"Let's vent... huh?"

"This woman is crazy after all."

Kujo Tetaro stopped the car and honked his horn to remind the black-haired girl in front.

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu turned her head slowly, her long hair wet with rainwater happened to cover most of the girl's face.

Seeing the weird girl like a water ghost, Kujo Didaro had the idea of ​​reversing the car and leaving.

Fortunately, the core training in the diving club made him quite resistant to this kind of situation, so he didn't give him any action.


When the horn sounded for the third time, the black-haired girl realized and got into the car immediately.

As soon as Kasumigaoka Shiwa got into the car, Totaro Kujo threw out a pack of tissues.

"Sister, what happened just now? You laughed so happily?"


Xiazhiqiu Shiyu moved her mouth, but did not reply.

Kujo Ditaro glanced at the rearview mirror, and reminded: "Wipe off the water on your body first, and where is your home?"

"My house Wait a minute, don't send me back, I can't go back now."

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu's eyes suddenly lit up in the middle of her speech, and she said affirmatively, "Yes, I can't go back yet."


Kujo Tetaro didn't understand, so he asked: "Sister, what are you doing? I don't understand what you mean."

"Just treat me as if I don't exist, and do things according to your previous wishes, right..."

Is this woman crazy?

No way, it's just a heavy rain...

Regarding the situation of Kasumigaoka Shiwa, Kujo Tetaro was not sure.

But just to be on the safe side, he still talked too much.

"Sister, let's be serious, where is your home?"

"Student, I'm conceiving a plot, but I don't have enough material, so I can't go back."

"Senior sister, I heard correctly, are you talking about conceiving a plot?"

"Well, I'm writing a novel."

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu didn't hide anything, and answered very frankly.

Kujo Tetaro became interested, and his tone improved a lot.

"Sister, have you written a novel and submitted it? What's it called?"

"It's an irrelevant love story, so don't mention it."

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu wiped her cheeks with paper, but water was still dripping down from her body.

She didn't worry too much. After taking off her shoes, she had to take off her stockings.

Because of the heavy rain, Kujo Tetaro's attention was on the road ahead.

Therefore, he didn't notice the erotic scene that happened later.

Habitually glanced at the rearview mirror of the car, what caught my eye was a pair of evenly snow-white long legs.

Kujo Ditaro was taken aback, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart, just this...just this leg... really can play for a year!


After Xiazhiqiu Shiyu used up a lot of tissues, her body was no longer dripping water exaggeratedly.

Even though her body was still wet, she didn't care, instead she calmly asked.

"Junior, are you driving towards your home?"

"En." Kujo Ditaro responded, hinting: "Senior sister, I'm kind enough to pick you up halfway, this time I'm cooperating with you to complete the plot concept, shouldn't you show something?"

"Show?" Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu thought for a while, shook his head and said, "You want my stockings? This is a bit difficult."

"Go away, you're thinking too much."

Kujo Didaro didn't try to hide it anymore, and said bluntly: "The conflict between us is settled here, is it okay?"

"That doesn't matter." Xiazhiqiu Shiyu raised her provocative Erlang legs, and there was an inexplicable arc around her mouth.

"Okay, remember what you said, and I won't be polite if you want to ask for trouble next time we meet, senior sister."

Kujo Tetaro honked the horn to warn the car in front of him, but also to warn someone.

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu was about to speak, but her nasal cavity itched slightly, and she couldn't help sneezing.

Kujo Tetaro turned up the power of the air conditioner, and the temperature in the car gradually rose a lot.

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu took a deep breath, and said in a low voice: "There is no conflict between us...huh..."

"I heard that there is a native method of scallions to treat colds, do you want to try it?"


Xiazhiqiu Shiyu frowned, her face flushed suddenly, "Are you looking for fault?"

"Eh? Senior sister, why did you say that?" Kujo Ditaro raised his mouth slightly, and said in surprise: "Don't you know the simple way of wrapping green onions around your neck? It works really well. When I was in my hometown, I Grandpa used it for me."

Around the neck?

Isn't it plugged in...there?

Damn it... I said it was clear before, but this one will set me up right away!

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu glanced over his head, pondered for a while, and explained: "The local method is not scientific, and the younger brother is a college student anyway, why do you still think like a grandfather?"

Clearing up the two countries does not mean shaking hands and making peace.

The clearing of the two that Kujo Tetaro said was only to re-arrange the positions of the two on a horizontal line.

You know, he has always had a lot of means in getting along with people.

"Only things that are useful can be passed on smoothly. Although the technology is advanced now, don't underestimate some rural methods, senior sister. Wrapping scallions around the neck can effectively clear nasal congestion and the like. What do you think? Come on, Hui."

"Huh? Well, it should be."

Kato Megumi didn't expect that this question would be thrown to him, and he hesitated for a while before responding.


What's the matter with this man?I just forgot about her...

Is the sense of existence so low?

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu was taken aback for a moment, her focus shifted a bit.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Kujo Tetaro is not a demon either.

After parking the car in the garage, he called Kitahara Iori.

"Iori, how are you doing?"

"What's the matter, I was drenched in the rain all the way!"

"Judging from your tone, you should be in the store. Goodbye then."

"What the hell are you..."

Kitahara Iori put down his phone, gritted his teeth until his face was ferocious.

Seeing the man's angry expression, the corners of Sakurako Busushima's lips rose strangely.

"Who called you, the two bastards before?"

"Yes, one of those two bastards, Master Bichi."

"You want to die, don't you? Kitahara-kun!?"

Sakurako Busushima pinched the lower half of the man's face, and the veins in her hands emerged clearly.

Kitahara Iori took it for granted, and the corner of his mouth twitched, "Master Bichi, your hand strength may be good, but compared to my friend, it's still a bit weak."

"Oh?" Sakurako Busushima thought for a while, then smiled and said, "It's that big tall guy, huh, I remember what I said before, I can't do anything with him, then you can do it for me." Be mentally prepared."

"Master Poujima, if possible, I suggest that you have a debtor, I am innocent..."

In the middle of speaking, Kitahara Iori felt a pain in his cheek, and was a little speechless.

Sakurako Busushima raised her pretty face, with a beautiful face full of veins, she looked extremely terrifying, "Are you innocent? That's good, you cooperate with me, help me spoof them once, and I will let you go."

"What? Don't you know, Master Busujima, they are my friends." Kitahara Iori frowned, her voice a little low.

"You scum, do you still care about these things?" Sakurako Busushima sneered, let go and said, "As long as you help me, I will not only punish you, but also help you speak well in front of the store manager. What about the hourly salary increase then?" Yes, it's not impossible."

Kitahara Iori shook her head, and murmured: "Master Poison Island, you don't know something, they are my brothers and sisters, we cheat together, eat together, and together...so, your chips are not enough at all!"

Seeing the back of her walking away, the corners of Sakurako Busushima's eyes twitched wildly, and she couldn't help cursing in a low voice: "Bah! I almost believed it, it really is a scum, but if this is the case, hmph... just increase the price. .”


Kujo Tetaro went up to the third floor and went to his parents' room.

After rummaging to find a set of loose clothes, he returned to the second floor.

"My mother's suit should fit you well. Don't worry, it's all clean. She's rather flamboyant, so she usually only wears it a few times..."

"I'm not worried about that."

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu pursed her lips and interrupted: "This is your mother's clothes, if I wear them..."

"She is abroad, so these clothes probably won't be needed anymore, so it doesn't matter if she wears them away."

Kujo Ditaro handed out the clothes, and said in a low voice, "Underwear or something, it's not convenient for me to give it to you, and my mother doesn't know if she has used it..."

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