"The training of the garrison is a bit poor," Xun You admitted.

Liu Ke didn't blame, but waited for Xun You to explain further.

"The weapons and equipment produced in Tie Niu City are generally given priority to the main battle corps, so the garrison troops can only be capable, and the effect is not particularly obvious." Xun You said.

Liu Ke expanded his army to nearly [-] at once, and Tieniucheng was of course too busy.

As far as Liu Ke knew, Li Gandang had arranged to work overtime, almost in two shifts, in order to rush to manufacture weapons and equipment.

For the sake of the craftsman's health, Liu Ke dared not continue to persecute him.

"There is still some time. When the war starts, the equipment will definitely be in place." Liu Ke said.

"The garrison is already practicing alternately, so they won't hold back," Xun You said.

"My lord, many big merchants in the Yangzhou Chamber of Commerce are willing to donate military expenses, what do you think?" Lu Su said.

In a battle of millions of people, the cost is not a small matter.

With Yangzhou's finances, loans from banks are also needed to ensure the progress of the war.

Yangzhou's finances are expected to last for half a year, and with loans, it will not be a problem to support it for a year.

However, once the war drags on for two or three years, Yangzhou will definitely be dragged down.

Therefore, taking advantage of the current strength, it is very necessary to harvest a wave of leeks.

But how to collect money quietly involves wisdom.

The nature of this kind of donation, the harvest will certainly not be too much.

Liu Ke thought for a while, and then he had a plan in mind.

"Military expenses are still required. Tell all the merchants in the Yangzhou Chamber of Commerce to donate [-] gold, and you can get a place in the imperial examination." Liu Ke said.

This is just an opportunity to directly take the imperial examination.

"If you donate up to [-] gold, you can take the exam three times in a row." Liu Ke said.

This is absolutely sky-high!

But for Yangzhou businessmen, this is a good opportunity.

What they need is Liu Ke's attitude!

As long as Liu Ke continues to support them, what is the money worth?

Take your time and you can earn it back.

"My lord is wise!" Everyone said in unison.

In the end, this matter was handed over to Chen Qun, and a banquet raised [-] million gold.

I have to say that this wave of leeks is very powerful.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The fourth imperial examination will be held in Dongyang City soon.

The charm of the imperial examination is that it can select scholars fairly and select talented people.

Prior to this, the official selection system in the Han Dynasty was the inspection system, and in the Western Han Dynasty, morality and talent were mainly used as the standard.

In the Eastern Han Dynasty, due to the decline of the royal family and the rise of local powerful forces, the standard of the investigation system changed from the character and ability of talents to the prestige of the family and the strength of the powerful forces.

It can be said that Liu Ke is against the gentry, so he is not popular.

The power of the gentry was very strong with Cao Cao and Yuan Shao, but when it came to Liu Ke, they were subject to certain restrictions.

Because the poor can rise.

Sun Quan kept his mission firmly in mind, and after returning to Jingzhou, he frantically studied arithmetic, read all the books given by Liu Ke, and digested more than half of them.

For a person with a poor foundation in mathematics, this is already very rare.

"Zhongmou, you don't need to work so hard, it's good to learn some government affairs when you have time." Sun Ce said.

"Brother, in order to bring back my little sister, all this hard work is nothing." Sun Quan said.

"I'm afraid my little sister is too happy to miss home right now." Sun Ce teased.

Now, the entire Sun family's affairs are on Sun Ce, so he desperately hopes that Sun Quan can help him.

In Sun Ce's view, Sun Quan is actually a battle of spirits at this moment.

Because Sun Quan didn't need to be assessed, he could be an official.

Some people are privileged, and no one dares to deny that.

Sun Ce killed many gentry and completely broke up with the powerful, but he still gave great importance to those who supported him.

"No matter what my little sister thinks, she is a member of our Sun family. If she is left in Yangzhou like this, the other princes may laugh at us." Sun Quan said.

"That's right." Sun Ce said.

"My lord, don't worry, let Zhongmou go out to gain knowledge. Heroes in the world should not be underestimated." Zhou Yu said.

Both bigwigs expressed their permission, Sun Quan packed up his clothes and saluted, and went to Yangzhou.

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