"This is troublesome, she saw my face." Kitahara Iori raised the window and said anxiously: "This restaurant has a relatively high hourly wage, if this is a fake, I guess I have to go find it again. I have a new part-time job, but this month is already tight, and I am afraid that I will have nothing to eat now."

"It doesn't matter, at worst, let Gengping contact you with a kidney seller..."

"Don't lose it, think of a way seriously, this poisonous island is not a good stubble."

"We are only responsible for the process, not the aftermath. Believe me, Yizhi, even if a person only has one kidney, he can still live a normal life."

The corner of Kitahara Iori's mouth twitched, and he said in a low voice: "Old buddies, be serious, or are you supporting me this month?"

"Why don't you throw Yizhi down and ask him to get out of his seat?"

"Hmm...it's a feasible idea, Iori, get out of the car and kneel down!"

"What the hell am I..."

dong dong.

Kujo Tetaro lowered the rear window without turning his head.

Kitahara Iori smiled awkwardly, and greeted, "Senior Busujima, what a coincidence."

"Coincident?" Sakurako Busushima stretched out her unicorn arm, pinched the lower half of the black-haired man's face, and veins appeared on his face.

"I'm just wondering, why did this happen today? So you're looking for someone to punish me, right? Mr. Beiyuan?"

"What? I just met my friend, so I don't understand what senior is talking about."

"Still pretending to be with me? I've been staring at you for a long time, are you happy to trick me? Huh?!"


Kujo Tetaro interrupted the two of them, his tone a bit harsh.

Sakurako Busushima pursed her lips, snorted coldly, and then let go.

Kitahara Iori stepped back a little, and said fearfully, "Senior, you have great hands, don't you usually lift dumbbells?"

"You want to die, don't you?" Sakurako Busushima clenched her fist, the killing intent fluctuated clearly in her eyes.

"Poison Island, right? We have nothing to hide about what happened before, it was intentional."

Kujo Didaro didn't bother to lie, so he said straightforwardly: "But what can you do with us? Huh?"

"You..." Sakurako Busushima gritted her teeth and argued, "I can't do anything with you two, but Kitahara-kun."

"He is a student, and there is no financial pressure. Even if he quits, will the impact be great?"

Kujo Ditaro pressed against the armchair, the corners of his mouth gradually raised, "We're making fun of you, but why don't you think about it? There must be a cause and an effect, right?"

"You are... distorting ideas!" Sakurako Busushima thought clearly, and snorted: "You guys are making fun of me, right?"

"It's wrong for us to spoof you, but it's not necessarily right when you bully my friend, right? And in a sense, we are also helping you. You have to understand that this time it's us, so next time it won't be wrong." There will be others, what have we done to you? What will others do to you?"

Kujo Tetaro started the car, and after leaving a word, he walked away.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Di Taro, are we going to leave like this?"

"Otherwise? You still have to go back and kneel?"

"No, if she tells the store manager about it, I won't be able to work part-time."

Kitahara Iori looked back, seeing Sakurako Busushima's distorted face, his expression became a little stiff.

Kujo Ditaro didn't take it seriously, and the corners of his mouth curled up slightly, "If I were her, I would definitely not tell the store manager about this, after all, if you leave, she will have nowhere to spread her anger."

Imamura Kohei suddenly smiled, clapped his hands and said: "So that's the case, no wonder he didn't give that person a chance to refute, tsk tsk, Iori will feel better now."

"Forget it, after this period of time, I will change to a part-time job."

Kitahara Iori sighed and asked, "Where are we going now?"

"Everyone goes back to their respective homes. We have to retake the German exam tomorrow. It's time to review."

Kujo Tetaro turned on the turn signal, and after confirming that the road conditions were all right, he turned around.

These guys...

Seeing the white car passing by again, Sakurako Busushima clenched her fists.

After pondering for a long time, she smiled, but her voice was serious.

"Iori Kitahara, I can't help the two of them, but you, hahaha..."

"Mom, that sister..."

"Shh, don't look, it's contagious."


