There should be something, and the painting just happened to be finished.

After Kujo Tetaro clicked [Save], he got up and went to open the door.

"Hui, why are you looking for me so late?"

"Nothing, just chat with my cousin casually."

"Huh? Just chatting casually, it's all about this..."

Kujo Tetaro was in the middle of speaking, and said in surprise, "Mei, what are you laughing at?"

Kato Megumi raised his serene smiling face, and his voice was a little gentle.

"It's okay, cousin, let's go in and talk. I happen to have something to ask you."

"...All right."

Seeing the girl's smile, Kujo Tetaro felt something was wrong.

After thinking for a while, he shook his head and evaded: "Let's forget it, it's all over, let's talk about something tomorrow."

"No, this matter must be clarified that night."

Kato Megumi not only did not leave as usual, but showed a stubborn side.

Kujo Ditaro noticed the element, and said with reason: "Mei, I have an exam tomorrow. If this matter will take a long time, I suggest changing the time slot, and at night, people are more impulsive, so it is not suitable for discussing things." Woolen cloth."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Even if Kujo Tetaro is not himself, Kato Megumi's emotional changes can be clearly felt.

Although he didn't know what happened to the girl, his rationality told him that it was not appropriate to talk about things at night.

"Really, if you have something important, we should talk about it during the day. I'm not talking nonsense. If you don't believe me, go online..."

"Cousin, I know your secret, the unknown one."


Kujo Ditaro was startled, but there was no reaction on the surface, and he even pretended to be.

"What? Hui, what are you talking about? My secret? What do you mean?"

"Cousin, let's go in and talk."

Kato Megumi pushed the door, and the conversation was a little firm.

Kujo Tetaro kept his face unchanged, and nodded his head pretending to be helpless, "Okay, since you insist on talking now, then come in."

The two walked into the house and found a place to sit down.

Kato Megumi restrained his expression, pulled the pillow at the head of the bed, and hugged her in his arms.

Kujo Ditaro sat on the chair, and his index finger couldn't stop moving the table back and forth.

I rub!

Did Hui realize the existence of the system?impossible!

Even if she lives with me, my situation at home cannot expose the system...

Kujo Tetaro was thinking quickly, but his tone was quite natural.

"Hui, what are you talking to me about?"


Kato Megumi hugged the pillow tightly, her slender white hands moved around erratically.

On the flat pillow surface, deep marks gradually appeared, showing that the girl exerted herself obviously.

Seeing the scene in front of him, Kujo Tetaro became more and more worried.

You know, this casual cousin, except for giving in to his Yan Yixiao, is rarely in a state of embarrassment at other times.

"Cousin, can you tell that I am fat?"

"Well, a little bit."

"Then you should know, why am I fat? I mean... what should I do?"

Really... really found out?

My God, when did it happen?

Wait... Megumi has been asking me weird questions since a long time ago...

Kujo Tetaro withdrew his gaze, and his mind began to wander.

After a while, he cleared his mind, with a serious expression on his face, "Hui, you..."

"I don't care about anything else, I only have this problem."

Kato Megumi shook his head and interrupted: "Just tell me what to do, cousin."

Kujo Tetaro stood up suddenly, and looked at the girl with an unbelievable look.

Megumin Kato rested his chin on the pillow and calmly repeated what he had just said.

Kujo Ditaro clenched his fists, and after a long silence, he smiled and said, "It's okay, it will be OK after a while, Kei."

"Really?" Megumi Kato raised his head with a serious expression, "Cousin, I don't want to be perfunctory, what's the exact time?"

"Hui, aren't you surprised?"

Kujo Tetaro didn't answer, but asked abruptly.

Kato Megumi didn't look sideways, and the speed of her speech didn't change, "It was a little bit at the beginning."

"You are really a special cousin." Kujo Daitaro smiled inexplicably, nodded and said: "I don't know the exact time, but I can tell you clearly that this situation is temporary."

"No." Kato Megumi squeezed the pillow with both arms, and couldn't help raising the volume, "Following this rhythm, even if it is temporarily, I will gain at least a dozen catties, or even dozens of catties."

"It's not that I don't want to help you, but this..."

"I know my cousin has difficulties, but I do too. Although I have an average figure, at least I'm normal. I don't want to be fat, I don't want to."

As we all know, it is extremely peaceful.

If a person's emotions do not fluctuate obviously at ordinary times, then when they erupt, they will be very violent.

Seeing Megumi Kato who lost his composure, Kujo Tetaro suggested after a little thought, "How about exercising to lose weight?"

"Hungry as soon as you move, eat when you're hungry, a vicious circle, getting fatter and fatter."

"Hmm... how about dieting and losing weight if you control your food intake?"

"No, I've tried it. I'm so hungry, it's like putting a meat grinder in my stomach."

Kujo Ditaro scratched his head vigorously, and after some inexplicable thinking, he comforted him: "Don't worry, I'll go and find out how to lose weight professionally."

"Hmm..." Kato Megumi responded, got up and walked towards the door.

Kujo Tetaro didn't know why, so he asked, "What are you doing?"

Kato Megumi stopped and said in a low voice, "I'm hungry, go find something to eat."

"Calm down, it's night, you've doubled your food."

Kujo Tetaro knew that this was an extraordinary period, so he immediately grabbed the girl, "Because of your weight, bear with it."

Kato Megumi nodded, but did not fully compromise, "Then I'll go eat some fruit."


After hesitating for a moment, Kujo Ditaro let go and said, "I know a professional fitness trainer. I think he has a good way to lose weight. You don't have to worry too much."

Kato Megumi responded, and then pushed the door and walked out.

Even though he has decided to go to the gym tomorrow to consult Kaixiong, Kujo Tetaro still uses the computer to look up suitable ways to lose weight.


"Hui, don't you eat fruit?"

After Kujo Tetaro went downstairs, he saw Kato Megumi eating some high-calorie snacks.

"The taste of the fruit is too weak, eat something else to combine the taste."

Megumi Kato spoke eloquently, with a hidden face of a foodie.

Kujo Tetaro didn't care, and talked about his concerns.

"Hui, there are some things you should understand, right?"

"Well, I haven't told anyone, and no one will believe it."

"That's good. I checked the Internet just now, and there is a weight loss diet with high reviews. It is said that the effect is very good."

After sitting next to the girl, Kujo Ditaro raised his mobile phone and gestured: "Your hands are full of oil, let me show you."

Kato Megumi watched while eating, and the sound of tucking and tucking never stopped from the beginning to the end.

Kujo Ditaro put down his phone and said helplessly, "According to your way of eating, no recipe will work. Are you really so hungry?"

Megumin Kato swallowed the food, his fleshy face puffed up slightly, "Isn't it caused by my cousin, I don't want this either."

"Okay, I'll help you tomorrow and ask a professional to see if he has any brilliant ideas."

Kujo Ditaro couldn't shake the blame, so he simply agreed.

Kato Megumi restrained his expression, and after throwing away the snack bag casually, his gaze began to wander back and forth.

"Okay, okay, let's go here, don't eat too much at night, it's enough to fill your stomach."

Kujo Ditaro put away the snacks on the table, pointed to the top, and urged: "Go upstairs, you won't be hungry after you sleep."

Kato Megumi glanced left and right, and the attention was very obvious.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

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