It can only be supported unconditionally.

"Before that, who will join Sun Ce on my behalf?" Cao Cao asked.

"This subordinate is willing to go!" Yang Xiu said.

Yang Xiu has always been very smart, but he is just arrogant. Although Cao Cao brought him by his side, he did not choose to reuse him.

It's just a way to win over Yang Biao.

Yang Biao ranks among the three princes and is very prestigious in the court.Yang Xiu was born in such a famous family, so he developed his current character.

Seeing Yang Xiu come out, Cao Cao hesitated.

"My lord, this subordinate is willing to issue a military order!" Yang Xiu said.

"Okay, the military order is unnecessary." Cao Cao said.

But Yang Xiu insisted on writing a copy.

In this regard, Cao Cao did not continue to persuade.Anyway, it is just a simple matter to join forces with Sun Ce to send troops, just tell Sun Ce and it will be over.

Could it be possible to make a moth?

So Cao Cao urgently mobilized his troops, and Yang Xiu hurried to Runan.

Sun Ce warmly received Yang Xiu.

"Cao Cao, what do you want to say?" Sun Ce asked directly without beating around the bush.

Yang Xiu also spoke quickly, directly explaining the purpose of his visit.

"Joining forces to deal with Dongyang Hou, the Prime Minister's goal is the Yangzhou Army in Runan."

Sun Ce was silent for a while, thinking about the problem. If Cao Cao sent troops to come, the chances of winning would be a little higher under the attack from both sides.

There is no reason not to fight.

Zhou Yu asked some details, and Yang Xiu answered fluently.At the end, Zhou Yu asked a question, saying:

"Zhang Liao seems to have led an army to surprise Luoyang. Is it really all right?"

"The Prime Minister has his own clever plan to retreat from the enemy." Yang Xiudao, as for the clever plan, Zhou Yu didn't ask, and Yang Xiu didn't say anything.

At this moment in Runan, there are a total of [-] Yangzhou troops, including [-] light cavalry, [-] heavy cavalry, and [-] heavy infantry.

Of course, Zhou Yu didn't have any information about the arms.

After joining forces with Cao Cao, the two sides added up to a total of [-] troops, nearly three times the Yangzhou army.

Such a superior force dare not fight, it is better to surrender directly!

Caution should be taken, however, prudence does not mean timid!

After seeing Zhou Yu's expression, Sun Ce knew that he had agreed, and was very happy in his heart.

"Since the prime minister is interested, let's fight together!" Sun Ce said forcefully.

Yang Xiu had known for a long time that this was the result, so he was not surprised at all, and said, "I wish Wu Chenghou the victory!"

"Victory belongs to us!" Sun Ce said.

Therefore, Sun Ce also began to prepare for the war.

The Yangzhou Army has already discovered the clues.

"My lord, the scouts came to report and saw a group of people entering Runan." Tai Shi said kindly.

"It seems that Sun Ce is going to do something." Liu Ke guessed, but he was not panicked at all.

Continue to do what you should do, even the fight has not stopped.

A day later, Zhao Yun sent a letter, claiming that Chen Liu and Cao Cao's army were frequently mobilized, so Liu Ke should be careful.

"Ziyi, take another trip to Runan and challenge Sun Ce," Liu Ke said.

Haven't you been rejected?

Tai Shici was puzzled, but still chose to execute.Zhuge Liang also saw some problems, and marveled at the ingenuity of the lord's method of probing.

As before, the gauntlet was dismissed.

"It seems that Sun Ce and Cao Cao are going to take action against us," Liu Ke said.

Runan was surging at the moment, preparing for the battle, but Sun Ce refused the appointment.

Indicates the participation of external forces.

Besides Cao Cao, who else?

"My lord, let Zilong stop Yanzhou's army." Tai Shi said kindly.

Facing Sun Ce's [-] troops is already very stressful, and now Cao Cao is suspected of increasing his troops, which makes people nervous.

"Why do you want to intercept? Do you want to continue the confrontation?" Liu Ke rejected Tai Shici's proposal.

"We can also let Wenyuan's army come back. With an army of [-], we can be more confident." Zhang He said.

"Once Wen Yuan comes back, I'm afraid Cao Cao will run away, and Sun Ce will not be able to hold on. What's more, there is no time." Liu Ke said.

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