Although there is still some time before the imperial examination, in order to prevent various accidents, it is safer to start early.

After studying arithmetic, Sun Quan realized how broad and profound this knowledge is.

It is not unreasonable that Yangzhou's craftsmanship can progress extremely quickly.

"Dongyanghou, I'm here as promised, let me see how many talents Yangzhou has gathered."

In fact, not only Sun Quan, but also many people went to Yangzhou to witness the imperial examination.

After all, everyone is discussing why Dongyanghou was able to rise so quickly.

Among them, talents are definitely indispensable.

After arriving in Yangzhou, Sun Quan visited Liu Ke immediately.

Liu Ke welcomed Sun Quan's arrival.

"Marquis of Dongyang, I will definitely be named on the gold list." Sun Quan vowed authentically. The reason why he didn't dare to say the top three was because he was not at the top in arithmetic.

"With ambition, my promise to you is still valid." Liu Ke said.

Sun Quan bid farewell.

"My lord, why don't you express your intention of forming an alliance with Sun Ce by wooing Sun Quan?" Lu Su said.

"Sun Ce and Zhou Yu are very independent and will not be influenced by Sun Quan. If you want to try, I will not stop you." Liu Ke said.

Lu Su was very speechless, the lord didn't worry about such things, what was he worrying about.

"Is the candidate for the envoy finalized?" Liu Ke asked.

"Liu Ye plans to go to Liangzhou, and Cheng Yu plans to go to Runan," Lu Su said.

"Let's arrange it like this." Liu Ke said, these two people are relatively reliable in their work.

As the imperial examination approached, another person entered Yangzhou.

That is to say, Sima Yi who brushes up his prestige.

Now that Cao Cao's territory is calm and calm, Sima Yi has no chance to stand out, so he came directly to Yangzhou to visit Sima Hui and Cai Yong.

Regardless of the fact that Sima Yi and Sima Hui have the same surname, they have nothing to do with each other in recent generations.

Sima Hui was born in Yangzhai, Yingchuan. He was a famous scholar in the late Eastern Han Dynasty.

Known as "Mr. Water Mirror".

Sima Yi was born in Xiaojingli, Wen County, Hanoi County, and was born in the Sima family in Hanoi.

Pang Tong used to be just a poor bachelor, and then he met Sima Hui by chance.

Sima Hui and Pang Tong talked with each other day and night.After the discussion, Sima Hui was very surprised by Pang Tong, and said that Pang Tong was the top celebrity in Nanzhou, which made Pang Tong gradually known to others.

Pang Tong also joined Sima Hui's family to learn knowledge and enrich himself.

Therefore, Sima Yi also wanted to follow Pang Tong's path.

As long as Sima Hui praises him and spends money to publish in newspapers, Sima Yi's reputation will be publicized.

So when visiting Sima Hui, Sima Yi was very respectful and held a student courtesy.

"Students, pay homage to Mr. Shui Jing!" Sima Yi cupped his hands.

"Sit." Sima Hui said calmly.

Sima Yi crazily built up his prestige in Sizhou, and it finally had some effect.

At least Sima Hui had heard of this man.

The two had a long talk.

Sima Yi's eloquence was extraordinary, and he was quickly appreciated by Sima Hui.

"If you encounter any difficulties in Yangzhou, just come to me." Sima Hui said.

It can be said that Sima Yi worked extremely hard to make Sima Hui, who is a salted fish, say such words.

Sima Yi left contentedly, and picked another suitable time to visit Cai Yong.

Now, Sima Hui and Cai Yong are almost the leaders of Yangzhou literary circles.

Recently, Kong Rong seems to be on the rise. After relinquishing his position as the governor of Qingzhou, Kong Rong has no official status and is more enthusiastic about scholarship.

However, compared to the two predecessors, Kong Rong's reputation is still a little bit worse.

Therefore, Sima Yi's goal is Cai Yong.

And Sima Hui had already sent someone to inform Cai Yong in advance.

The circle of celebrities is very small, and Sima Hui can't help but promote talented juniors who are motivated and talented.

"Meet Cai Shangshu!" Sima Yi cupped his hands.

"No courtesy." Cai Yong said, and then had a deep talk with him.

Sure enough, Sima Yi is a great talent!

Compared with Pang Tong, Zhuge Liang, Lu Xun and others, they are a little bit behind. If they can study in Yangzhou for a period of time, they may not be able to catch up.

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