"How is it possible? I'm that kind of person? And you didn't bring this up. "

Kujo Tetaro interrupted the two of them, his smile became more serious, "If Iori licks like this, then we will send him to the river afterward."

"I see..." Kohei Imamura raised his face, with a red light shining in his eyes, and his face gradually distorted.

Kitahara Iori smiled awkwardly, feeling a little rejoiced in his heart, although he didn't have that kind of thought in the first place, but now he really won't.


"Two guests, what do you need?"

Sakurako Busushima faced the handsome blond with a wider smile.

The muscular man raised his eyebrows coldly, and said displeasedly, "What do you mean?"

"Eh?" Sakurako Busushima was stunned, turned her head stiffly, and said with a sneer, "Guest? Did you just talk to me?"

"Otherwise?" The muscular man has an arrogant attitude, and his sitting posture is very arrogant, "You should stand in the middle, but you are standing next to my friend, you look down on me, don't you?"

Big guys, my wife just likes handsome guys, right? !

Sakurako Busushima was dissatisfied, but on the surface she was very flattering, "I'm sorry, my guests, I didn't mean that, I didn't pay attention just now, so what do you want?"

"Order?" The muscular man tapped his fingers on the table, and his tone was not friendly, "You have disturbed your mood, how do you eat?"

This guy!

Sakurako Busushima pursed her lips, looking pitiful, like a wounded kitten.

"I didn't mean to, I'm really... sorry."

Before the muscular man could speak, the handsome blond man answered.

"Brother, don't worry too much about a girl. The person who was beaten last time is still lying in the hospital."

"I'm in a bad mood today, you asked me to come out for a meal, and this kind of thing happened..."

brother?Hit people?It's rare that I provoke a black society?

No, isn't this a family restaurant?Will Hei Shi also come here to eat?

Is it rare that this handsome man brought it?

Sakurako Busujima squeezed the menu tightly, her tone was unnatural, "I'm sorry, I really didn't mean it, if you're not satisfied with me..."

"What's wrong? Poison Island."

Looking at the middle-aged man walking beside her, Sakurako Busushima exhaled slightly, and said in a low voice: "The store manager, can I trouble you to receive me here?"

Before the middle-aged man could speak, the handsome blond man below suddenly spoke.

"Are you the store manager here?"

"Eh? Well, hello guest, is it because we didn't entertain well?"

"Not really, but come here."

The blond handsome man pulled the middle-aged man aside, and then began to whisper devilishly.

"My elder brother... a gangster on the road... That girl offended my elder brother, you'd better not think about coming to receive him yourself."

"Eh? Brother?"

The middle-aged man glanced back, seeing the terrifying physique of the muscular man, he couldn't help swallowing.

"Brother, we did not treat you well, we apologize to you, this matter..."

"This matter can't be solved like this. My elder brother is in a bad mood today. You'd better let that girl treat her seriously from beginning to end. If you don't resolve the conflict now, my elder brother has a history of revenge. You know..."

Halfway through the speech, the handsome blond man took a deep breath and said in a low voice: "One punch, one punch, a tall man around [-] meters, was sent to the hospital. It's been half a month, and he hasn't yet I'm leaving the hospital."

"My elder brother's family is rich, and his parents are doing business abroad, so his temper is very irritable, and it is easy to be overwhelmed when doing things, and he will follow a group of people. When the time comes to drink some wine, those people will coax them together, and they can do anything. It can be done."


The middle-aged man was sweating, and tremblingly said: "Then how to deal with this matter, that girl is still a student, so she can't ruin her."

"Don't worry, my elder brother and I have been playing together since we were young, and we have a close relationship. He can still listen to what I say, otherwise he wouldn't come here for dinner with me. Do as I want, and let that girl correct her attitude and treat her seriously. It should be over."

"Eh...I see."

When the two were negotiating, Sakurako Busushima kept paying attention.

