Kitahara Iori shook his head, his tone was quite firm, "He was unwilling to cooperate with our great experiment, so he deliberately delayed the time."

"Since Iori said so..."

"Hey! Are you so crazy? Look at it! The pillows are about to fall off!"

In the end, the pillow that Kohei Imamura straddled was re-reinforced.

Kujo Tetaro took out the report, checked it, and waved: "The second experiment, start!"


Without hesitation, Kitahara Iori flipped the switch forcefully.

Like a god descending to earth, the pendulum slammed into the blond man fiercely with such force.

Imamura Kohei's eyes were wide open, and his mind began to wander.

Lalazijiang, we can meet...

Those junior high school students who called me Gengping Ernie, see you in the next life...

Kanako...I really want to have a good chat with you...

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"They are having a good time."

"Really, look at how happy those smiles are."

"It's really a group of demons. I suddenly feel that the professor is not wrong."

The comments from all around did not hinder the progress of the experiment.

In fact, after the second experiment, Kujo Tetaro had already calculated the answer in his mind.

However, for the sacrifice of the previous two people, he did not disclose the answer, but continued to conduct experiments.

Even though the height of the pendulum dropped, the force under inertia still made it impossible for the following two people to get up again.

"What a brutal experiment."

Kujo Tetaro closed the report, expressing his sincere emotion.

Moto Nojima pushed his glasses and nodded heavily, "Maybe they will all have shadows in this life."

Fujiwara Kenta pointed out his hand and reminded: "I don't think so, the four of them are discussing something, they look completely fine."

"Leave them alone. Anyway, the results of the experiment have come out. I'll go to the bathroom and report to you to take it."

Kujo Didaro didn't take it seriously, and after handing over the report in his hand, he turned and left the laboratory.

"I should go there too..." Moto Nojima withdrew his gaze, shook his head and said, "Forget it, it's not in a hurry anyway."

"Where are Nojima, Fujiwara, and Tetaro?"

Moto Nojima turned his head, looked at the four people in front of him, and said doubtfully, "What were you talking about before? Di Taro went to the toilet. If you look for him, you should be able to catch up with him now."

"It's okay, that Nojima..." Kitahara Iori hooked the glasses man's shoulder, her voice was a little low, "Do you want to know Kohei's secret."

"Huh?" Moto Nojima felt awkward, lowered his head and said, "What do you mean by that?"

Kitahara Iori smiled mysteriously and motioned: "Come with me, I will tell you quietly."

Nojima Moto didn't think too much, and after he readily agreed, he followed.

Looking at the two people who left, Kenta Fujiwara scratched his head and asked curiously, "What are they going to do? It's mysterious."

"Well." Kohei Imamura's mouth slightly curled up, bewitching, "Fujiwara, do you want to know what they're talking about? Come with me, I'll go outside and tell you."

"Huh? Why go outside and say, isn't it convenient here?" Fujiwara Kenta was a little puzzled, but he was very honest in wanting to gossip.

So, the two walked out of the classroom one after the other.

"Then...let's deal with Nojima first."

"Let him also experience the thrill of Charpy's impact!"


"Beiyuan, what is Gengping's secret?"

"Let me tell you, Gengping... is actually an otaku."


Nojima Moto was stunned for a moment, a little unresponsive.

Kitahara Iori didn't give him a chance, and knocked him to the ground with his backhand.

Moto Nojima struggled instinctively, cursing.

"What are you doing! Beiyuan! Get the hell out of here!"

"What am I doing? Of course it's an experiment, don't you think so?"

"That's natural! Nojima, the experiment is still going on."

Hearing the sly laughter from behind, Moto Nojima understood everything in an instant, but it was too late.

At the same time, in the corridor outside the laboratory.

"Nojima had intimate contact with a girl from another department? Impossible?"

"Tsk, you still don't believe it, right? We were discussing this just now, how we plan to execute Nojima."

"How could a girl like Nojima be willing to be intimate with him? That girl shouldn't be thousands of degrees short-sighted, right?"

"You still don't believe me? Iori and the others are probably already tortured. If you don't believe me, you can take a look at the door."

Fujiwara Kenta walked to the door in doubt, and after glancing in, his face became more gloomy and hideous.

Imamura Kohei patted the man on the shoulder, and said with a sneer, "It seems that Nojima has recruited, but unfortunately, the fate of finding a girl behind our backs is unforgivable."

"Bah, it's a shame that I trusted him so much before. He turned out to be a scumbag, disgusting!" Fujiwara Kenta was simple-minded, and now he was mostly convinced.

Sure's really easy to lie.

Kohei Imamura's face remained unchanged, and after uttering a few words of fragrant agreement, he proposed: "Okay, the execution is over, let's go and listen to the traitor's last words of confession."

"it is good."

Fujiwara Kenta took the lead and walked quickly towards the inside.

Imamura Kohei followed closely behind, his eyes flickering frequently.

"Nojima, you traitor..."


"You let us down so much!"

Moto Nojima raised his head and stared ahead for a few seconds, then the corner of his mouth suddenly raised, "The experiment is still going on! Fujiwara!"

Fujiwara Kenta was taken aback, and was about to make a move, but was a step too late.

The four of them worked together and pushed the man to the ground in one fell swoop.

"You lied to me? A bunch of beasts, let me go!"

"Hahaha! The experiment is still going on, Fujiwara!"

"You bastards! Damn Imamura, I'm going to kill you!"

"Kill me? Turn the hammer to the highest level for me!"

Regardless of his previous experience, Nojima Moto decisively chose to join it.

Dragging his heavy body, he walked towards the pendulum step by step.

"Wait! Nojima! You..."

Kenta Fujiwara couldn't believe it, and struggled even more violently.

Fortunately, the four of them had enough weight, and with the blessing of the fire of hatred, they easily suppressed the people below.

Even though Fujiwara Kenta is strong and strong, after a long time, most of his physical strength will naturally be exhausted.

Then...the pendulum fell!


Kujo Tetaro actually predicted the battle situation in the classroom.

That's right, he overheard the whispers between the four of them.

It was precisely because he had insight into the plan of the four that he left on purpose.


Kujo Tetaro put down his phone and walked out of the toilet.

After walking for only two minutes, the conversation in the next room made him grin.

"Professor, we were wrong. We are so ignorant that we actually played tricks on you..."

"Hahahaha, you know you're wrong, right?"

"Yes, yes, this experiment is too difficult, please demonstrate it to us, please, Professor."

"Hahahahaha, you understand how powerful I am! Alright, this professor will show you a real Charpy impact test!"

Kujo Tetaro quickened his pace and returned to the laboratory before everyone left the house.

Not too long passed, and the elegant man who was surrounded by people walked into everyone's sight with an exaggerated smile.

"What's wrong with them? Isn't fire and water incompatible?"

"Could it be that the professor won? Sure enough, it's better not to offend the professor in the university."

"I don't think it's that simple. Didn't you see what those guys did before? They're a bunch of lunatics!"

"Then what happened next is intriguing..."

Everyone whispered, their eyes full of strange light.

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