"Well, it's okay." Xiazhiqiu Shiyu hugged the clothes, turned and walked into the bathroom.

Kujo Toshitaro withdrew his gaze, and when he turned around, he saw Megumi Kato walking with his underwear in his arms, and subconsciously mentioned, "Cousin, your size is wrong, you can't wear it."

"(⊙o⊙)..." Megumi Kato stopped, with a complicated expression on her face, her cheeks gradually puffed up, "Cousin, you are not a girl, how can you be so sure? And it looks...almost the same... "

Although the voice of the last sentence was as small as the sound of insects, Kujo Tetaro still heard it.

In order to prevent the girl from humiliating herself, he gave a reasonable explanation.

"Hui, it's actually only a few hundred million, but if underwear doesn't fit well, it's better not to wear it."

"No? Cousin, I suspect you have other purposes..."

"No, isn't this kind of thing normal? I want to change clothes if they don't fit, let alone underwear."

Megumi Kato was skeptical, but finally nodded.

Kujo Ditaro waved his hand and signaled, "Let's go, it's getting late, and it's time to make dinner."

After the two went downstairs, Kasumigaoka Shiyu in the bathroom started to wash up.

Recalling the conversation between the two, Xiazhiqiu Shiyu couldn't help but look down, and the snow-white mountain peak that came into view made her smile.


"Your dinner is quite hearty, not like a portion for two people at all."

"Isn't this senior sister coming to visit, everyone who comes is a guest, so naturally we have to treat him well."

"Well, then I'm quite honored, junior."

The three gathered around the dining table, chatting and eating.

Kujo Di Taro didn't drink among the drunkards, and the food hadn't eaten half of it, and he felt that everything in front of him became so big... so white.

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu didn't feel that she was naked, after all, she was not only wearing a shirt, but also a coat.

Kujo Ditaro had no intention of peeping, but he was so tall, so he could look down at some white things.

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu was full, and leaned back lazily, her figure was even more bumpy.

Inadvertently glanced at the girl who used her hands and mouth together and ate exaggeratedly, her complexion changed a little.

"Kato-senpai, you... are hungry, aren't you?"


"Okay, go ahead, don't pay attention to me."

Looking at Kato Megumi who was chewing constantly, Kasumigaoka Shiwa was silent for a while, then turned to look at the man in front of him.

"Junior, can I borrow your computer?"

"For computers, I have ready-made ones in my room. What do you want?"

"I thought of a very good plot, so I want to record it."

Kujo Tetaro was not stingy, and readily agreed.

Kasumigaoka Shiwa smiled in satisfaction, and her impression of Kujo Tetaro improved a little.

After the three of them finished eating, they not only cleaned up the table together, but also washed the dishes with a clear division of labor.


Kujo Ditaro vacated the computer and lay down on the bed with nothing to do.

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu used both hands together, and the keyboard creaked.

I don't know how long it has passed, and the two started talking without saying a word.

"Sister, how many years have you been writing novels?"

"Forget, I started writing in high school, what are your drawing software for?"

"Coincidentally, I am similar to you, and I also draw manga."

"You really know how to joke. I still believe you when you say you do other things. The comics industry is very demanding on the spine. How can you, a sports-loving person, engage in this industry?"

Kujo Tetaro didn't answer, and played with his phone in silence.

After Kasumigaoka Shiyu waited for a while, her typing speed gradually slowed down, "Are you... really drawing manga? What is your work?"

"I'm just a newcomer, so I don't have anything to worry about." Kujo Toshitaro put what he learned into practice, and said with a smile, "Just like you, senior, don't worry about it."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------


Xiazhiqiu Shiyu remained unmoved and continued typing.

Kujo Tetaro was playing with his mobile phone, the light in his eyes was flickering.

