Unlike Kong Rong and Sima Hui, everyone in the cabinet has real power.

"Your difficulty is not enough, dismiss it!"

Does Zhou Buyi dare to say that?

"In short, the topic should not be too easy or too difficult, otherwise you will understand the consequences." Liu Ke said.

"Teacher, I guarantee with my integrity that I won't cheat for you!" Zhou Bu doubted.

"Just tell me, can you finish it?" Liu Ke said.

Zhou Busu wanted to cry but had no tears!

Can we have fun, what is it to toss people?

However, for a one-month vacation, Zhou Buyi decided to fight it out!

So, Zhou Buyi went straight to the cabinet without stopping, explaining why he came.

Seeing the busy cabinet, Zhou Buyi was very embarrassed.

Everyone is so busy, and they have to arrange extra tasks, so they won't be beaten, right?

"You mean, my lord asked us to be in charge of the imperial examination questions?" Lu Su said.

"Yes." Zhou Buyi answered loudly.

"You mean, the lord will take the imperial examination?" Xun You said.

"Yes!" Zhou Buyi bit the bullet and said.

"You mean, the topic should be very difficult?" Jia Xu continued.

"That's right!" Zhou Buyi nodded.

"This matter is on us!" Guo Jia said.

Xu Shu looked at Guo Jia, whose eyes were shining brightly, and knew that he was up to no good.

For the students who participated in the imperial examination this time, three minutes of silence!

Things went unexpectedly well.

Zhou Bu was very puzzled, what happened?

Could it be that Guo Jia wants to take revenge on the teacher?

Zhou Buyi seems to have come into contact with the truth.

Sure enough, one day later, Zhou Buyi got the test questions.

Strategies are difficult, arithmetic is average, Confucian classics... Nightmare level!

Zhou Buyi proved his guess, Guo Jia is really not a good person.

Because Liu Ke's shortcoming lies in the Confucian classics.

Liu Ke is good at learning, so lower the difficulty, everyone gets full marks, who do you think is better?

Zhou Buyi thought of Liu Ke's advice that the topic should not be too simple or too difficult.

I don't know the result, can it pass?

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Liu Ke went to the cabinet to handle official business as usual, and everyone is in good spirits today.

Even Guo Jia changed his decadence and wrote vigorously.

Something good seems to have happened.

"Hey, isn't this my lord? I thought you would not come to handle official business because you want to take the imperial examination." Guo Jia said.

He was the only one who often talked to Liu Ke in the same way.

"How is it possible? Am I the kind of master who asks for leave casually?" Liu Ke said.

Not to mention, Liu Ke clocks in on time almost every day except for expeditions.

Then go home on time, although it's a little early, but the matter has been dealt with.

"Of course not." Guo Jia said, it was the envy of being able to go home early every day.

"I see, Feng Xiao, you must have tampered with the test questions." Liu Ke said with certainty.

"My lord is wise." Guo Jia admitted generously, because he knew that Liu was proud and would definitely not modify the test questions.

"Do you think this will prevent me from being named on the gold list? Naive." Liu Ke said.

"You'll know only after trying it." Guo Jia was also very confident.

"My lord's knowledge, the two gentlemen are very appreciative, I'm afraid you will be wasting your time in filial piety." Xu Shu said.

The two gentlemen are of course Sima Hui and Cai Yong.

"Don't worry about it." Guo Jia said angrily, finally found something to entertain, and these guys can't let it spoil it.

On this day, Liu Ke got off work earlier.

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