Seeing the mother and son walking away quickly, Sakurako Busushima pursed her lips and left angrily.


After dinner.

It wasn't until Megumin Kato gained a hunger level that Kujo Tetaro realized clearly what he was facing.

Looking at the black-haired girl with a voluptuous face, Kujo Tetaro suppressed the urge to rub, and asked with a smile, "Megumi, are you full?"

"Hmm..." Megumi Kato leaned on the chair, tilted his head back slightly, and his sitting posture was a little lazy, "I'm full."

"It's good to be full. I guess it's the second growth recently. Eat more and strive to reach a new high."

Di Taro Kujo was arranging the plates on the table, he couldn't help but sigh inwardly, if he ate like this, his weight might explode!

"Secondary development?"

Kato Megumi murmured, and there was a look of confusion on his face, which rarely fluctuated.

Kujo Tetaro thought for a while, and explained: "That's right, human beings can grow up to be in their twenties. Although many people stop growing after puberty, there are a small number of exceptions."

"Hey..." Kato Megumi sat up straight, looked down at the mobile phone on the table, and asked abruptly: "Cousin, are those urban ghost stories you said true?"

"How is it possible, those are all hype, there is no scientific basis..."

Kujo Tetaro didn't change his face, and he preached materialism in a serious manner.

Kato Megumi nodded his head half understanding, but his cheeks bulged inadvertently.

Seeing the angry expression of the black-haired girl, Kujo Ditaro stopped the popularization, and changed his words: "Of course, everyone has their own opinions. Maybe these are interesting to you. Okay, I'm going to wash the dishes."

"Cousin, you wash the dishes in the morning, so let me do it."

Kato Megumi took off the black rubber band around his wrist, tied up his long hair casually, got up and walked to the kitchen.

Kujo Tetaro will be drawing later, so he is not too polite. After putting the dishes in the sink, he went back upstairs.

However, he didn't know that the moment he went upstairs, the little hand of the black-haired girl silently clenched into a fist...

"Passed the review?"

Kujo Ditaro sat at the table, looked at the flickering notification bar of the manga website, and subconsciously clicked to check it.

After learning that the work had passed the review, he felt much happier.

After all, this comic website is a recognized industry authority in Neon, and its requirements for works are relatively high.

All works that can pass the review, if nothing else happens, as long as they persist, they can basically make money.

However, serializing comics is a laborious task. Most cartoonists create one episode a week, two weeks, or one episode a month. Some outrageously lazy cartoonists can calculate the number of updates on a yearly basis.

There is no way, after all, creation needs inspiration, and when you really can’t draw it, it’s useless to force it with a gun.

However, in fact, only a small number of cartoonists procrastinate due to lack of inspiration, and most of the rest of the cartoonists are lazy and cancer looking for reasons to procrastinate.

Kujo Tetaro knows that for a newcomer like him, his early results will be very dismal.

If he cares too much about grades, sooner or later it will affect his desire to create.

In order to avoid this situation, after posting the update announcement, he just exited the website and started painting for the day.


After Kato Megumi returned to the room, he silently took out the weighing scale.

After tentatively weighing it, seeing the unsatisfactory number, the girl made a bold move.

Take off your coat, take off your top, take off your skirt...

Megumin Kato held his breath, adjusted his mentality, and went to the new field again.

The red value starts to change rapidly...

The black-haired girl stared down, her beautiful eyes widening.

"This scale...is broken."

"Well, yes, the scale must be broken, or it's not accurate."


Megumi Kato is deceiving herself while wearing clothes.

Afterwards, the girl sat by the bed and began to think about life.

Are you fat?

Are you fat?

No wonder, if you eat so much every day, you will definitely gain weight.

Hahaha... From now on, if I continue to eat like this every day, my life...is over!

Megumi Kato clutched her stomach, her expression gradually became dull, and there was some crystal dripping from her mouth.


bang bang.

Kujo Tetaro glanced at the time, feeling a little surprised.

It's past ten o'clock, why is Hui still looking for me?

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