"Look, there's nothing there? Can the Marquis of Dongyang see clearly?"

Yuan Xi acted like a clown in order to prove his innocence.

"Hahaha, this is Yuan Shao's tortoise son!" Dian Wei laughed.

The discipline of the Yangzhou Cavalry Army is strict, so of course they dare not speak out, but how dare the members of the Zhen family mock Yuan Xi?

Only Dian Wei, a lawless person, would say that.

Yuan Xi's face turned red, but in order to survive, he could only endure it.

"Your people put down their weapons." Liu Ke was about to remove the weapons of these dozens of people when something happened.

It turned out that Princess Wannian found Zhen Mi's figure, and couldn't help saying: "Dongyang Hou, Sister Zhen is in the team! Rescue her quickly!"

Yuan Xi seemed to have grasped at straws, grabbed a sword, and held Zhen Mi hostage.

"Don't come here, don't come here, or I'll kill her!"

The Yangzhou cavalry raised their bows and set their arrows, Liu Ke raised his hands, and everyone only kept aiming.

But after all dare not shoot.

Yuan Xi knew that he had made the right bet!

Princess Wannian finally knew that she had made a slip of the tongue and ruined Liu Ke's plan.

Originally, Liu Ke wanted to focus everyone's attention on Yuan Xi himself, so that Yuan Xi would ignore Liu Ke's real purpose.

Now that Yuan Xi is so decisive, it is not easy to save fuel.

"Hahaha, Marquis of Dongyang, you can catch this woman as soon as I am happy, and I will let this woman go!" Yuan Xi said.

this woman?

Zhen Mi seemed to have been greatly humiliated, this is her fiancé!

He didn't give her any dignity, and even used her as a shield!

Why does a man take the slightest bit of responsibility?

Zhen Mi was already extremely disappointed, her eyes turned gray.

"Second Young Master, you can't do this..." Zhen Yao said eagerly.

"What do you know? Your Zhen family can sit back and relax, what about me? Dongyanghou will let me go? It's all your fault! You have to bring my fiancée to Yangzhou, otherwise how could these things happen? Now, in order to save me, It's time for you to make sacrifices!"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Princess Wannian realized that her slip of the tongue was irreparable, her complexion was pale, and she was under tremendous pressure in her heart.

Her intentions were good, she just wanted to save her friend.

But who would have thought that Yuan Xi would be so shameless?

Liu Ke has absolute power, but he has to be careful, after all, he is here to rob people.

"Put her down, you can leave." Liu Ke said.

"Impossible!" Yuan Xi roared, life is important, but there are other more important things.

If Zhen Mi was snatched from him, how would he explain it?

To bow down to Dongyang Hou can also be said to be a man who can bend and stretch.

Facing Dongyang Hou, who is not afraid?

However, his fiancée was robbed face to face, and the consequences were even more serious.

Yuan Xi not only wanted his life, but also his future.

Yuan Shao does not only have one son, Yuan Tan and Yuan Shang are both Yuan Xi's competitors.

Therefore, Yuan Xi clenched the sword in his hand and said, "Make way for us to leave."

"You're dreaming!" Liu Ke said.

"Marquis Dongyang, if you don't let me go, I'll kill her now!" Yuan Xi said fiercely.

"Then taste the taste of a corpse." Liu Ke said.

Yuan Xi shrank his neck, he really didn't dare to do that!

As a result, the two sides were at a stalemate.

Liu Ke knew that if the delay continued, the situation would be unfavorable to him. After all, this is the territory of Cao Cao's army.

Just when Liu Ke was about to make a move, there was the sound of horseshoes in the distance.

So fast!

"Brother, what should we do?" Dian Wei asked anxiously.

Liu Ke calmed down and listened, and then said: "The number of enemies is only ten thousand, and there is still a chance."

"For the sake of brother's safety, let's retreat, the future will be long." Dian Wei said.

Princess Wannian also knew that the situation was wrong, and said: "Marquis Dongyang, General Dian is right, let's leave first."

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