Kohei Imamura, who remembered something, hurriedly said, "Di Taro, do you know how to cook?"

"How many years have I lived by myself, you ask me if I can cook?"

"No, I thought you ordered takeaway for a living."

Kohei Imamura smiled awkwardly, and said, "And Iori said it all. He thought you couldn't cook, so he rushed so fast that I fell too..."

"Damn it..." Kitahara Iori stood up, enduring the pain in his body, and argued, "I never said that. I have always supported Di Ge's cooking skills!"

"Okay, since you're so worried, you guys can make this lunch."

Kujo Ditaro took off his apron, pointed to the kitchen, and said with a grin: "If you don't do well, you will know the consequences."




Kitahara Iori glanced sideways, the corners of his eyes were bloodshot.

Kohei Imamura waved his hand and said calmly, "I am still very confident in my cooking skills."

"You are so confident, you know how to cook with a hammer!"

Kitahara Iori grabbed the blond man by the collar, and raised his distorted side face with an extremely ferocious expression.

Imamura Kohei raised his chin and snorted through his nostrils, his posture was very proud.

"Just because you don't know how to do it doesn't mean I can't do it. You told me that I'm a technical nerd. I'm fine with everything except sports."

"Oh? Then this is your own problem. Good luck."

Kitahara Iori took a step, and his shoulders suddenly sank.

Imamura Kohei grinned, and his tone became more serious, "I need someone to help me cook, where are you going?"

"You're looking for death and don't pull me! What the hell!" Kitahara Iori turned her head, the veins on her face fluttered obviously.

"You two do it together, you want to die together and die together, and you want to live together to live together."

Kujo Tetaro was cruel and issued an ultimatum.

Kitahara Iori was extremely unwilling, but there was nothing he could do.

Kohei Imamura raised his blond hair and smiled at himself, "Today I will show you what cooking is."

"OK, Iori, you don't need to help, let him do it by himself, or we can kill him together."

"Okay, I'll go upstairs first to get the baseball bat, and bring the sack down by the way."

Looking at the two smilingly, Kohei Imamura didn't take it seriously, showing his demeanor as a master.


Kujo Tetaro sat on the sofa, leaning against a metal bat,

Kitahara Iori was also holding a bat, and seemed to be flapping it back and forth on purpose to create momentum.

Kohei Imamura took off his apron, pointed his hands at the dining table, and gestured: "Come on, two, today I will let you see what is called neon on the tip of your tongue!"

The two sat at the table and looked at the delicate dishes below, their expressions did not change at all.

After they took a bite of the food, their faces were instantly hideous.



"You guys are cheating! You are talking nonsense. I have tried it before, and it tastes very good!"

Kohei Imamura is very confident in his cooking skills.

But he didn't expect that the two of them would be so shameless that they would open their eyes and talk nonsense.

"What a brief friendship."

"Goodbye Mr. Gengping, we will miss you."

"What the hell are you...!"

Kohei Imamura was not beaten, but he was threatened by two people.

Just like that, after a noisy meal, they drove to school.

Kujo Tetaro originally wanted to park the car outside the school, but then he thought about it, the three men, what to worry about.

In addition, in order to ensure the smoothness of the road, the school does not allow parking in a section of the road near the school.

So, they drove straight in, and...

"Foreign vehicles, please register."

"Brother Campus Police, we are students here."

"Students? Where's your student ID card?"

The three of them were a little embarrassed, after all, who would carry such a thing these days.

Kujo Ditaro pushed the door and got out of the car. Before he could say a word, the school policeman waved his hand.

"I recognize you guys, you don't need to register, just go in."

"Huh? Thank you then."

Kujo Tetaro smiled and drove into the school.

The campus police looked away, and he didn't let out a long sigh until the car was out of sight.

"College students these days really shouldn't be underestimated. This driver is quite polite, but the first few are really outrageous..."


After the three of them returned to the classroom, they habitually occupied one side.

Like the central characters, after they sat down, several men leaned over.

"How did you scumbags come here?"

"What, we are close friends who have fought together, and we are all the same."

"Are you sure about the make-up German test? You will have to take the make-up test tomorrow, and you won't be able to cheat at that time. At most, you can make eye contact with the answer."

"The teacher should lower the difficulty of the questions. After all, our level is so low, it's a waste of effort to solve the problem, isn't it?"

"Oh yes."

While several people were discussing continuously, their faces were inadvertently a little ferocious.

There are dozens of students in the entire classroom, and each has a small group to pass the time.

However, everyone understood that, compared to their normal group, the group known for their beautiful faces was the prettiest center of the venue.

How many of these idiots have been infected again?

Furutekawa Chisa in the upper right corner, while brushing her hair by her ears, kept sighing.

To be honest, in this classroom, the person she can talk to is the last person she wants to talk to.

But people are always a group animal. If you walk alone for a long time, you will feel uncomfortable in your heart.


Looking at the group of flamboyant Yanyi faces, Furutekawa Chisa silently gave up the urge to chat with someone in school after thinking for a while.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"The target's name is Sakurako Busushima, and it's that girl."

"Huh? She looks quite pretty, no wonder Yizhi has become someone's licking dog."

"What the hell are you..."

The three of them sat in the car and looked out together.

The sexy long-haired girl walked over in an orderly manner from the sidewalk beside them.

The girl looks good, and her face under light makeup looks rosy.

The eyes are bright and energetic, but the way they look at people is not quite right.

Tall and plump, under the bright clothes, it is even more uneven.

The hairstyle is stylish and stylish, and it is obvious at first glance that it has been designed by a barber.

"If what Iori said is true, is she dressing up to catch the second generation?"

"It should be. Her pursuit is famous brands and handsome men. Together, they are the rich second generation."

"Not only that, but with her appearance, she should be able to find ordinary rich second generations, but she didn't do that, and she is still working here."

Kujo Ditaro withdrew his gaze and said with a smile: "She's a master, I guess I want to play a good girl who works part-time and study, so as to hook up with the more attentive rich second generation."

"It makes sense. Her acting skills are superb. In front of the handsome guy and me, she has completely different attitudes. I suspect that she has schizophrenia."

Kitahara Iori took the opportunity to add insult to injury, intending to save face.

Imamura Kohei raised the corner of his mouth and said with a smirk, "On the other hand, Iori is ugly."

"Get out! Eh? Gengping, you look good, why don't you go and seduce her."

"Strangers...I'm not going."

Kujo Tetaro stretched his waist, his tone was a bit flat.

"Since we're here, we definitely want to go in, but apart from Iori having a feud with that girl, there is no conflict between the two of us. How can we handle this speed?"

"You don't need to go too far. Just be a bad guest and make things difficult for her. She is very confident in her appearance. Let her see it. She is good-looking and cannot be eaten."

Kitahara Iori gave a thumbs up, signaling for the two to cheer.

Kohei Imamura was unmoved, his voice was a little shady.

"Then? Shouldn't you go to comfort me afterwards? Do you have a plan?"

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