Why didn't you talk about face when you took off your clothes for inspection?

Yuan Xi just wanted to find an excuse to fight back against Liu Ke.

Le Jin had a headache.

"Dongyanghou, can we discuss this matter again?"

"If I let Yuan Xi go, that would be the biggest setback. What else do you want?" Liu Ke said.

Le Jin is speechless, what can he do?He also wanted to ask, what are these two gods thinking.

"I don't care what you decide, if you can't take Zhen Mi away, Yanzhou will be ready for a big war." Liu Ke said, already threatening very bluntly.

No matter what Le Jin said, he was a general leading troops, and said: "Lord Inspector, if you refuse to give up, then we will have to abandon you."

Yuan Xi was finally afraid. After all, Le Jin was his only backer at the moment. If Le Jin ignored him, he would definitely die a very miserable death.

"Hurry up and decide." Le Jin urged.

"Is Cao Cao's army so cowardly and incompetent?" Yuan Xi said angrily, "Give me [-] elite soldiers, and he would have taken Dongyanghou's dog's head long ago, so it's his turn to be arrogant here!"

Le Jin frowned.

Liu Ke didn't want to continue to delay, which would be very detrimental to him.

"Come on, take care of Wannian," Liu Ke ordered.

"Brother, don't worry." Dian Wei said.

Liu Ke put Princess Wannian down and put another horse on the horse.

"Dongyanghou..." Princess Wannian called softly.

"Don't worry, I'll be back as soon as I go." Liu Ke said.

Although Princess Wannian is young, she also knows that a big battle is going to happen next.

She was terrified of this.

Liu Ke grabbed her hand, gave her a comfort, and then went to Consonance Mochizuki.

"I'm afraid Cao Cao's army is stalling for time. After I go to rescue people and break through the enemy's formation, I will return directly, so you have to protect it for ten thousand years." Liu Ke said.

Dian Wei's heart was itchy, and he also wanted to make a move, but seeing Liu Ke's sincerely begging eyes, he had no choice but to comply.

Le Jin and Yuan Xi were still at loggerheads, and they couldn't come to an agreement.

"If you don't agree to Marquis Dongyang's conditions, I will definitely report to my lord, and ask my lord to give you a book in front of Master Yuan Shao!" Le Jin said.

Yuan Xi was directly caught by the lifeline, and what he was most worried about was whether this matter would affect his succession.

Cao Cao's words are still of great reference value.What's more, Cao Cao and Yuan Shao have always been friends.Of course, it is also an opponent.

"General Le, is it so difficult to protect the lives of my husband and wife?" Yuan Xi made concessions in his attitude.

Just as Le Jin was about to say something, Yuan Xi suddenly felt something was wrong.

Liu Ke picked up the longbow, aimed at Yuan Xi in an instant, and shot an arrow.

Accurately hitting Yuan Xi's shoulder, Yuan Xi wailed and lay down directly.

If Zhen Mi hadn't stood in front of Yuan Xi, Liu Ke's arrow would have killed Yuan Xi.

"Protect the second son!"

"Protect Yuan Xi!"

Cao Cao's army and Zhen's family were in chaos.

Liu Ke clapped his horse and charged, and following Dian Wei's order, three thousand cavalry also charged.

But Dian Wei could only stay where he was and protect Princess Wannian, crying without tears.

Le Jin was startled and frightened, Dongyang Hou launched an attack directly!

This point, he never thought of.

"Damn it, Marquis Dongyang, I won't let you do anything wrong!" Le Jin roared, and went straight to Liu Ke.

At this moment, Liu Ke rushed left and right, ignoring Cao Cao's army formation.

The spear stabbed, reaping the lives of Cao Cao's army.

Afterwards, Liu Ke retracted his gun, passed by Zhen Mi, picked her up with one arm, and put her on the horse.

Zhen Mi seemed to be in a dream, her mind went blank, she didn't know what to say.

Liu Ke and Zhen Mi face to face, feeling the girl's fragrance, couldn't help being upset.

But this is a battlefield, he didn't have time to think so much, and said, "Close your eyes and hold me tight."

Zhen Mi hugged Liu Ke subconsciously, but she was not obedient at all, and did not close her eyes.

I saw a bunch of pursuers behind Liu Ke, including Le Jin.

Le Jin brandished a big knife fiercely.

"Dongyang Hou be careful!"

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