Cao Cao sighed and said, "Zi Huan, it's not the right time for you to come back." He added, "Since you've come back, you can stay in Chang'an with peace of mind."

"Thank you father!" Cao Pi said.

Then Cao Cao waved his hand, and Cao Pi withdrew.

"The matter is settled, and my father has agreed to stay." Cao Pi said to Sima Yi.

Sima Yi was not surprised, after all, everything was expected.

A creature like Cao Cao is duplicity. Does he really not care about Cao Pi?

how is this possible.

It's just that face is more important.

Once Cao Pi bowed his head, what else could Cao Cao do?

"Our battle has just begun." Sima Yi said.

In this way, under Sima Lang's deliberate publicity, Chang'an knew that Cao Pi was back.

It is equivalent to brushing up a wave of fame.

Filial piety is the most important thing in this era, and Cao Pi did it.

Soon, when the time was right, Cao Pi recommended Sima Yi to his father.

Sima Yi is a mature and experienced politician, he is very discerning.

Now, Cao Cao has an army of [-]. With so many people, doesn't he need a general to command him?

At this time, it is the occasion of employing people.

Sima Lang also took the opportunity to vouch for Sima Yi, saying: "My lord, the Sima family will always be loyal to you!"

Even though Cao Cao didn't like Sima Yi, he still recognized his talent and learning very much.

What's more, Sima Yi made a wave of presence in Yangzhou.

The third place in the imperial examination!

Even the Marquis of Dongyang has to recruit the existence.

Such a person gave up the favorable conditions in Yangzhou and came to join Cao Cao.

How could Cao Cao still remember the past messes?

Sima Yi was directly appointed as the military adviser Zhonglang general.

Sima Yi instantly became the new star of Cao Cao's army.

Prior to this, Sima Yi was recommended by the county as the top strategist.What kind of official is this?

The official of Zuoli County's accounting affairs.

How could Sima Yi like such a small official?

Coupled with not liking Cao Cao, Sima Yi directly refused.

For this reason, he thought of a way, that is to go to Yangzhou for gold plating.

Now not only has the gold plating been successful, but it has also caught up with Cao Pi's line. Sima Yi deserves to stand out.

In order to meet the upcoming war, Liu Ke is recruiting talents, and Cao Cao is not far behind!

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Among the princes, Liu Ke is the strongest, followed by Cao Cao and Yuan Shao.

But other princes are still very powerful, such as Sun Ce, Ma Chao and so on.

If Sun Ce wants to seize the world, it will be difficult for him to stand by Liu Ke's side.

On the contrary, Ma Chao is easier to win.

In order to seize Liangzhou, Cao Cao summoned Ma Teng to Beijing, with malicious intentions.

In order to dedicate himself to the emperor, Ma Teng took the risk, entered Chang'an, and handed over the military power to Ma Chao.

Therefore, Ma Chao is naturally hostile to Cao Cao and can be won.

Ma Chao has always wanted to break into Chang'an and rescue his father.

However, Cao Cao is so powerful, how could Ma Chao have a chance?

Only by relying on Liu Ke's strength.

Therefore, Liu Ke sent Liu Ye as an envoy to Liangzhou.

Liu Ye lived up to his mission and brought back good news.

"My lord, Ma Chao has already agreed that if Chang'an is empty of troops, he will definitely lead troops to raid Chang'an," Liu Ye said.

He came back after a long journey, just to report the news as soon as possible.

"Thank you." Liu Ke said.

"Compared to my lord, this is nothing." Liu Ye said modestly.

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