Seeing the store manager's face suddenly turn pale, she knew that this matter was troublesome.

Quietly looking at the muscular man below, Sakurako Busushima became more and more frightened.

Is it really dark?

This is the end of the day, why don't you see that I'm pretty, and insist on pulling me to do that kind of thing?

What a joke, it's my first time, so don't do this kind of thing!

Moreover, this man is so big, if he acts recklessly... there is no sense of experience at all!

Sakurako Busushima took a step back, praying frightenedly that she would be safe.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Sakurako Busushima's guess is not wrong.

After listening to the store manager's opinion, her face turned pale.

"But the store manager... I'm afraid."

"Poison Island, this matter can only be resolved in this way. The guest today is in a bad mood. If you don't resolve the conflict between you now, the consequences will be unimaginable."

"okay I know."

Sakurako Busushima reluctantly complied, but her hands holding the menu trembled slightly.

After the store manager gave appropriate verbal comfort, he returned to his post.

Knowing that the strong man is a black and shady elder brother, Sakurako Busushima's tone is not as natural as before, but a little blunt.

"Guests, what do you... want to order? Do you need my recommendation?"


The muscular man snorted coldly and didn't waste a word.

Oh my God!

It's over, it's over, he really doesn't like me!

What should I do... Will he find someone to kidnap me at night?

Sakurako Busushima gritted her teeth, her heart beating incredibly fast.

She has never been in contact with jigoku, but in most film and television works, jiudao is a symbol of violence and crime.

Among them, there are even some real case adaptations, from which it can be concluded that the extremists in reality may be more ferocious.

Thinking that she might be kidnapped, she couldn't help turning to the beautiful blond man on the other side with her pleading eyes.

However, what surprised her was that not only did the blond handsome man not return her a reassuring look, but... the corners of his mouth rose wildly.

Looking at the handsome blonde with a strange smile, the boulder in her heart grew bigger and bigger.

I rub!

Neither of these are good people!


Sakurako Busushima was terrified.

At this moment, she finally realized that a glamorous and beautiful appearance could not always bring her advantages, but would instead be the source of troubles.

That's right, in her opinion, the two of them must be blinding her beauty, so some improper means must be adopted to achieve the effect of forcing her to submit.

And in fact...


Looking at the two men who hadn't glanced at her very much from the beginning to the end, the girl's sense of vanity was greatly frustrated.

As the two men checked out and left, Sakurako Busushima leaned weakly against the edge of the chair.

At the same time, the store manager walked over anxiously after seeing the crisis resolved.

"How? Poison Island, did they forgive you?"


"Not sure? It's not easy to deal with. If that person comes to him after drinking, he will be in danger."

"It's not possible... They probably make things difficult for me."

Sakurako Busushima recalled what happened before, and she was quite depressed.

The store manager was a little confused, but he didn't ask too much. After saying "you go back to rest first", he returned to his post.


"That bitch is so mad this time, Nass, the two big brothers."

Kitahara Iori immediately applauded and congratulated after hearing what the two of them had done.

Kohei Imamura leaned back, waved his hands, and said, "We didn't make things difficult for her, it was almost because of her scaring herself, right, Di Taro."

Kujo Ditaro lowered the car window, let the wind pass for a while, and said with a smile: "It's okay, anyway, she will be very confused for the next period of time. After all, why did she suddenly lose her beauty that she thought was invincible?" What about the effect?"

"Hahaha, this is enough for her to reflect on her life."

Kitahara Iori laughed, and inadvertently glanced sideways, and the girl who caught his eyes made him grim.

After turning his head stiffly, he silently pressed the button, and the window slowly went up.

"What's wrong? Damn it!"

Kohei Imamura looked out the window, and after a brief hesitation, he exclaimed, "Di Taro, it's not good, it's too late!"

"Huh?" Kujo Ditaro was taken aback, and after a habitual glance, he said in surprise, "It's more than two hundred meters away from that restaurant, how can we still meet?"

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