"Meng De is right." Yuan Shao said.

"Jizhou, how are you preparing?" Cao Cao asked.

This is the bottom line.

"Our army has [-] warriors!" Yuan Shao said vigorously.

Sure enough, Yuan Shao worked very hard.

"Youzhou is an important place, so it's not appropriate to hand it over to Yuan Xi?" Cao Cao mentioned intentionally or unintentionally.

Yuan Shao's face darkened. Although he was very disappointed with this son, it was not Cao Cao who could meddle in his own business.

"Don't worry, I won't hold you back," Yuan Shao said.

"I hope so." Cao Cao said.

"And you, how are you going?" Yuan Shao said.

"[-] troops, ready to go." Cao Cao said.


Yuan Shao couldn't help laughing and said: "Meng De, you occupy the land of the three states, but you don't work hard to expand your troops. Do you want me to be the first bird?"

Cao Cao looked distressed and said, "[-] troops is already a lot of money. You have to support the imperial court. Where can you get so much money?"

"Wouldn't it be enough to plan a few more times?" Yuan Shao said.

Do you think that tomb robbery is a simple matter?

Cao Cao didn't want to discuss this topic, and said: "No matter how you say it, the army is stronger than yours."

This is indeed the case, so Yuan Shao has nothing to say.

"This battle will determine the pattern of the Central Plains, Mengde should serve some snacks," Yuan Shao urged.

"I understand better than you, just wait, this time, I will definitely teach the Marquis of Dongyang an unforgettable lesson!" Cao Cao said confidently.

Yuan Shao didn't know where Cao Cao's confidence came from, but it would be good for both sides to win the battle.

Otherwise, Dongyang Hougai will be the king, and they will not have a bright future.

Now, everyone is crazy and violent, it depends on who can't hold on.

The two chatted for a while, finalizing some details.

During this period, Cao Cao also discovered an interesting thing, that is, Yuan Shao's clothes were patched.

In order to support the [-] troops, Yuan Shao went bankrupt.

It was not easy to have the Zhen family as a supplement, but the real estate couldn't be sold!

That's why Yuan Shao was so angry.

Cao Cao felt a headache when he thought of the fat ministers in the court. Although he cut his salary, the results were not great.

If everyone is united, Cao Cao is sure to be able to go to the next level.

It's a pity that these people have their own little thoughts.

Just wait for Cao Cao to be defeated and his prestige to decline, so he can fish in troubled waters.

The court is their world.

A group of short-sighted people.

But this time, Cao Cao thought that he would never lose again.

Because, he planted a secret, just waiting for the thunder to strike.

Dongyang Hou is arrogant and arrogant, and one day he will pay the price for this, Cao Cao has always believed.

"It's time for Marquis Dongyang to recognize the reality! The world belongs to us!" Yuan Shao said with great enthusiasm.

"Ben Chu said it well!" Cao Cao agreed.

The two clapped their hands together as an alliance.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Cao Cao and Yuan Shao have made no secret of their ambitions, their ambitions for Yangzhou.

Facing the enemy's coveting, how could Liu Ke be unprepared at all.

As time went by, Yangzhou did not have an advantage in terms of military strength.Therefore, what Liu Ke implemented was the elite soldier strategy.

Continuing to expand the army now will not help Yangzhou much.

The structure is too bloated, which is also a disaster.

Liu Ke held a cabinet meeting to discuss the future path of Yangzhou.

"There is no way to mobilize the defenders in Jiaozhou." Jia Xu said that he knew Jiaozhou best.

Liu Ke agreed with this point of view.

Because the territory is too large, Liu Ke needs to guard many places.

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