One word to describe it is "shameless".

"Don't say I didn't give you a chance." Liu Ke said.

"Marquis Dongyang, you are just kidding. You only have two to three thousand people, and we are twice as many as you. What are you going to give me a chance?" Yuan Xi said.

"Your life." Liu Ke said.

"My life is in my hands, come and take it if you have the ability!" Yuan Xi said.

After hearing this sentence, Le Jin frowned, this Yuan Xi really didn't know what to do.

Do you really think that Cao Cao's army is his subordinate?


"That's what you said." Liu Ke said, remembering it in his heart.

"Yes, as I said, it was rumored that Dongyang Hou is a hero, but it turned out that he is not just a layman!" Yuan Xi said, thinking that his aggressive method had succeeded.

Dian Wei was excited and anxious at the same time.There should be no way to avoid this fight.

It's time to kill it.

Liu Ke knew that he couldn't continue to waste it. Now Cao Cao's army is only cavalry, and when the infantry blocks the main road, it will cause big trouble.

Perhaps, Yuan Xi thought the same way.

However, Yuan Xi forgot one thing, that is, he cannot be the master here.

Liu Ke looked at Le Jin, his attitude determined whether he needed to fight or not.

Chapter four hundred and ninety fourth shot

"Your Excellency also heard, there is nothing to hide." Liu Ke said to Le Jin.

For Le Jin, this is indeed a test.

Yuan Xi must be saved, but as for the woman beside him... it seems that there is no need to take risks.

However, Le Jin did not lose his momentum, and said: "Marquis of Dongyang, you must know that this is our territory, and in Yanzhou, we can mobilize [-] troops at any time."

Le Jin's tone was serious, not joking.

Liu Ke didn't panic at all, and said, "Cao Cao wants to go to war?"

One sentence knocked Le Jin down.

Now is not the time yet!

Bingzhou hadn't digested it yet, so going to war at this time would definitely outweigh the gains.

Therefore, Le Jin couldn't respond.

"The Marquis of Dongyang is aggressive, and we have no choice but to do so." Le Jin said.

The implication is that if Liu Ke backs down a step, it will be easy for everyone to talk.

"Yuan Xi swore in Yuan Shao's name that he would let Zhen Mi go. Now, he broke his promise first." Liu Ke said.

Le Jin couldn't help admiring, this Yuan Xi is really a newborn calf who is not afraid of tigers, and Dongyang Hou dares to deceive?

"Yuan Xi did this because he wanted to provoke the relationship between me and Cao Cao, and wanted us to fight and benefit from it." Liu Ke said.

Le Jin thought so deeply, so he was also hesitating whether he should simply agree to Dongyanghou's conditions.

"If this matter fails, I will not let it go." Liu Ke said.

Most people know Liu Ke's personality.

If Le Jin insists, Liu Ke will be Cao Cao's army no matter what Yuan Xi provokes or what, there is no doubt about it.

Le Jin seemed to have seen the scene of a melee of millions of troops, and so did Princess Wannian.

I thought it was a simple competition, but I didn't expect it to turn out like this.

She just wanted to help sister Zhen, why did this happen?

She doesn't want to fight.

Le Jin didn't want to either, so he looked at Yuan Xi.

"Master Inspector, you have also seen it, handing her over, everything is negotiable." Le Jin said.

"Discuss? What's there to discuss? With so many of you, can't you protect me?" Yuan Xi said.

Originally, he wanted to say, is it true that Cao Cao's army is full of wine bags and rice bags?

But when he thought of relying on Le Jin's strength, Yuan Xi stopped abruptly.

"Is this a matter of thousands of people? It affects the whole body. Maybe you don't know it, maybe you have forgotten it. Now this general reminds you that what you are facing is the Marquis of Dongyang! It is the people who occupy Jiaozhou, Yangzhou, The absolute overlord of Xuzhou and Qingzhou!" Le Jin said.

Wanting to provoke the relationship between the lord and the Marquis of Dongyang, I simply don't know what to say!

Although there will be a war sooner or later, it is definitely not now.

Yuan Xi wants to be the fuse, and he must not be allowed to succeed.

Yuan Xi was taken aback, but he still insisted: "Zhen Mi is my fiancée, if I hand it over, what face will I have?"

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