"Don't worry, this is my sponsorship from the professor, a soft pillow."

"And remember, there are only four real samples, and I won't give points to anyone who hasn't calculated the correct formula to destroy the sample."

The refined man couldn't suppress the joy in his heart, and his face gradually became distorted and hideous.

The seven people were furious, and their expressions were like evil spirits, which made people feel terrified.

"What are you doing!"

"Is this what people do? If you continue like this, the bottom will be thick!"

"Professor, you are using power for personal gain, we refuse to accept it!"

"If you have the ability to teach you to be a sample, as long as you come first, we will have no complaints."

The elegant man turned his face slightly, lifted his long hair on his forehead with one hand, and his smile became more and more broken.

"What? Such a simple experiment, how can I come here, and... not everyone has the opportunity to use it!"

"Beast! Are you courting death!?"

The seven people stood up against the table, their killing intent almost solidified!

It is also an illusion, and it is also real.

Although they couldn't witness it with their own eyes, many of the rest of the students could clearly feel the... evil demon head above the two forces!

"These two sides are messing up again."

"Hush! Let's step aside quickly, so as not to hurt the fish in the pond."

"Professor is worthy of being a beast. He dares to use this kind of bad move. If he doesn't do it well, he will be devastated."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The ultimate purpose of the Charpy impact test is to calculate the impact force that just destroys the sample.

In a fundamental sense, this experiment is not difficult, and the formula is not complicated.

However, now that the sample is an adult, the problem is much more difficult.

"This damn bastard, I really want to wrap him in a sack and beat him up!"

"Damn, how to do this experiment, even if there is a pillow to cushion the impact, it is enough to kill!"

"No way, we don't get credit if we don't do it, damn sissy, I'll kill him if I get a chance."

Seven people gathered around the test bed, their expressions becoming more and more strange.

So...who will come first! ?

Everyone looked at each other to hint, but no one dared to speak.

Kujo Tetaro showed his leadership and commanded: "Well, for the sake of fairness, let's guess who will participate in the experiment."

"But there are seven of us here? The experiment is only used four times. Isn't it too cumbersome to guess punches?"

As soon as Kitahara Iori finished speaking, the corners of the mouths of the six people were raised one after another.

"OK, Beiyuan raised the blind spot and got the first place."

"Very well, then let's start guessing one-on-one."

"Wait, wait, wait!"

Kitahara Iori waved her hand and said excitedly, "How did I get the quota? It's not fair..."

"Iori, what are you talking about, it's fair, everyone thinks so."

"Yes, since Iori has objections, why don't we let him finish the experiment first, and then start guessing punches?"

"Good idea, Iori, come here."


Kitahara Iori took a step back, and when he glanced out of the corner of his eye, he discovered that all the escape routes were blocked.

At this moment, he finally understood that from the very beginning, this group of scum wanted him as a victim.

"To be fair, we..."

"Alright Iori, we will remember your contribution to the experiment."

"OK, the handcuffs are ready, bring the person over!"

"Let go of me! What the hell are you...!"

Kitahara Iori struggled, but was powerless.

With his hands bound in handcuffs, the pendulum in front of him gradually rose to the highest point.

Kitahara Iori's expression froze, and he shouted heart-piercingly, "Wait, wait, wait! Wait a minute, the pendulum is so high? Are you trying to kill me?!"

"Iori, this is the case in the first experiment. We don't have accurate parameters, so the height of the pendulum must be pulled to the highest."

Kohei Imamura, who was in charge of adjusting the amplitude of the pendulum, gave an explanation with a grinning grin.

You wolf-hearted bastard!

The corners of Kitahara Iori's eyes twitched wildly, and he explained in a panic: "Even so, you don't need to adjust to the highest point, and..."

"OK, the pendulum is ready, ready to start experimenting!"

"You listen to me..."

"Measurement preparation is OK! Request to start the experiment!"


"Very good, Hammerdown!"

Kujo Tetaro gave an order, Imamura Kohei suddenly removed the switch.


As if time had stopped, Kitahara Iori's bloodshot eyes and the grin on the faces of the six people were all frozen in this second!

"You... you... this..." Kitahara Iori's lips parted slowly, and his voice was heavy and slow.

With a bang, the man who was halfway through the conversation was hit by the pendulum to his knees, and his face was leaning straight on the ground.

If it weren't for the iron chain at the handcuffs, the man would have already fallen to the ground.

"After all, the pendulum is better."

Everyone felt sorry, and then began to discuss the formula.

I don't know how long it has passed, Kujo Tetaro put down the report, looked around, and gestured: "Okay, we have finished analyzing the results of the first round of experiments, now let's start the next round of experiments."

"Yeah, it looks like that's the only way to go."

Everyone smiled acquaintedly, but the killing intent in their eyes could not be concealed.

Since one person fell down, the six of them could just do one-on-one finger-guessing.

With the end of the round of guessing punches, the elimination parties have all been finalized.

The three are none other than... Imamura Kohei, Mitarai Yu, and Yamamoto Shinichiro!

"It's over."

"Such a big thing, who can bear it!"

"There will be a psychological shadow, and I will not be able to get out of it in this life."

"Let's not do it! Why are we at the mercy of that beast?"

The three people in the elimination group found enough reasons to end this fatal experiment.

However, they didn't know that the moment someone made a sacrifice, the experiment was destined not to be abandoned halfway.

"As an ancestor, I have the right to appoint the next experimenter, right?"

A weak but cold voice came from below.

The three people in the elimination group all felt chills at the same time.

"Of course, Iori, who do you want to choose?"

Kujo Ditaro blocked the way, the corners of his mouth raised even more, "The three of them, whoever you want."

Kitahara Iori smiled ferociously, looked back and forth, and then slowly stopped.

Imamura Kohei was horrified, and before he had time to react, his shoulders suddenly sank.

"The ancestors appointed you, Mr. Gengping."

"That's right, Gengping, since it's the meaning of the ancestors, then you will abide by it?"

Looking sideways at the ugly faces of the two, Imamura Kohei forced a smile and persuaded, "Even if it's me now, it's your turn, why don't you escape with me?"

"What are you kidding! This is our game rule, how can you break it at will!"

"You unfaithful and despicable person, you have to try at least three trials!"

"Okay, let's push Gengping over."

"Wait a minute...don't...Ya Butterfly!"

Kitahara Iori stood up, looked down at the blond man who took his place, and smiled more ferociously.

Even though Kohei Imamura knew he was helpless, he never stopped begging verbally from beginning to end.

However, everyone ignored them and were still busy preparing the equipment.

As the saying goes, there is strength in numbers.

In just two minutes, everything is ready.

"Wait wait! I feel like the pillow isn't fastened!"

"Impossible, I'm clearly tied very firmly."

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