"This is a sensing sandbag for force measurement. It is equipped with precision sensors, which can effectively test the striker's strength, and the error is less than one kilogram..."

Jiexiong's eyes gradually brightened, and his intentions could no longer be concealed.

Do you want to measure my strength index?

No wonder...

Kujo Tetaro was not surprised, but looked at the sandbag with interest.

To be honest, he actually wanted to have a clear understanding of his own strength.

However, the dynamometer in the game hall, not to mention whether it is professional or not, the quality alone is not enough.

If the boss hadn't seen that he was tall and burly back then, he might have had to pay for it.

"How is it? Di Taro, do you want to come?"

After Jiexiong finished his introduction, he immediately encouraged him.

Kujo Tetaro smiled happily, and then walked up to the sandbag.

"Coach Jiexiong, where will the measured data be?"

"In the computer over there, any value with a blow force exceeding [-] kilograms will be recorded by the computer."

"If you break it, I won't pay for it. I'll tell you first."

"Don't worry, as long as it can be broken..."

In the middle of the conversation, Jiexiong's face suddenly changed.

What is clearly visible is the emergence of veins on the inflated muscles.

Immediately afterwards, a sense of oppression that could not be expressed in words but could only be understood came rushing towards his face.

This meat is pressed...!

Jiexiong took half a step back, and a series of strong figures standing on the top of the pyramid flashed in his mind.

After a fleeting comparison, he was shocked to find that the flesh pressure of the man in front of him was so strong that he had never heard of it before!


The number of times that Kujo Tetaro used his full strength can be described as very few.

Even the last time he moved stones to save people, he was just pretending to do his best to confuse the masses.

The so-called killer tennis doesn't use much effort.

Anyway, in order to avoid the tragedy of hurting someone and going to jail, he took great pains.

After the muscular man took a deep breath, the sandbag suddenly dented inward.


The huge crashing sound attracted the attention of everyone present.

Looking at the bag of sandbags smashed into the wall, everyone looked at each other in confusion.

After the death-like silence, they all looked to one side in unison.

There... is where the sandbags used to be.

"Why did it break?"

Kujo Tetaro lowered his arms, and looked at the man beside him in surprise.

Jiexiong moved his mouth, and after a long silence, he forced a smile and said, "Let's go check the computer data first."

"Don't worry about these?"

"It's okay, let me handle it."

Hearing this, Kujo Tetaro no longer insisted.

The two walked to the computer, and after taking a look, they both felt sorry.

"A lot of nines, it looks like the sensor was broken."

"Coach, I'm not very suitable for measuring strength. I also broke the strength measuring device in the game hall last time."

"This sandbag is a special product, suitable for most people, but now it seems that you need a more professional method to measure your full strength."

"Forget it, it doesn't make sense to measure it..."

Kujo Ditaro looked at the cracked wall with complicated emotions.

Even though he wanted to test his full strength, he still withdrew his strength the moment he punched.

That's right, punching sandbags into the wall is not at his peak.

"Di Taro, you don't have to worry about the loss here, I will take care of it for you."

Jiexiong looked around, staring at the sandbags in the wall, and after looking at them for a while, he sighed sincerely.

At the same time, everyone who had figured out the situation whispered to each other.

"Fuck, is this the power that a human can exert?"

"I thought someone used some kind of black technology, but it turned out that someone hit it, wipe..."

"That buddy looks powerful, but I didn't expect... Is it some kind of world champion, do you recognize it?"

Compared to the shock and tongue-smacking of the majority of people, there was an inexplicable look on the faces of the few tough men.


After taking a shower, Kujo Ditaro changed his clothes in an orderly manner in the men's changing room in the gym.

As soon as he finished putting on his underwear, he found a hunk with a short hair sitting next to him.

After subconsciously shifting his position, his brows suddenly frowned, "What are you doing here?"

"Brother, let's get to know each other. My name is Naoya Okubo. Your punch just now was really beautiful."

"Huh? Oh, nothing."

Kujo Tetaro stood up, put on his jacket and coat, and waved: "What else do you have to do? If there is nothing else, I'll go first."

"Brother, you are so strong, are you interested in fighting?"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Fight? Are you out of your mind?"

"Huh? You don't understand?"

"Do you understand what? Who will agree to this kind of thing? It's nothing to look for."

Kujo Didaro didn't want to say much, he waved his hand impatiently, and then walked towards the door.

Okubo Nao also blocked the way, with a complicated expression and a strange tone.

"You don't know? Impossible, otherwise how did you reach this level? I understand, do you think I'm not strong enough? Not worthy to fight with you?"


Kujo Ditaro frowned, stared at the front for a while, and suddenly said: "Have you read too many bloody comics?"

Nao Okubo also rubbed his wrists, and said suspiciously: "I have read the hot-blooded manga, but what is the connection here? You are indeed strong, but I am not weak, or are you willing to fight until you are on the official fighting stage? Then your What is the representative company?"

Fighting platform?On behalf of the company?

I guess it's a stunned man who is stupid after reading comics, forget it, let's just ignore it...

Adhering to the vigilance that wisdom is contagious, Kujo Tetaro stopped talking nonsense and forcibly walked towards the door.

Nao Okubo also reached out to stop him, and said stubbornly: "Brother, you haven't answered me yet, what is your representative company?"

"I don't understand what you're talking about, but if you're stopping me..."

Kujo Tetaro was a little irritable, and there was an unhappy light in his eyes.

After Okubo Naoya thought for a while, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, "Brother, what if... I don't let you?"

"You want to fight, right?"

Kujo Tetaro leaned down slightly, relying on his physique to exert pressure.

Okubo was unmoved, instead he raised his face and smiled, "Yes, you are right, I just owe the beating."

"Really? Go away!"

Kujo Tetaro put his hand on the man's shoulder, and then pushed him to the side.

Nao Okubo also tensed his muscles, but his body was completely motionless.

Kujo Titaro was surprised. Although he didn't use much force before, ordinary people couldn't hold it.

Looking at this macho man with a slightly naive appearance, an unrealistic suspicion floated in his heart.

Could it be that this man has gone crazy reading comics, and really taught him some tricks?

...It's so annoying, this stupefied young man!

Kujo Tetaro didn't know that the man named Okubo Naoya in front of him was actually a celebrity.

If you search the Internet, you can learn a lot of information about Naoya Okubo.

For example...a national wrestling champion in senior year, a boxer at the national team level, a heavyweight in mixed martial arts?

"Again, I'm not interested, let me get out of the way?"

Kujo Tetaro increased his hand strength while sounding a warning.

Nao Okubo also glanced over his shoulder, his face gradually filled with excitement.

Kujo Didaro didn't wait for an answer, and suddenly pushed the person aside.

"To be honest, it's a lot of strength."

Nao Okubo also flung himself on the bench, his laughter became more hearty.

Kujo Ditaro walked to the door, stopped to look back, and warned: "Don't bother me, this is the last warning."

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