Before leaving, he took a special look at Guo Jia.

Provocative meaning.

Guo Jia's teeth itched with hatred.

"Feng Xiao, do you want to make a bet?" Liu Ke said.

Guo Jia wanted to accept impulsively, but reason told him that he couldn't do this, and he would definitely lose.

After struggling for a while, I finally gave up.

"I'm not fooled." Guo Jia said.

If Zhou Buyi found out, he must have fainted in the toilet.

Now the entire Dongyang City is immersed in the frenzy of imperial examinations.

The winner goes to the top, and the loser keeps going.

Zhuge Liang is still fishing, occasionally flipping through books, leisurely.

Until Zhou Buyi came to kill him, released all the fish in his fishing basket, and then severely broke the fishing rod.

"What are you doing? Are you crazy?" Zhuge Liang asked in confusion.

"You don't know, is the imperial examination coming soon?" Zhou Buyi asked.

"I know, just take the exam and get a ranking." Zhuge Liang said.

"Why are you so calm?" Zhou Buyi hated that iron could not become steel.

"My classmate is a member of the cabinet, and my elder brother is the governor of Qingzhou." Zhuge Liang said.

"..." Zhou Buyi had nothing to say.

"Let me tell you some news, very important news." Zhou Bu doubted.

"What, you got the test questions? Tell me, I'll treat you to dinner." Zhuge Liang said.

"Examination questions, what's the matter, what, you want to cheat? I promise not to expose you." Zhou Bu doubted.

Now, it was Zhuge Liang's turn to be surprised, and said, "What happened to you today?"

"You heard clearly, my teacher, I want to take the imperial examination this time. If you so-called geniuses are all trampled under by him, don't you feel ashamed?" Zhou Bu doubted.

Normal people would think this way: what, the Marquis of Dongyang wants to take the imperial examination, isn't this robbing us of food?

But Zhuge Liang knew Zhou Buyi very well, and said, "You bet again? After losing so many times, why didn't you improve?"

"Don't talk about me first, what should you do?" Zhou Bu doubted.

"What else can I do? Clean up and go back to review." Zhuge Liang said.

The tone was very helpless.

"With your attitude, it's impossible to get the first place." Zhou Bu doubted.

Zhuge Liang ignored it and strode back to the city.

Pang Tong was much more honest, and studied silently by himself.

In order to compete with Zhuge Liang and Lu Xun for hegemony, he has already missed two imperial examinations.

Can't wait any longer.

Don't let them belittle you either.

The same is true for Lu Xun. He shoulders the important task of rejuvenating the family, and he must not fall behind.

Lu Xun lost his father when he was young, and he followed his grandfather Lu Kang, the prefect of Lujiang, to study in Shu County, where he was appointed.

Later, Liu Ke liquidated Yangzhou, and Lu Kang was among them.

Soon after, Lu Kang died of depression.

The Lu family used to be a big family.Now the right to speak is not enough to keep up with the development of Yangzhou.

The Gu family and the Lu family are very different, but now, Gu Yong has stepped forward and is in charge of Taixue.

Therefore, the burden on Lu Xun's shoulders was even heavier.

For the family, he must win the imperial examination.

If there were no family reasons, Lu Xun would not have chosen to become an official so early. He is four years younger than Pang Tong, and he is still a handsome young man.

As for Sima Yi, of course he wanted to prove himself that all crouching dragons and phoenix chicks could be trampled underfoot.

Lu Xun is just a brat!

It's time to show your true strength.

In order to gain prestige, Sima Yi traveled all over Sizhou and became the number one talented scholar.If you can win the Yangzhou imperial examination again, you can call yourself the best talent in the world, right?

In order to be number one in the world, we must work harder.

Sun Quan is much purer, just to complete the agreement with Liu Ke, to be named on the gold list, so that he can take back his sister.

"Second brother, you don't need to work so hard." Sun Shangxiang said.

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