's silence, Yuan Xi became even angrier, and said, "Did you go to see Dongyang Hou? It is rumored that Dongyang Hou is a handsome talent, unusually handsome, isn't it?"

"Second Young Master, there is absolutely no such thing!" Zhen Yao said.

"I'll say it again, I didn't ask you anything!" Yuan Xi said.

Zhen Yao could only shut up.

From Zhen Mi's expression, Yuan Xi had already got the answer, the answer he least wanted.

"I heard that you admire Dongyanghou before, but I don't care at all, because you are so far apart, it is impossible to meet each other. But today, you let me see what it means to be ashamed!" Yuan Xi roared.

He is a man, and if he is a man, he will be competitive.

Yuan Xi thought that he was no worse than anyone else, even his father recognized it, and entrusted Youzhou to him to take care of it.

Therefore, he would never forgive Zhen Mi's behavior.

It was like slapping him in the face!

"Remember, you are my fiancee! If you can't remember, there is no need for the Zhen family to exist!" Yuan Xi roared angrily.

Zhen Mi's face was pale. If it wasn't for the family, she would have jumped into Dongyang River long ago.

Her father passed away when she was very young, so Zhen Mi has always had a hard life.

"No more." Zhen Mi said.

"Okay, you are a woman, I won't hit you, but remember what you said." Yuan Xi said.

"I will supervise." Zhen Yao said.

"You supervise? What kind of supervision do you use? Look at your feet, whose land is it!" Yuan Xi growled.

Zhen Yao stopped talking.

Seeing her brother humiliating, Zhen Mi felt very uncomfortable.However, she is just an ordinary woman, what can be done?

After venting, Yuan Xi regained his composure, and said, "As for Dongyang Hou, I will settle this account with him sooner or later. No matter which eyes he uses to look at you, I will dig it out!"

Go if you have the ability!

Zhen Mi struggled a little in her heart.

However, Yuan Xi is just bragging, what kind of onion is he if his father can't handle things?

Not only that, Yuan Xi was afraid that Liu Ke would find him here, and said:

"Drop the frame and ride away."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Liu Ke chased him all night, but he only caught up with the Zhen family's brigade.

Dian Wei checked again and said, "Zhen Yao is not among them."

"Where's Sister Zhen?" Princess Wannian asked eagerly.

"The important people are not here," Dian Wei said.

Princess Wannian seemed very disappointed, Liu Ke comforted her:

"Don't worry, where can they go?"

"En." Princess Wannian said softly, she was very tired at the moment, after all, she had been running around on horseback all night.

"How about I send you back first? I promise to bring you back." Liu Ke said.

Looking at the energetic Liu Ke, Princess Wannian didn't know what to say!

Probably, this is the tempering of military career.

Last night, Princess Wannian dozed off several times in Liu Ke's arms, and was awakened again by the fast horse.

After all, I fell asleep for a while.

Liu Ke is indeed restless.

"No need! I'll stick to it. At worst, I'll sleep a little longer." Princess Wannian said shyly.

"Don't worry, sir, let's cook, we still have to eat breakfast." Liu Ke said.

Then Dian Wei reported again: "Brother, the interrogation is here. They are heading towards Xuzhou. They are all fast horses."

"Sister Zhen is just a weak woman, how could they be like this..." Princess Wannian was a little angry.

"Something must have happened, otherwise Zhen Yao wouldn't be so eager." Liu Ke said.

"Could it be that Yuan Xi has arrived?" Princess Wannian speculated.

"Very likely." Liu Ke agreed.

"Yuan Xi is Yuan Shao's second son, will a war break out because of this?" Dian Wei said, if this is the case, there will be insufficient manpower.

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