On the way back, he ran into Pang Tong.

Pang Tong's answer made people want to beat him even more.

"You didn't do badly in the exam. As for whether you can be number one, it depends on how well Kong Ming and Boyan perform."

Want to see others play?

Zhuge Liang is okay, how about you?

However, Pang Tong was aiming for the top three, so he was quite ambitious.

Since both Zhuge Liang and Pang Tong had asked, Zhou Buyi went straight to the Lu family.

Lu Xun pondered for a while, then said, "The topic is very simple."

Why are these people so conservative in their answers?

Zhou Buyi couldn't stand it anymore!

It's better to go back to Liu's mansion and eat his own chicken legs.

In the past, there would be situations where the examiner couldn't decide the ranking, and it was often left to Liu Ke to decide at this time.

But this time was different, Liu Ke personally participated, so he ordered Cai Yong, Sima Hui, and Kong Rong to directly discharge unchangeable nouns.

Liu Ke just waited quietly for the result.

During dinner, Zhou Buyi asked weakly, "Teacher, how did you do in the exam?"

It's about taking a month off.

"The title of the gold list is no problem." Liu Ke said.

Zhou Buyi drooped his head.

Cai Yan smiled and did not speak, it seems that he did well in the exam.

"Yangzhou's imperial examinations are not very good, and there are people like Liu Yingjun who pretend to be numbers."

Sima Yi sighed.

Because it does not count as academic performance, he was much more relaxed than others, and handed in a satisfactory answer sheet.

Sima Yi also knew about the rules of grading papers, and they were already very fair.

After the ranking is decided, the transcribed papers will be published for everyone to appreciate.

Next, it depends on the result.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Liu Ke is only responsible for explaining things.

This is so busy that Sima Hui and other examiners are almost non-stop in order to mark the papers.

"There are still too many people making up for it." Cai Yong said, expressing his dissatisfaction.

What kind of rubbish article is this, and it is even used to participate in the imperial examination.

"Master Shangshu is too demanding. I think these students are all excellent." Kong Rong said.

You know, this time the imperial examination is only for the four prefectures under Liu Ke's rule.Isn't it enough to produce so many talents?

What do people in other states think?

It's just that this time Qingzhou didn't produce any good talents, which made Kong Rong very regretful.

"In my opinion, we should publish not only the top ones, but also some deceptive articles. If you don't lose face, you won't know how to improve." Cai Yong said.

"That's a good idea, but let's keep the name blank, so as to save some face for them," Sima Hui said.

"No problem, just publish it in the newspaper. I'll see who dares to fool us next time." Cai Yong said.

Liu Ke sold the opportunity of the imperial examination, but Cai Yong couldn't find a chance to fight back. The topic of publishing rubbish articles is not bad.

The three of them began to read the paper nervously again.

They don't need to worry about arithmetic, basically right is right and wrong is wrong.

They mainly look at Confucianism and policy theory.

Suddenly, an article caught Kong Rong's eyes, and he was attracted at the very beginning.

After reading it patiently, Kong Rong jumped up and said, "A famous book through the ages!"

Kong Rong is a descendant of Confucius, a master of literature, and a former governor of Qingzhou. Under normal circumstances, he would not lose his composure.

After all, there were other heavyweights present.

What kind of article can make Kong Rong full of praise?

Sima Hui and Cai Yong came over.

"As far as the first emperor, the surviving survivors of the sixth life, swallowed for two weeks and died of the princes, beat and flogged the world, and vibrated the world..."

A majestic sense of history rushed over.

However, Cai Yong blurted out: "The author of this article is Jia Yi of the Western Han Dynasty. For current students, even if the article is bad, is it still plagiarism? We must be severely punished!"

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