Not only Jiaozhou, but also the defenders of Yangzhou, Xuzhou, and Qingzhou, Liu Ke did not plan to mobilize.

From the very beginning, Liu Ke planned to take the initiative.

The target is Yanzhou.

Move the battlefield into enemy territory.

As Cao Cao's stronghold in Yanzhou, it is impossible for him to give up easily.In the past, there was a disparity in strength, but now Cao Cao has enough confidence.

"Just choose Yanzhou as the battlefield." Liu Ke said.

"My lord, I'm afraid Cao Cao won't let us do what we want," Guo Jia said.

"Don't be afraid, if Cao Cao sticks to Yanzhou, it will be better, if he plans to raid other places, he will only lose faster." Liu Ke said.

Because Yangzhou has always been very fast in terms of action.

After all, Yangzhou iron cavalry is famous all over the world.

Liu Ke also considered the situation that Cao Cao would stick to Yanzhou and Yuan Shao would attack Qingzhou.

But would Cao Cao really make such a sacrifice?

Moreover, it is meaningless to occupy some territories without defeating the main force of the Yangzhou army.

Liu Ke's strength lies in the army, not some cities.

Except for Dongyang City and the important border towns, the rest of the cities are still the same, and Liu Ke will not use them for reinforcement if he has money.

Therefore, the first goal was to attack Yanzhou and make Cao Cao tired of defense.

The rest of the people did not express any objection.

"My lord, I think we can win over Sun Ce," Lu Su said.

"Sun Ce is strong, but he is not short-sighted. What's more, he has a counselor like Zhou Yu under his command, so he should not be underestimated." Liu Ke said.

"How do you know if you don't try it? If we get Sun Ce's help, we will be more stable." Lu Su said.

"My lord, I think this matter can be done. Both Yuan Shao and Cao Cao are suspicious people, and this action can disturb their judgment." Xu Shu said.

"Okay, this matter can be put on the agenda, anyway, we have nothing to lose." Liu Ke said.

Once the separation is successful, it is a great achievement.

"We still have allies to fight for, including Ma Chao and Yuan Shu," Xun You said.

Cao Cao's desire to seize Liangzhou has never stopped, and Ma Chao must know it.

When Cao Cao dispatched troops to Yanzhou, Ma Chao could attack Chang'an.

Of course, some benefits must be given to Ma Chao, otherwise he would definitely not take the risk.

As for Yuan Shu, Liu Ke was a little confused.

According to his past position, he should be on Liu Ke's side.

However, the attacking side also included Yuan Shao.

This is the variable.

Moreover, Cao Cao must have taken precautions after suffering from Yuan Shu's losses.

So, what method will he use to deal with Yuan Shu?

Will Yuan Shu fight back?

These are uncertain factors.

"Sending one envoy to Liangzhou and one envoy to Runan, we must confirm Ma Chao and Yuan Shu's intentions, especially Yuan Shu's. This is related to the deployment of our troops." Liu Ke said.

"My lord is right." Lu Su agreed.

"Actually, we have other allies." Liu Ke said mysteriously.

It was tacit understanding.

When the time comes, give Yuan Shao a surprise.

"Jiaozhou needs to guard against Yizhou and Jingzhou, and its troops are still relatively short. Once it is attacked, it can only rely on the terrain to delay time." Guo Jia said.

"The probability of sending troops from Yizhou is less than [-]%, but all variables must be taken into account." Liu Ke said, "Our Yangzhou, this time, is going to be an enemy of the princes of the world, so we plan according to this goal. If there are allies to help, that is Got it."

Everyone expressed their agreement one after another. There must be no fluke mentality, and the key to determining the outcome should be handed over to the allies.

What Liu Ke has to do is to defeat Yuan Shao and Cao Cao's coalition forces with a thunderous momentum. In this way, the foundation for victory is laid.

"This is a diplomatic matter. The most important thing is to rely on us. How is the military training?" Liu Ke asked.

The representative of Tiance Mansion is Zhao Yun, and said: "The main battle corps has no problem! It is enough to take over any big battle!"

The main combat corps is only responsible for combat, training around the clock, and does not need to consider other things.

Moreover, the recruits were still drawn from the garrison.

That's why Zhao Yun is so confident.

Liu Ke was very satisfied.

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