【北原伊媒: @全球, that Sakurako Busujima made me feel bad for you, what do you say? 】

[Imamura Kohei: It's none of my business, anyway, except for you, we don't work part-time. 】

[Kitahara Iori: Sakurako Busushima told me that as long as I help her, she will give me an entrance ticket to the Women's University. 】

[Imamura Kohei: Entry ticket?There is such a thing?I haven't heard Miss Zi say that either. 】

[Kitahara Iori: Women's University is planning a school festival in early June. They are different from us. Tickets are required to enter the venue, and it is said that there will be voice actors present. 】

Seeing the discussion group whose chat frequency intensified instantly, Kujo Didaro didn't bother to take a closer look, and left midway.

Anyway, in his opinion, the entrance ticket to the Women's University is not a problem at all.

After all, even if the girlfriend of Kiyoko Kamio is not mentioned, there are Azusa Hamaoka and Mana Yoshiwara among the female college students in Qinghai around her.

With everyone's association relationship, it is very reasonable to ask for an entry ticket.


In order to avoid the ticket being cut off, Kujo Ditaro immediately went to Azusa Hamaoka.

However, to his surprise, the tickets...had already been reserved?

Kujo Tetaro was a little puzzled, and asked about the specific situation.

[Di Taro, the Women's University Garden Festival has always been a popular event in this town. At the beginning of May, a friend asked me to book tickets. Go ask Aina. 】

Kujo Tetaro dug out Yoshiwara Mana's mailbox, and was about to send a text message when his spine felt a chill.

You know, Yoshihara Mana is Kamio Kiyoko's best friend, and his cross-border behavior really has some troubles.

After closing the mailbox full of minefields, he was distressed.

A place like a women's university has a different attraction for any boy, and he is no exception.

To be honest, Kujo Tetaro didn't have too many ideas, but simply wanted to see the world.

What's more, if he didn't get into the Women's University, and Kitahara Iori and others managed to get in, the gap would be huge.

Not only that, but according to the behavior of those scumbags, they will definitely brag about it, that is...to show off their might.

As the saying goes, don't fight for steamed buns.

Kujo Tetaro decided that if he couldn't get in, then no one else could get in.

After thinking about it seriously, he opened Kiyoko Kamio's mailbox and asked about the tickets.

[Forgot, I forgot, Di Taro, sorry, I forgot to leave it for you. 】

[Isn't it?Are they all booked out? 】

[Yes, my friend asked me for it, and I agreed without thinking too much about it. 】

[Then can you get me a picture? 】

Toshitaro Kujo thought that Kiyoko Kamio would immediately agree.

However, the reality is cruel, and he was rejected.

According to Kamio Kiyoko, the Women's University Festival is actually not much fun, it doesn't matter whether you go or not.

Kujo Tetaro knew it well, this was intentionally done by Kamio Kiyoko, the intention was to prevent him from seeing the beautiful girl.

After realizing that the road was not going to work, he stopped insisting and started thinking about other solutions.

With a casual glance, Kujo Tetaro was slightly taken aback, "What's wrong with you? Senior."

"A bit of a headache..." Xiazhiqiu Shiyu leaned back on the chair, rubbing his forehead with one hand, breathing heavily.

"Your face is very red, you probably have a fever, I'll get you green onions."

"How dare you... don't use scallions, just bring me some medicine."

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu leaned over the case, her voice was a little low, "Excuse me, bring me a cup of boiling water..."

"I really don't want green onions."

When Titaro Kujo was teasing, he had already walked to the door.

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu was too lazy to refute, and said perfunctorily: "Do whatever you want..."

Kujo Tetaro smiled inexplicably, opened the door and left.

This student...

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu leaned on her arm, her mind was full of images of green onions planting seedlings.

The more she thought about it, the more angry she felt, suddenly her shoulders sank, and she raised her head subconsciously.

Looking at Tetaro Kujo standing aside, she was a little confused, "Didn't you go?"

"Everything is here, you should be delirious and didn't hear me."

Kujo Tetaro pointed to the table.

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu looked down, and what caught his eyes was a conspicuous green onion.

Picking up the water glass and medicine bottle with no expression on her face, after taking the appropriate amount of medicine, a sense of drowsiness swept over her whole body, and she couldn't hold it any longer.

"Sister, this method works. My grandfather used it for me before. Although he is gone, I still remember it."

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