The [-] Jingzhou soldiers were all taught by Sun Ce, and they lived and ate together.

In order to train soldiers, Sun Ce almost never went home.

Sun Ce completely uses the Yangzhou Army as an imaginary enemy. Although it is still not as good as the Yangzhou Army's main combat corps, with the same number, its combat effectiveness is about [-]% of that of the Yangzhou Army.

It can be called a powerful army in the world.

Now Liu Ke wants to fight [-] people with [-] people.

Is it so arrogant?

"My lord, I'm afraid there is fraud in it!" Cheng Pu said.

Sun Ce disagreed with this, saying, "The Marquis of Dongyang said it was [-] people, but it wouldn't be [-] and one."

"It's possible that Jia Xu once mentioned the Qimen Dunjia technique in the military formation." Cheng Pu said.

As soon as he mentioned this, Sun Ce felt ashamed.

She was cheated by Jia Xu once!


"The skill of Qimen Dunjia is just a rumor." Sun Ce said.

Cheng Pu didn't know what to say, but he still advised:

"My lord is absolutely not allowed to fight!"

"I know." Sun Ce said, but his heart was still ready to move.

For this reason, he went to play with a long gun again.

What kind of confidence does Dongyang Hou have to defeat three times as many enemies?

Sun Ce didn't know, but he was a little unwilling.

Zhou Yu was also thinking about this issue. If Marquis Dongyang was not arrogant, it would be terrible.

Could it be that Yangzhou has developed some secret weapon?

Yangzhou's crossbow arrows are indeed famous all over the world, but the Shesheng Camp is not here.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Runan was deadlocked.

Cao Cao was not surprised by this.

The wisest choice for Sun Ce is to stick to it and wait for the opportunity.

In this way, Dongyanghou's army can be restrained and opportunities will be created for Yanzhou.

And Cao Cao also received good news.

That is, Yuan Shao has led an army of [-] to support, yes, Yuan Shao almost came out in full force.

Enthusiasm runs high.

Yuan Shao's strong support gave Cao Cao confidence.

Inferred from time, Yuan Shao has already entered Yanzhou.

However, that doesn't mean it's foolproof.

It's just that the strength of the troops is there, and it has an advantage.

Cao Cao couldn't wait to do something, not because he was not calm enough, but because of his foresight and foresight.

Don't look at Yuan Shao's very powerful appearance now, once Dongyang Hou reacts and surprises Jizhou, Yuan Shao will be in a mess again.

Therefore, Cao Cao needs to establish a certain advantage to stabilize the morale of the army. Of course, the most important purpose is to attack Dongyanghou.

Cao Cao didn't ask his subordinates for their opinions, but said directly:

"I plan to attack Runan and attack the Marquis of Dongyang together with Sun Ce!"

There was an instant uproar.

Is this too risky?

Although combined with Sun Ce's army, a situation can be formed where the more fight the less, but Zhao Yun is not a fool and will definitely support him.

"Our army can't always be on the defensive. In this way, what's the difference between fighting on our own?!" Cao Cao shouted.

It really shocked everyone.

"What the Prime Minister said is absolutely true!" Sima Lang was the first to stand up and support him.

Cao Cao glanced around, but no one objected.

"Very well, I need to transfer away from the army of [-] and meet the Marquis of Dongyang in person." Cao Cao said majesticly.

"My lord, the general can do it for me at the end." Xia Houyuan volunteered.

"No, you have a more important task, keep Zhao Yun in check for me, and don't let him disturb us." Cao Cao said.

So far, what else is there to say?

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