-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Hold tight, don't move." Liu Ke ordered.

Because it was a chase, Liu Ke was not wearing armor.

Zhen Mi bumped into Liu Ke's arms like a little deer, the feeling was very real.

After hearing Liu Ke's shout, Zhen Mi hugged Liu Ke tightly and remained motionless. She chose to believe it.

Liu Ke never disappoints people, even if there are enemies all around, Liu Ke is not timid.

Pick and kill all the way, penetrate the camp of Cao Cao's army, and come to a hillside.

The army is still fighting!

Seeing the heroic scene in front of her, Zhen Mi didn't know what to say, the strong smell of blood made her want to vomit.

Le Jin's liver and gallbladder were about to burst, so he killed him!

It's not that he hasn't seen the elite cavalry in Yangzhou before, but the cavalry he trained for so long seemed to be slaughtered like pigs and dogs, how could he remain calm?


The weapons collided fiercely, and Liu Ke easily set up Le Jin's broadsword.

"Dongyanghou, this hatred is irreconcilable, today, either you die or I die!" Le Jin shouted frantically.

However, his strength was still not as good as Liu Ke's, so he had no choice but to withdraw his sword and make a second blow.

Liu Ke carried Zhen Mi on his body, so it was difficult to dodge, so he could only block it again and again.

clang clang!

"I gave you a chance." Liu Ke said.

"Dongyanghou, are you not afraid of triggering a big battle?" Le Jin shouted, followed by a piercing sword.

Liu Ke threw Le Jin away with a single shot, and Le Jin almost fell off his horse.

The strength gap between the two sides is huge.

"War? I have fought all my life, what kind of battle have I never seen?" Liu Ke said.

Liu Ke has such confidence!

Le Jin was shocked by this passionate declaration, and said, "Dongyanghou, you will regret it!"

"I never regret what I do," Liu Ke said.

The two played against each other with more than ten strokes, and there was no winner.Le Jin was obviously at a disadvantage, so he kept harassing Liu Ke with his words.

"Dongyanghou, I never thought that you would do such a thing for a woman, and you would not hesitate to start a war of millions of people! A beauty is a disaster, but that's all! Dongyanghou, that's all!" Le Jin said.

Zhen Mi was shocked, she didn't want to be that kind of woman, but Liu Ke's next words made her unable to extricate herself.

"Zhen Mi is the woman I want to protect."

"Dongyanghou, you are not as good as my lord!" Le Jin gritted his teeth and slashed again.


When the two fought against each other, the battle on the hillside continued.

However, the sound of fighting became weaker and weaker.

Le Jin looked back and knew that his subordinates were finished.


Le Jin rode his horse desperately, swung his knife, and the target was aimed at Zhen Mi!

How could Liu Ke let him succeed?One shot knocked Le Jin's long knife into the air.

Le Jin's tiger's mouth burst open, blood flowed out, and he ran away in despair.

"Dongyanghou, this matter will not end easily!"

Liu Ke took Zhen Mi with him and did not pursue him.

It just so happened that Dian Wei brought Princess Wannian to meet up. When Princess Wannian and Zhen Mi met, her eyes were clouded with tears.

"Okay, this is not a place to talk, let's leave first." Liu Ke said.

Now that Le Jin is escaping, he will definitely notify the garrison. When more Cao Cao surrounds him, it will be even more difficult for Liu Ke to escape.

On the way to evacuate, Liu Ke asked: "How is Yuan Xi? Did you catch him?"

"That kid has already run away!" Dian Wei replied.

"It's his luck." Liu Ke said.

The future is long, so write down this account first.

At this moment, Yuan Xi's complexion was pale, and his blood was continuously bleeding.Of course, there is also a reason for fear.

"Marquis of Dongyang, this hatred is irreconcilable!" Yuan Xi cursed angrily.

"Second Young Master, be careful!" Zhen Yao whispered, fearing that Yuan Xi would get angry and tear open the wound.

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