And how long have they been in business?

Now the leeks in private schools are getting fatter and fatter, it's time to harvest them.

Among them, Zhuge Liang is the most outstanding.

Very early on, Liu Ke labeled Zhuge Liang Yangzhou.

Zhuge Liang also graduated from the imperial examination with amazing results.

Therefore, Liu Ke intends to have an open and honest talk with Zhuge Liang, and formally invite Zhuge Liang to join Yangzhou.

This is respect for genius.

Zhou Buyi had already inquired about Zhuge Liang's whereabouts, so Liu Ke didn't take a detour.

Recently, Zhuge Liang likes fishing very much. After the imperial examination, he resumed his fishing life without any influence from the outside world.

"You can't show your ambition unless you are indifferent, and you can't go far without tranquility. Kong Ming knows this way very well." Liu Ke said.

Zhuge Liang was stunned for a while, as if he was savoring this sentence, before saying: "The Marquis of Dongyang knows my heart!"

Liu Ke smiled and didn't say anything. He couldn't say it. Is this what Zhuge Liang left for his son in later generations?

"It's a great honor for Dongyang Marquis to take the time to come here during his busy schedule," Zhuge Liang said.

The corners of Zhou Buyi's mouth twitched, what do you mean by busy schedule?

My own teacher seems to be more idle than I imagined.

Most of the trivial matters were divided by the cabinet.

"Kong Ming seems to have something on his mind." Liu Ke said.

Zhuge Liang sighed, and said: "Yes, to be honest with Marquis Dongyang, although Liang didn't show any ability, he always had high eyesight. It's just that he suddenly discovered that his intelligence is no more than that in Yangzhou."

Zhuge Liang compares himself to Guan Zhong and Le Yi, one is a representative of civil officials, and the other is a representative of military commanders.

How arrogant is this?

After Guan Zhong carried out drastic reforms in the Qi State, he helped Duke Huan of Qi to "respect the king and fight against the barbarians" as the call, making him the first overlord of the Spring and Autumn Period by "unifying the nine princes and governing the world together".

And Le Yi, uniting the soldiers and horses of the six countries, to avenge Yan's revenge, went to 72 cities of Qi State, and Qi State almost perished.

Zhuge Liang is a young man with lofty ambitions. Now that he has lost to Liu Ke, how could he be reconciled.

"If you're so unwilling, just work harder, like a salted fish." Zhou Bu doubted.

"You are a child, what do you know?" Zhuge Liang asked back.

He and Xu Shu are good friends. After Xu Shu became the number one scholar, he helped Liu Ke resist the allied forces, and his credit is not insignificant.

Now Zhuge Liang wants to take out a gift, but there is nothing!

"Kong Ming, don't think too much. Everyone has their own opportunities. If you want to make contributions, there will be plenty of opportunities in the future." Liu Ke said.

"That's right, there will be a big battle next." Zhou Bu doubted.

"Marquis Dongyang will definitely achieve supremacy. What I am thinking about now is how to show my value in it." Zhuge Liang said ambitiously, "What I want is definitely not mediocrity."

"If you want to be different, no one will stop you." Zhou Bu doubted.

Zhuge Liang ignored Zhou Buyi, and said: "In this life, I will only serve Dongyanghou. During this time in Yangzhou, I have fallen in love with this place completely. Therefore, I will not leave."

Hearing this sentence, Liu Ke breathed a sigh of relief. If Zhuge Liang really wanted to leave, Liu Ke really didn't know what reason to stop him.

"Kong Ming, don't worry, I will give you every opportunity you want." Liu Ke said.

"Thank you, my lord!" Zhuge Liang said.

This sentence sounds comfortable.

Liu Ke finally understood that after graduation, Zhuge Liang made a mistake that all students would make, that is, being confused and not knowing what to do in order to maximize his own value.

Zhuge Liang would definitely not be happy if he had been mediocre for decades and then emerged.

Therefore, he desperately wanted to find a shortcut.

In this regard, Liu Ke did not intend to stop it.Once Zhuge Liang came out of it, he would be a real strong man.

When Liu Bei met Zhuge Liang in later generations, Zhuge Liang was already a finished counselor, nearly thirty years old.

Now he is just a young boy.

If you don't experience wind and rain, how can you encounter a rainbow?

"Since you haven't made a good decision, how about I give you half a month's vacation?" Liu Ke said generously.

Zhou Buyi on the side was envious to death, vacation?How long has he been without this thing.

However, Zhuge Liang said: "Master, three days are enough."

It takes half a month for a person to adjust his mentality?

That's rubbish.

For geniuses, anytime is fine.

Zhuge Liang wanted these three days off because he wanted to let go again.

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