Princess Wannian was taken aback, she just wanted to chase Zhen Mi back, not a war.

"Come on, you are getting more and more stupid. Xuzhou is our territory. What ability does Yuan Xi have to gather people? As for the future, why do we care if we fight sooner or later?" Liu Ke said.

Princess Wannian finally felt a little more at ease. These words, as if Liu Ke specially said them to her, were very warm.

"Hey, just in case!" Dian Wei said, "Do you want to notify Hua Xiong to set up a checkpoint?"

Hua Xiong is the governor of Xuzhou, in charge of Xuzhou's garrison.

"No, just let him pay attention." Liu Ke said.

Anyway, this is a private matter, there is no need to mobilize people.Setting up checkpoints will affect the traffic in Xuzhou. What should merchants do?

The impact is too great.

People who didn't know thought that something happened in Xuzhou.

"Also, let Hua Xiong prepare a boat to cross the river at any time." Liu Ke said.

"Crossing the river?" Dian Wei was startled, now Liu Ke's power and Yuan Shao's power are separated by the Yellow River.

Crossing the river means entering Yuan Shao's territory.

Moreover, Xuzhou and Yanzhou are very close.Recently, Cao Cao stationed [-] troops in Yanzhou, and he was in full swing.

Will the mobilization of soldiers and horses in Xuzhou stimulate Cao Cao?

At that time, when Cao Cao and Yuan Shao come to cooperate, Liu Ke will be passive.

"Trust me." Liu Ke said.

"Okay!" Dian Wei agreed, didn't he just want to stimulate?

Everyone just play once.

Although this is a last resort.

Maybe in Xuzhou, Yuan Xi can be caught.

Due to the bumps on the horse's back, everyone only ate half full.

"Brother, it's ready." Dian Wei said.

"By the way, don't just chase in the direction of Xuzhou, it's very likely that this is just a cover-up." Liu Ke said.

"Brother, you mean the direction of Runan?" Dian Wei deduced that there are usually only these two directions if you want to leave Yangzhou.

"Split out an army." Liu Ke said cautiously.

"Understood!" Dian Wei said.

So the army set off and continued to chase.

When Yuan Xi came to Yangzhou, he must have changed the customs clearance documents, otherwise Hua Xiong would have arrested him long ago.

There is no way, for the sake of trade, Liu Ke relaxed the conditions, and there are caravans everywhere.

As long as Yuan Xi pretends to be a caravan from Jizhou, it is easy to pass in disguise.

A day has passed.

In order to take care of his subordinates, Liu Ke ordered to rest.

"This Yuan Xi can really run, don't let us catch him, cut off his two legs first." Dian Wei said cursingly.

Liu Ke ignored him, because Princess Wannian had already fallen asleep in his arms.

Liu Ke can't help but admire that he can fall asleep in such a posture.

Maybe it's too tired.

"I guess we're chasing in the wrong direction." Liu Ke said.

When I was in Lelang County, there was only one official road.But Yangzhou and Xuzhou, under the management of Liu Ke, are well connected.

After all, to get rich, build roads first.

Now, it has become a problem instead.Of course, it's just a temporary trouble.

"Are we going too far?" Dian Wei asked.

This is very possible!

Because the cavalry in Yangzhou are very elite and run faster.

If Yuan Xi enters Yanzhou, it will be even more difficult for Liu Ke to pursue him.

Is it possible that he really brought his troops into Yanzhou?

Although Cao Cao is easy to bully, it is definitely not now.

"Let Hua Xiong pay attention to Xuzhou, let's cross the river." Liu Ke said.

Really want to cross the river?

Acting from Xuzhou will definitely alarm Cao Cao's army. It is safest to cross the river from Qingzhou, but Qingzhou is too far away.

Just when Liu Ke was about to cross the river, the scouts in the direction of Runan reported to the Zhen family.

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