
"Are you okay, Okubo?"

Kaixiong helped Okubo Naoya up, and said with concern: "Di Taro didn't hit your vital parts, so it's not a big problem, right?"

"My injury is not serious, but that kid is really perverted. The speed and strength of his fists, as well as his unused leg strength, I feel like I am facing a monster in human skin." Nao Okubo also spit out a mouthful of blood, and added feebly Said: "It's a good thing it's not on the fighting stage."

"Okay..." Jie Xiong smiled slightly and reminded: "You should not spread the news about Di Taro's situation, he is not suitable for that circle."

"Well, after the fight, I can see it too." Okubo Nao nodded, his voice a little low, "I won't spread the word, he is indeed not suitable, and that circle is basically voluntary to join, after all, if you If you play fake matches, the company will lose money."

"Well, I'll take you to the hospital."

After the two walked out of the room supporting each other, they saw Tetaro Kujo standing in front of the water dispenser not far away.

If Taro Kujo felt something, he turned his head to look at the two people who walked out of the room, and waved: "Do you want water?"

"Di Taro, I'll take Okubo to the hospital first, goodbye."

"Hmm... Strange dialogue, what is that circle? Fist wish society? But it doesn't matter, it shouldn't be my thing anyway."

Kujo Ditaro unscrewed the bottle cap, took a sip of water, and chased him out without warning.

"Coach, add one to your mailbox, send me the recipe tonight..."


When Tetaro Kujo arrived home, it was already past six o'clock in the evening.

Kato Megumi was cooking, and when he heard the sound of the door opening, he subconsciously turned his head to look.


"Hui, I went to ask for you, there is a solution."

"Cousin, what's wrong with your face? It seems a little swollen."

Kujo Ditaro touched his face and explained: "I'm relatively tall, and I accidentally bumped into the equipment. It's okay. It will be fine in a few days."

"Let's take some medicine, at least it can speed up the healing time. I remember there seems to be a medical box under the coffee table."

After Kato Megumi pointed to the coffee table, he turned and continued cooking.

Kujo Tetaro sat down, searched for a while, and found the medical kit that had been missing for a long time.

He dug out some suitable topical medicines and tried to wipe them in front of the mirror.

"Cousin, let me help you."

"it is good."

At some point, Kato Megumi walked from the kitchen to the living room.

After handing over the cotton swab, Kujo Tetaro raised his injured side face.

Kato Megumi dipped a little liquid on a cotton swab and applied the wound intently.

As we all know, whether it is a man or a woman, as long as they are doing things seriously, their appearance is the most beautiful.

Looking at this delicate face that has become more chubby recently, but is even cuter, there are some voices that should not exist in the depths of Totaro Kujo's heart.

After Kato Megumi put down the cotton swab and medicine bottle, he changed hands and picked up a Band-Aid.

The corners of the black-haired girl's lips were raised strangely, and she put a little force on the Band-Aid.

"Hiss... you still stroke... are you doing personnel business?"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

We all know women are vengeful creatures.

Kujo Tetaro could understand Kato Megumi's deliberate move, but he didn't pay too much attention to it.

After all, spoofs that come and go are what life should be like.

After the two finished their meal, they went back to each other's rooms.

Kujo Ditaro was busy with the day's painting tasks, while searching for information about the boxing club on the Internet.

Although he said he didn't care, everyone has curiosity, and he was no exception.

After a long search, but did not find any valuable information, Kujo Tetaro simply gave up and devoted himself to the work of painting.

I don't know how long it has passed, and after finishing drawing a chapter, Kujo Didaro clicked on the manga website.

[Strange picture, different experience. 】

[Newcomer, new work, not bad. 】

[Keep your eyes open, remember to watch. 】

Looking at the few or three readers' comments, Kujo Didaro didn't feel shabby, but a little relieved.

After all, for a newcomer and new work like him, without any fan base, it is already very good to have someone leave a message.

Moreover, the plot of the manga has not yet unfolded, and there are only two chapters in it, so most people don't even bother to click on it.

