What Sima Lang had to do was to cover up.

Sima Lang agrees very much with Sima Yi's approach.

Investing in the next generation is something every family will do.

If the Sima family wants to last forever, they must be prepared.

"Those ministers feel free to yell, as long as they don't hinder my major affairs, let them go." Cao Cao said.

However, Cao Cao never expressed his opinion on Cao Pi's return.

By default.

Seeing this, Sima Lang was a little disappointed. Could it be that the lord doesn't value this legitimate son?

After Cao Pi entered Chang'an, Cao Cao did not arrange for anyone to receive him.

This made Cao Pi feel very uncomfortable, and at the same time very uneasy.

However, an unexpected person appeared at the gate of the city, that is Mrs. Bian, Cao Pi's mother.

And beside her stood a child, Cao Pi's younger brother Cao Zhi.

When Cao Pi was born, there was a blue cloud covering him all day long, which looked like the top cover of a pair of chariots.

Riding in a car with a canopy is already an extraordinary specification, and the cloud cover on this little baby is even more extraordinary.

Therefore, when Cao Pi was born, Mrs. Bian was very happy.

"Zihuan, you're back!" Mrs. Bian burst into tears.

Cao Pi was very excited, and had a long time reminiscing with his mother.

"The Marquis of Dongyang is indeed a gentleman." Mrs. Bian praised.

During this time, Mrs. Bian was very worried because she knew that her husband would fight Dongyanghou.

This matter can no longer be concealed.

Cao Pi is caught in the middle, how to ensure safety?

Mrs. Bian didn't know what to do, and mentioned Cao Pi to Cao Cao many times, hoping that Cao Cao could take Cao Pi back.

Unexpectedly, Dongyang Hou took the initiative to release him.

"The Marquis of Dongyang regards the boy as his disciple, how could he harm him?" Cao Pi said.

"That's good, that's good." Mrs. Bian said.

However, a discordant voice sounded, disturbing the reminiscence of the mother and son.

"Young Master, please greet the prime minister." Sima Yi said.

"Prime Minister is very busy." Mrs. Bian said angrily.

"This is a gift between father and son, and it cannot be broken," Sima Yi said.

Cao Cao's love is the foundation of Cao Pi's foothold. Sima Yi saw through this at a glance, so he urged Cao Pi.

"What Zhongda said is, mother, wait a moment, I will go to pay my respects to father!" Cao Pi said.

Even Cao Pi spoke, and Mrs. Bian naturally would not object.

So Cao Pi left with Sima Yi.

"After seeing the prime minister, you must bow your head and admit your mistake," Sima Yi said.

"Why?!" Cao Pi was puzzled.

"Because you came back this time and didn't ask the prime minister's opinion." Sima Yi said.

In other words, admit your mistakes first, then stand in line?

After all, Cao Pi is arrogant and unacceptable, even if that person is his father.

"My lord, if you can't bear it, you will make a big mess." Sima Yi said.

This is an assessment, if Cao Pi does not have such a mind, then there is no need for assistance.

Sima Yi had already rejected Cao Cao's recruitment, and his relationship with Cao Cao was not good, so he invested in Cao Pi instead.

If Cao Pi is unreliable, Sima Yi can only find another master.

As if seeing Sima Yi's belief, Cao Pi agreed.

He knelt directly outside Cao Cao's study.

"Prime Minister, Mr. Cao Pi begged to see him, so he knelt outside." Someone reported.

Cao Cao turned a deaf ear and was still dealing with government affairs.

It wasn't until the matter in hand was dealt with that he ordered someone to bring Cao Pi in.

"Greetings, father!" Cao Pi saluted.

"You still know my father?" Cao Cao asked with a straight face.

Cao Pi kept Sima Yi's words in mind, and said: "I heard that my father was going to fight with the teacher. I was in a dilemma, and I often thought of my father's kindness in nurturing."

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