After three days, he will usher in a brand new life and truly participate in the hegemony of the world.

"Good!" Liu Ke was very happy.

"Thank you, my lord!" Zhuge Liang cupped his hands.

Seeing the scene of harmony between the monarch and his subjects, Zhou Buyi's nose was sore.

When can a teacher treat himself like this?

It is estimated that it will be difficult to see in this life.

Zhou Bu doubt was filled with emotion.

As for Zhuge Liang's position, Liu Ke did not arrange it directly, but asked, "Kong Ming, do you want to join the army or go into politics?"

"Both are fine." Zhuge Liang said confidently.

"Okay, then don't arrange a specific position for now, just follow me for a while." Liu Ke said.

"It's my honor to be by the lord's side." Zhuge Liang said.

At this moment, the system also showed Zhuge Liang's loyalty.

"Name: Zhuge Liang."

"Loyalty: 100."

Now, it's done.

Even if there is still time today, Liu Ke did not leave, but fished leisurely together.

The two chatted very harmoniously.

When talking about Pang Tong and Lu Xun, Zhuge Liang proudly said: "If they know, I'm afraid they will blame the lord for being partial."

"I'm willing to bet and admit defeat, the ranking of the imperial examination is there." Liu Ke said.

Zhuge Liang suddenly thought of someone, and said, "My lord wants to recruit Sima Yi?"

Sima Yi is indeed a great talent, but for some reason, Zhuge Liang has a faint repulsive thought.

I always feel that Sima Yi has bad intentions.

Liu Ke couldn't explain it, and sighed, "I'm afraid he doesn't necessarily want to stay in Yangzhou."

Liu Ke even dared to use Cheng Yu, let alone Sima Yi?

It's just that Zhou Buyi had tried it before, but Sima Yi didn't seem to have this intention, or it was up for grabs.

Moreover, his philosophy also conflicts with Liu Ke.

Use the family to seize the world, and then liquidate the family?

Sima Yi is a member of the aristocratic family, how could Liu Ke believe such words.

Under various discords, Liu Ke and Sima Yi drifted away.

Chapter five hundred and thirteen allegiance

There are enough talents under Liu Ke's command, there is no need to make any compromises.

Among them are Pang Tong, who is called "Phoenix Young", commonly known as Little Phoenix. Given time, he will surely soar in the nine heavens and sing clearly in the clouds.

Pang Tong is not only knowledgeable, but also good at identifying characters.Typically, although I am ugly, I can see clearly.

Lu Su once commented on Pang Tong:

Pang Shiyuan is not a hundred-mile talent, so he should show his full strength and ears when he is in charge of the middle school and don't drive.

I highly recommend Pang Tong!

As the first exchange student of Taixue and Private School, Liu Ke was very impressed with Pang Tong.

So the next day, he visited Pang Tong directly.

Pang Tong was flattered by Liu Ke's arrival.

Because of his appearance, Pang Tong once hit a wall and was not welcomed by others. Later, Sima Hui discovered his talent and was able to enter a private school to continue his studies.

Not long after, Sima Hui discovered that the private school could no longer satisfy Pang Tong's thirst for knowledge, and it happened that Cai Yong asked for an exchange student.

Sima Hui directly agreed and changed Pang Tong to a bigger stage.

Where is Yangzhou?

The most prosperous and academically prosperous place in the Han Dynasty.

Cai Yong's collection of books, the collection of books protected by Wang Yun after Dong Zhuo sacked Luoyang, and the collection of Sima Hui's books...

In addition, Liu Ke spent a lot of money seeking orphan copies.

It can be said that Yangzhou has the richest collection of books.

Pang Tong learned knowledge and grew rapidly in such an environment.

Later, his good friend Xu Shu became a member of the cabinet.Pang Tong's heart became hot in an instant.

Who doesn't want to stand out?

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