Now that Cai Yong has accepted Liu Ke's new trend of thought, Sima Yi's current performance, although perfect, always has a "countryman" feeling.

"Read more books published in Yangzhou." Cai Yong suggested.

"Students must remember." Sima Yi said.

After coming out of Cai Yong's mansion, Sima Yi smiled slightly, his goal had been achieved.

The next step is to publicize it.

In Yangzhou, what better publicity than newspapers?

What's more, it is related to the common evaluation of Sima Hui and Cai Yong.

Sima Yi flipped through the previous newspapers to see if there were any similar cases, and suddenly came across "Luo Shen Fu".

Especially amazing.

Sigh better than yourself.

"Yangzhou is indeed full of talents." Sima Yi praised.

Although Sima Hui and Cai Yong admired him very much, they have not yet reached the point of admiring him.

I am afraid it is because there are too many talents in Yangzhou.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

However, when Cai Yong reported the preparations for the imperial examination to Liu Ke, he still mentioned something about Sima Yi to Liu Ke.

"This man is quite talented, and he comes from the Sima family in Hanoi. If you want to recruit a good son-in-law, you can do it." Cai Yong said.

"Sima Yi..." Liu Ke said it silently, keeping the name in his heart.

Then Cai Yong left and handed over the decision to Liu Ke.

After seeing the excellence of Zhuge Liang, Pang Tong and others, Cai Yong's vision has also improved.

The same goes for Liu Ke.

After three imperial examinations to select scholars, Liu is not so urgent for talents.

However, in the end, he decided to meet Sima Yi.

Liu Ke didn't see each other when famous people came to visit, so he couldn't justify it.

"Is there any information on Sima Yi?" Liu Ke asked Wang Can.

Then Wang Can went to Xun You's place and got the dossier, but the records were not detailed.

Sima Yi had a good relationship with the famous hermit Hu Zhao when he was young.He was murdered because of his feud with Zhou Sheng and others in the same county. When Hu Zhao knew about it, he immediately went into danger to look for it.

Hu Zhao found Zhou Sheng and his party between Mianchi and Xiaoshan, and begged them to let Sima Yi go. Zhou Sheng refused at first, but Hu Zhao's sincerity in crying finally moved him and rescued Sima Yi.

Celebrity Yang Jun is known for knowing people well and being responsible. When Sima Yi was traveling, Yang Jun met him and said that he was definitely not an ordinary son.

Shangshu Cui Yan had a good relationship with Sima Yi's elder brother Sima Lang. He once said to Sima Lang: "Your brother is smart and sensible, decisive in doing things, and extraordinary in appearance. You can't compare with him."

Now Sima Yi traveled to Yangzhou because he rejected Cao Cao's conquest and came out to hide.

As for whether it was a trick of playing hard to get, Liu Ke didn't know.

But Sima Yi is ruthless enough.

Cao Hong thought he was not talented enough, so he wanted Sima Yi to help him, but Sima Yi was ashamed of being with Cao Hong and pretended to be sick.

After Cao Hong knew about it, he was very resentful, so he reported to Cao Cao.Cao Hong saved Cao Cao's life, so he is one of the closest people.

Originally, Sima Yi was going to be unlucky, but fortunately Sima Lang was also quite powerful, which gave Sima Yi the opportunity to travel.

When Liu Ke was planning to test Sima Yi, he suddenly got news that Sima Yi was with Cao Pi.

The two hit it off and chatted very speculatively.

Sima Yi is seven or eight years older than Cao Pi, but when he sees Cao Pi, he has the feeling of dying for his confidant.

Cao Pi's conversation is extraordinary, and so is Sima Yi.

Moreover, there is a sense of frustration on both sides.

The reason why Cao Pi is worried is because the teacher and his father will eventually have a battle, and this battle is inevitable.

But Sima Yi has nowhere to display his talents.

This was beyond Liu Ke's expectation.But he didn't intend to interfere, after all, everyone has their own communication.

Liu Ke didn't appear until they were talking about the same.

"See you sir!" Cao Pi said.

Isn't Cao Pi's husband the Marquis of Dongyang?

Sima Yi was taken aback, and hurriedly saluted, "See Dongyanghou!"

"There's no need to be too polite, this time I'm here for Sima Zhongda." Liu Ke said, directly stating his reason for coming.

Sima Yi was deeply moved, and said, "Why does the Marquis of Dongyang have to come in person, a message is enough."

"Sima Zhongda is humble. The future belongs to you rising stars. No matter how much you value it, you can't overestimate it." Liu Ke said.

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