It's the flag of the Yangzhou iron cavalry, and they really came after them!

This is Cao Cao's territory, aren't they afraid of triggering a big war?

With such a large force of cavalry, even if the frontier army is blind, it is impossible for them to be deaf, right?

Suddenly, the cavalry blocking the front parted a path, Liu Ke rode his horse forward and said, "Is Zhen Yao in the team?"

Zhen Yao was trembling, and was glared at by Yuan Xi, so he had no choice but to bite the bullet and go out.

"Meet Dongyanghou!"

This scene happened to be noticed by Liu Ke. Originally, he only suspected that Yuan Xi was in the team, but now he was 100% sure.

Who else can make Zhen Yao follow his advice?

"I don't know why the Marquis of Dongyang intercepted us?" Zhen Yao pretended to be nonchalant.

That's it!

Yuan Xi silently encouraged Zhen Yao to behave normally, just dismiss Dongyang Hou.

Suddenly, Yuan Xi's heart skipped a beat.

What, who was Zhen Yao talking about just now?

It turned out to be Dongyang Hou personally chasing him!

Yuan Xi couldn't help short of breath, why did he encounter all the shitty things?

"Where is Yuan Xi?" Liu Ke asked directly.

"Marquis Dongyang is joking, the second son is far away in Youzhou, and he has a lot of things to do every day, how could he be here?" Zhen Yao said.


Yuan Xi couldn't help admiring that Zhen Yao's performance was flawless.

"Then he is your servant?" Liu Ke pointed at Yuan Xi and asked.

For a moment, Zhen Yao didn't dare to answer.

Damn it, there was a flaw here!

It must be because of my extraordinary appearance that the Marquis of Dongyang recognized it, Yuan Xi secretly thought.

Now that things have come to this point, I can only admit that I really want to be a servant of the Zhen family?

I don't know how Dongyang Hou will make things difficult. When I return to Jizhou, my father will be extremely scolded.

"I'm Yuan Xi, I don't know why the Marquis of Dongyang is looking for me?" Yuan Xi admitted generously when he was recognized.

"Don't you feel ashamed to sneak into Yangzhou and carry out espionage activities?" Liu Ke said.

What espionage?

Yuan Xi was surprised.

"I lost a border defense map in Yangzhou, and it turned out that you ordered someone to take it away." Liu Ke said.

At this moment, Yuan Xi is in a state of bewilderment. When did he steal the map?

Things that shouldn't be done!

"Come on, take Yuan Xi down!" Liu Ke said.


Yuan Xi wanted to scold her angrily. It turned out that the previous words were all nonsense, just to pave the way for the last sentence.

What a Marquis of Dongyang!

"Marquis Dongyang, don't spout blood!" Yuan Xi retorted.

"I don't accept the debate. If you dare to resist, you will be killed on the spot." Liu Ke said.

Now Yuan Xi didn't even dare to speak harsh words.


The Yangzhou cavalry pulled out their sabers, which startled Yuan Xi even more.

"Marquis Dongyang, if you have something to say, we can accept the search. If we can't find it, let us go, okay?" Yuan Xi almost begged.

There is no way, there are only dozens of riders around him, how can he resist?

As for the body search, it is absolutely a shame.

But what can be done?

What's the point of sacrificing a little dignity?

"That's a good idea." Liu Ke said, "Take off your clothes first."

Yuan Xi was stunned.

"Do you want my people to do it?" Liu Ke said.

Yuan Xi had no choice but to take off his coat and walk around in front of Liu Ke.

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