As we all know, being slightly fat is not necessarily the best, but all the best are slightly fat.

Toshitaro Kujo also hoped that Megumi Kato would become more and more beautiful, but according to this rhythm, being slightly fat is simply wishful thinking.

After hesitating again and again, he still gave out snacks, but there was only one pack.

"Go back to your room."

"Cousin, I'd better bear it..."

The moment Kato Megumi stretched out his hand, he immediately retracted it.

In order to avoid regretting herself, the girl didn't dare to stay for a long time, so she turned around and went upstairs.

After Kujo Tetaro smiled in relief, he returned to his room with the big bag of snacks in his arms.


The next day, afternoon.

"It's over, it's over."

"Finally, the make-up exam is over."

"Go drink, we..."

Everyone who finished the make-up exam intends to have a dinner together.

Kujo Tetaro still had work to do, so he found a reason to push it down.

After learning that the two wanted to drink, he didn't force him, and drove to the gym alone.

After half an hour's drive, Tetaro Kujo arrived at SILVER MANGYM.

He went straight to Jiexiong and asked about how to lose weight reasonably.

"To lose weight, exercise is the most effective way to lose weight."

"Other than that, I mean, a way to lose weight efficiently without exercising or dieting."

"It's hard for me, but let me think about it first..."

After thinking for a while, Jiexiong asked: "The person who loses weight is a girl, right?"

"Yes, as you know, girls are different from us. They don't want to exercise, and they can't restrain their mouths."

Kujo Ditaro thought he was right. After all, most girls' weight loss journey has always been like this.

Jiexiong folded his arms, pondered for a while, and sighed: "I suggest that girls lose weight by exercising, but you are right. Since that person does not want to exercise or diet, he can only start with recipes. I know A female Ph.D., her self-developed recipes are not only scientifically based, but also have remarkable effects, and the book only costs two hundred dollars, but I have a folder here, and I will pass you a copy when the time comes."

"Then thank you coach." Kujo Titaro exhaled slightly, looked around, and asked, "Didn't Soryuin come?"

"I haven't been here for the past two days. Maybe it's because I'm busy with my studies, Kujo-kun. After I lost to you at arm wrestling last time, I was thinking about a question."

Jiexiong put his shoulders on the shoulder of the black-haired man, and said earnestly: "Kujo-kun, you are only 20 years old, but your strength is impressive. Do you know how enviable you are?"


This specificity made me suffer a lot...

Kujo Ditaro smiled sarcastically, and echoed: "It's okay, in fact, if I can, I really hope that I won't be so strong."


Jiexiong subconsciously strengthened his hands, and veins emerged on his thick arms.

Kujo Ditaro glanced at it, and sighed inwardly, this strength really doesn't seem human!

Jiexiong realized his gaffe, quickly withdrew his strength, and apologized: "I'm sorry, Kongtiao-kun, I got excited, are you okay?"

"It's okay, but Coach Jiexiong has to pay attention next time, other people can't stand your pinch like this."

Kujo Ditaro has gained a lot for nothing, so his attitude towards Kaixiong is relatively generous.

Jiexiong scratched his head, and said with a naive smile: "If it wasn't for Kongtiao-kun, I guess I wouldn't lose control easily, after all, what you said just now is really wrong."

"There's something wrong." Kujo Toshitaro denied without thinking, "In my opinion, Coach Kaixiong's reaction was too big."

"My reaction was too big, but this has a lot to do with Kongtiao-kun's cold joke." Jiexiong narrowed his eyes and affirmed: "After all, Kongtiao-kun is standing on the top of the pyramid, just like that If it is, it is completely mocking the rock climbers below us."


Kujo Ditaro thought for a while, and suddenly said: "It's like this, then I really didn't notice it, but I admire you very much. You are obviously tired to death, and you are still persevering."

"Hahaha, Kujo-kun is really, you came here like this."

"Coach, let me tell you the truth. In fact, I don't know fitness. I practiced at home for a while in high school, and then that's it."

The laughter stopped abruptly, Jiexiong opened his mouth, but made no sound.

Kujo Ditaro patted the man's shoulder and comforted him: "Coach Jiexiong, maybe I have some talent, but I really don't know anything about fitness."

