After finishing speaking, Cai Yong gave Kong Rong a meaningful look.

It's like saying, you haven't even read "On the Passing of Qin Dynasty", have you?

Cai Yong was also embarrassed to say it too clearly, and said: "Jia Yi is a famous political commentator in the early Western Han Dynasty. He is good at Ci Fu. He is known as Jia Sheng in the world, and he is also called 'Qu Jia' together with Qu Yuan."

In other words, Jia Yi is like a big boss.If you haven't read his articles, it means that you are not good enough.

Kong Rong shook his head, and said, "Mr. Jia's article, I have read it naturally, please continue to read, Lord Shangshu."

Cai Yong was puzzled, so he kept his head down and continued to read.

"Sure enough, it's a famous story through the ages!" Sima Hui suddenly said loudly.

Now, Cai Yong was really shocked, even Sima Hui agreed?

After Cai Yong finished reading "On Passing the Qin Dynasty", he continued to look down and finally found the main text.

"The six kings are Bi, the four seas are one, the mountains of Shu are Wu, and A Fang is out..."

"Covered for more than three hundred miles, isolated from the sun."

"Ding clangs of jade, gold nuggets and pearls are thrown away, and the people of Qin regard them with no pity."


It is called "A Fang Gong Fu".

Simply put, it is to state that the Qin Dynasty perished because of extravagance.

The two essays actually appeared on the same answer sheet. What does this examinee want to do?

"Haha, this person's heart is higher than the sky, and he is better than Jia Yi!" Kong Rong said.

If I had known earlier, Jia Yi was as famous as Qu Yuan.

Now, he even said that he is the contemporary Jia Yi, even more powerful than Jia Yi.

Don't you go to heaven?

Moreover, if you dare to put Jia Yi's article first, aren't you afraid that the examiner will not look down on your shit after appreciating the famous article?

If it wasn't for a more patient person like Kong Rong who saw it first, but Cai Yong, I'm afraid he would have been thrown into the trash can long ago.

What a "Fu of Efang Palace"!

Cai Yong's hand holding the examination paper trembled, he was so excited.

Although this is a prose, it fully meets the requirements of policy theory.

And use the past to satirize the present!

How the Qin Dynasty perished was because the ruler was too extravagant!

It is very similar to the current Yangzhou.

"Since the Marquis of Dongyang opened up the trade routes, Yangzhou has been changing with each passing day. However, wealth can also bring problems. This article speaks directly from the heart, and it shows the disadvantages of Yangzhou." Sima Hui said.

Cai Yong very much agrees with this point of view, not only poverty can destroy a dynasty, but wealth can too!

But no one has ever advised Dongyang Hou to be vigilant!

This "A Fang Gong Fu" appeared at the right time.

What a "Fu of Efang Palace"!

Cai Yong couldn't put it down. Not long ago, his virtuous son-in-law built a Dongyang Palace.

Everything fits.

If my son-in-law reads this article, I'm afraid his face will be very ugly.

Ugly wow!

"Contemporary Jia Yi? This name cannot escape!" Cai Yong said.

This can be regarded as a recognition of putting "On the Passing of Qin Dynasty" first.

Cai Yong couldn't wait to present this article to Liu Ke, but unfortunately he hadn't read the test questions yet.

Because of a piece of "A Fang Gong Fu", the three of them were excited for a long time.

I feel nauseous when I read other articles.

"There is a long way to go, both of you, come on." Sima Hui said.

It took about seven days, and the three finally sorted out the top 50 candidates in the imperial examination, and all of them will be admitted.

Mathematical achievements came out, and Confucianism achievements also came out.

"A Fang Gong Fu" became the number one policy theory.

But after the overall results, there are five people who are evenly divided?

"What can we do?" Kong Rong asked.

In the past, this kind of situation was handed over to Liu Ke. After all, he had already been admitted. Although the ranking was important, Liu Ke's opinion was more important.

However, Liu Ke has already explained in advance that this matter is completely handed over to the three of them, and they must be ranked.

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