What's more, in order to ensure the quality of the works online, this leading website in the neon comics industry has put a lot of effort into the operation of the exposure rate.

There is no so-called money-making list. Except for the monthly ticket list, which is a bit watery, the gold content of the rest of the list is almost real.

It is precisely because of this that apart from the method of exploding and increasing the exposure rate of Kujo Ditaro, there are only follow-up signing recommendations left.

Kujo Ditaro didn't want to become a tool man, so he didn't think much about the explosive update method, but he didn't know what his update speed every two days meant.


After the make-up German exam, Titaro Kujo gradually had a circle of drinking and meat friends around him.

After getting along for a short time, he also clearly understood one sentence, that is... Likes flock together, and people are divided into groups.

The handsome squint-eyed guy named Yu Mitarai is actually a scumbag.

The chunky man with orange hair, named Shinichiro Yamamoto, is actually a devil in color.

The gentlemanly man wearing glasses, named Nojima Moto, thinks he is the only coquettish man, but he is actually a dog-headed military adviser.

A strong and thick guy with a simple and honest appearance, his name is Kenta Fujiwara, but he is actually... a dog leg.

Everyone has no common topic, nor does they have a common ideal, but they are gathered together.

Kujo Ditaro did not draw a clear line with the four scumbags, after all, he is not a kind person.

"I really want to find a girlfriend."

"Yamamoto, I've seen your face. It's a destiny to die alone."

"Go away, I curse you for not finding your first love until you were eighty years old."

"What the hell are you..."

While everyone was making noise, the classroom door opened slowly.

As the only girl in the class, Chisa Furudegawa's arrival naturally attracted attention.

Furutekawa Chisa pursed her lips, and walked to the podium hesitantly.

"Everyone, the class in the afternoon is an experimental class. The professor is already waiting for us in the laboratory. He asked me to inform everyone."

Everyone casually responded and walked out of the classroom one after another.

Kujo Tetaro and others fell at the end of the crowd.

Kitahara Iori hugged the back of her head, her voice was a little loose, "What is this sissy...what is she trying to do?"

"It doesn't matter, anyway, with his own strength, how can he defeat the seven of us." Imamura Kohei raised his hair, and his sharp teeth flickered faintly at the corners of his mouth.

Nojima Moto pushed his glasses, and said in a confident tone, "Let him be scheming, and he is not looking for a dead end."

"Really, I'm a professor, be careful deducting your credits." Yuu Mitarai smiled as usual, but her eyes were full of coldness.

"..." Fujiwara Kenta didn't speak, but his face was turning ugly.

"Okay, let's see what the professor wants to do this time."

Kujo Tetaro showed his leadership style, and when the voice fell, everyone quickened their pace.

This classroom... take jujube pills!

Furutegawa Chisa rested her forehead with one hand, only feeling confused about the future.


"Students, under my careful teaching, your knowledge of mechanics should be very solid."

The elegant man with long hair covered his face with one hand, his eyes narrowed into strange crescent eyes.

"But knowledge is not as useful as practice after all, so your task today is... Charpy impact test."

"OK, what is the Charpy impact test, let me explain briefly..."

After a few minutes of explanation, everyone understood.

The Charpy impact test, in layman's terms, is to hit the sample with a pendulum, and then calculate the energy required to destroy the sample according to the height of the pendulum...

"There are three steps in the test. The first step is to place the sample and place the pendulum to set the height."

"The second step is to let the pendulum fall freely."

"The third step is to record the height of the pendulum after it destroys the sample, and then calculate the correct formula."

After the elegant man finished speaking, his eyes immediately turned to the side.

Looking at the seven people occupying one side, the corners of his mouth raised sharply, "Your group is the one I am most optimistic about, so in order to take the lead, you have to slightly change the content of your experiment."


Seven people were disdainful in their hearts, but they didn't express too much.

But soon, following the refined man's detailed explanation, the faces of the seven people all changed.

"You happen to have a lot of people, and you will replace the samples for the next test."

"I believe that you top students will be able to calculate the correct formula that can ensure your own safety."

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