This bad thing just doesn't want to make people feel better.

Fortunately, Liu Ke was prepared, at least he didn't lose too badly, and he was more than inferior than inferior.

As for the others, there were many complaints, so it was none of Liu Ke's business.

On the second day, arithmetic was assessed.

Liu was the first to hand in the paper!

At most, it involves the knowledge of junior high school, so don't be too simple.

On the third day, the assessment was on policy theory, and the topic was Qin and Han, which was very broad.

Liu Ke wrote down eloquently:

According to the solidity of the letter, Qin Xiaogong owns the land of Yongzhou, and the monarchs and ministers stick to it to see the Zhou Dynasty.When it is time, Shang Jun Zuozhi, internal legislation, farming and weaving, repairing the tools of war, external connection and balance to fight the princes.So the Qin people surrendered and took away from Xihe.

That is, "On the Passing of the Qin Dynasty".

With such a famous article as a base, Liu didn't think that he would lose to others.

He was the first to hand in the paper again.

Liu Ke dressed up so that no one in the room recognized him.

However, everyone remembered a candidate named Liu Yingjun.

Some people who did poorly in the exam even comforted themselves:

"Haha, although I didn't do well in the exam, I persevered in the end. Unlike some people, who have no real talent and learning, but take the imperial exam with a face."

Such ridicule is not without reason.

Because of this imperial examination, there are many people who go through the back door.

As long as you pay money, you can take the imperial examination.

There is no need to kill from the counties and counties.

Some wealthy businessmen bought a lot of places in one go, hoping that their children would be successful.

Such people are looked down upon by orthodox candidates.

Liu Yingjun, who handed in the paper ahead of time, is obviously such a person.

"How was the exam?" Liu Ke asked with concern.

"It's okay." Cai Yan showed a faint smile, and then said angrily, "Husband, even if it's just a joke, you shouldn't hand in the paper in advance."

"Who said I was joking? The top ten must have Liu Yingjun's name." Liu Ke said forcefully.

"I trust my husband." Cai Yan said.

Liu Ke put his arms around Cai Yan's waist and walked out of the examination room, attracting everyone's attention.

Two big men hug each other, shouldn't it be a base?

Liu Yingjun has completely become famous.

Even Zhou Buyi, who was in the know, couldn't help laughing, and was even ready to move, trying to add fuel to the flames.

But when he thought of the consequences, he stopped abruptly.

"You can't do that!"

But Zhou Buyi was still curious, what kind of answer sheet would the teacher hand over?

When he arrived at the scene, the test papers had already been filled out.

Zhou Buyi sighed and had no choice but to give up. It would be better to wait for the result.

If he makes a move now, he will definitely be beaten to death by Cai Yong.

After the test papers are dubbed, they are handed over to another group of officials for transcription, and the examiners can only read the transcribed content.

After a series of links, it is impossible to cheat.

The marking officer had no idea whose paper it was.

Therefore, it can only rely on strength.

Among them, Confucian classics account for 50% of the score, mathematics 20%, and policy theory 30%.

That's why Guo Jia wanted to trap Liu Ke in the Confucian classics. Unfortunately, he would be disappointed in the end.

Cai Yong, Sima Hui, Kong Rong and others began to mark the papers nervously.

During this period of time, the candidates let themselves go and played around in Dongyang City.

Zhou Buyi found Zhuge Liang and asked him how he was doing in the exam.

"It's okay." Zhuge Liang said.

Got a shitty answer.

Seeing Zhou Buyi's expression, Zhuge Liang said: "Then how do you want me to answer? Overwhelm all the heroes and win the champion?"

"Forget it, I shouldn't have asked you." Zhou Buyi said dejectedly.

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