"..." Jiexiong grabbed the arm on his shoulder and tremblingly said: "What you said is true? Did you not make fun of me?"

After pondering for a while, Kujo Tetaro gave a clear answer.


"Then..then...wait a minute, let me take a look, there is no professional exercise, just exercise at home by myself, it is...impossible! This is not in line with common sense..."

Jiexiong took a few steps back, his smile gradually disappeared, and his eyes were also dull.

Kujo Tetaro knew that what he said was too cruel for this tough man who devoted all his energy to fitness.

But there was nothing he could do about it, after all, he really knew nothing about fitness.

If you don't tell the truth now, it will be very embarrassing if you cheat in the future.

"Maybe I'm more talented, coach."

"Are you more talented? You have a deep misunderstanding of the word comparison, Kujo-kun."

Jiexiong had a wry smile on his face, and his voice was weak, "If you didn't make a joke, then your cold joke before is indeed normal. You can reach this height by practicing at home. I... feel so tired."

"Coach, you are the strongest among the people I know."

Instead of being complacent, Kujo Tetaro gave friendly encouragement.

"Even if you say so..."

Jiexiong not only did not feel the slightest joy, but even more uncomfortable.

Just imagine, you have worked so hard to practice the full-level number, and you usually pretend to be smooth sailing, but suddenly a newcomer with krypton gold appears in the crowd, and then kills you in seconds.

After you died, would you complain about the garbage in the game, and once questioned the official unfairness?

That's right, Jiexiong at this moment is also doubting his life.

You know, since he became successful in fitness, there are no more than a hundred people in the world who can compete with him physically.

And these bigwigs standing at the top of the pyramid have all experienced hardships and hardships that ordinary people can't imagine.

But now...

After taking a deep breath, Jiexiong said with a smile on his face: "Kongtiao-kun, to tell you the truth, I really want to beat you up."

Kujo Ditaro waved his hand, and said tactfully: "Coach Jiexiong, I still advise you to calm down, you may...not be able to beat."

Jiexiong scratched his head, and said seriously: "Kongtiao-kun, what if I insist on touching you?"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Yeah, let's touch it."

Kujo Tetaro didn't take it seriously, and waved his hand disapprovingly.

Jiexiong pondered for a while, and his tone was a bit strange, "Kongtiao-kun, are you sure?"

"Huh? What do you mean?"

Kujo Tetaro turned his head to look, his eyes were full of confusion.

In his previous opinion, what Jiexiong said was just a joke.

However, at this moment, he noticed the anxious point of the atmosphere.

Jiexiong smiled, like Maitreya Buddha, giving people a kind feeling.

"Actually, in my circle, in order to improve their physical bodies, some people will conduct appropriate discussions. Only in fierce collisions can the physical bodies be sublimated."

"I've heard of combat training, but what does it have to do with fitness? You guys are not going to fight some kind of fighting game."

Kujo Titaro seemed to understand but half understood, and put forward his own point of view.

Jiexiong stretched out a finger and said: "True muscles can not be built only through self-fitness, but also need external stimulation. You may not know the specifics, but anyone who has tried it can get improvement from it."

"Okay, but I don't need real muscle, and I'm not used to getting spanked."

Kujo Tetaro was not interested and refused decisively.

Jiexiong didn't force it, he pointed at the nearby fitness equipment, and motioned, "Practice a lap?"

Kujo Tetaro nodded, "It's a good time to ask about the normal usage of these equipment."

In this way, the two started the devil training that should belong to newcomers, but does not look like newcomers.


Kujo Tetaro doesn't know much about fitness, but he's a fast learner.

After Fan Jiexiong explained it once, he would be able to grasp the essentials.

Although this knowledge is of little use to him, but no one would despise himself for knowing a lot.

After about two hours of practice, Kujo Titaro recognized the usage of most of the equipment in the field.

"Di Taro, come here."


After walking to Jiexiong's side, Totaro Kujo's gaze immediately fell on the sandbag in front of him.

The appearance of sandbags is not like ordinary sandbags, but wrapped in a special material, which looks extremely fancy.

After looking up and down, Kujo Tetaro asked: "The appearance of this sandbag is quite novel."

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