Seeing the panting black-haired girl, Kujo Tetaro folded his arms, his expression becoming more and more strange.

"Okay, then let's change one, ten push-ups."

"Push-ups?... Didn't I do three before, why do I need ten more?" Xiazhiqiu Shiyu frowned, intending to bargain.

Kujo Ditaro didn't give it a chance, and said with a smirk, "That's fine, don't do push-ups, and do the rest of the pull-ups."

"You... just do it."

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu leaned down and did push-ups with difficulty.

"Don't lift your hips, keep your feet straight, and tighten your abdomen, eh? Sister, why are you failing again? Sister."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu is not very good at physical strength, or in other words, after entering university, her physical strength has dropped.

Whether it was the very difficult pull-ups or the slightly simpler push-ups, she couldn't hold on.

"Change...continue to change one."

"Senior sister, why not change? How about I give you a chance, let's play again, if you win, I will not only delete the recording, but you don't have to do any sports."

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu raised his head, his eyes flickered, and he said vigilantly: "Huh? You are so kind, what if I lose?"

"Of course I wouldn't be so kind." Kujo Tetaro stretched out his hand and said with a smile, "If my sister loses, the punishment will be the second power of the number of punishments. How about it? Do you dare to come?"

"What? Quadratic? You're still a human being?" Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu's eyes widened, and the veins fluttered clearly on his rosy face.

Kujo Ditaro disapproved, spread his hands and said: "Senior, if you want to play, you can play with a bigger one. Isn't it boring to add double and double? Or... are you afraid?"

"Inferior provocative method..." Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu got up, and after thinking for a while, he said forcefully: "Come as soon as you come, but I have to add a condition. If you lose, give me a duck for ten minutes."

"Senior sister, I'll save face for you, and I agree to this condition." Kujo Toshitaro pointed out, "Then...let's start."

The two sat down cross-legged and built blocks together.

Due to the high bet this time, the expressions of the personnel on both sides are relatively serious.

Kujo Ditaro didn't think he would lose, but just in case, he was a little serious.

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu held her breath, and there was a sly gleam in her eyes.

I'm not good at this game, but if you make a mistake, then I win...

Don't think I can't use dirty tricks, give me an honest duck!Asshole junior!

The corners of Xiazhiqiu Shiyu's lips rose, and various tricks were constantly forming in his heart.

Kujo Ditaro observed the words and expressions, and then came a difficult bottom line.


Looking at the building blocks that lost one of the key support points, Kasumigaoka Shiyu's face became more and more distinct.

Kujo Ditaro spread his hands, showing a smirk without concealment, "Sister, it's your turn."

"What the play like this? This is just the beginning!"

"Speed ​​up the pace of the game, sister, instead of complaining to me, you might as well start quickly."

"You...wait with me, today you must be a duck."

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu bit her pink lips, looked around the building blocks with her head down, and carefully took away the top small building block.

Even if it was a small building block with the least difficulty, the whole building block still shook slightly.

Looking at the uncollapsed building blocks, Kasumigaoka Shiyu was slightly relieved, and his smile began to turn ugly.

"Oh, junior, it's your turn. You have to be careful. If you don't handle it well, you'll have to sit on a duck. I heard that ninety-nine percent of boys can't do this well." of it."

"Be careful, you bastard...Damn it! You're almost there."

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu revealed her true inner thoughts, but she didn't feel the slightest discomfort.

Kujo Ditaro raised the building blocks in his hands, and sighed: "I'm sorry, senior, it's your turn again, be careful, a hundred push-ups are not something ordinary people can bear."

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu didn't bother to respond, took a deep breath, and stretched out his hand towards the building block.

Kujo Ditaro is cruel, and keeps giving kind reminders.

There was fine sweat on the black-haired girl's face, and there was even a drop of crystal glistening on her smooth chin.

"'s your turn, junior."

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu panted heavily, and the little hand holding the building block was still trembling faintly at this moment.


Kujo Tetaro lowered his head and concentrated on analyzing the wave before taking action.

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu narrowed his eyes slightly, and his tone was a bit enchanting, "'s so hot..."

Unable to help it, Kujo Ditaro's fingers were slightly stiff, but he recovered quickly.


Looking at Totaro Kujo who had safely pulled out the building blocks, Kasumigaoka Shiwa curled her lips, feeling extremely angry.

Kujo Ditaro clamped the building block between his fingers, his face became more and more distorted, and his voice was slightly brisk.

"Sorry, senior, it's your turn again."


Already crumbling...

It wouldn't be this hard now if the bastard hadn't taken the support blocks in the first place...

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu's face was sullen, even after observing for several minutes, he still didn't make a move.

Kujo Tetaro abandoned his gentlemanly demeanor and constantly exerted psychological pressure in the form of words.

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu's fingers trembled slightly, sweat slid down her skin, and the image of building blocks reflected in her eyes gradually shrank to a point.

This piece.. works!

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu inhaled slightly, and stretched out her hand vigorously.

I was fooled.

Kujo Didaro didn't change his face, but he was laughing wildly in his heart.


Seeing that the building blocks shook violently, but there were no collapsed blocks, Kujo Tetaro's expression gradually became stiff.

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu pretended to be sorry while wiping off his sweat.

"Really, it's just a little bit close. It seems that my luck today is pretty good."

"It's good shit luck, it didn't collapse like this."

"Okay, junior, let's go on the road with peace of mind. Let alone take away a piece of such a building block, it may collapse just by touching it."

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu smiled from the heart, on the exquisite and charming face, the expression changes were no longer subtle.

Kujo Ditaro thought for a while, and said calmly: "Senior sister, it seems that you think you have the winning ticket, so how about this, let's add a little more chips?"

"Oh? Are you the rhythm of the lighting in the toilet?" Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu straightened her legs, waved and said, "Yes, what chips do you want to add?"

"I bet I can pull out a building block later and ask you to do one thing for me, do you believe it?"

"Bah, you're looking for a dead end. If you lose, do ten things for me. There's no way. This is what you want to bet on."

"Okay, if I win, you promise me one thing, if I lose, I will let you handle it, right?"

"Yes, junior, it's not that senior sister wants to talk about you, but... betting with a dog will kill you!"

Kujo Tetaro nodded, and emphasized: "Then... Senior sister agreed?"

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu sat gracefully, and her tone was even more so, "No problem."

"very good."

Kujo Ditaro twitched, and the building block suddenly collapsed.

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu was taken aback, and the corners of his lips rose slightly, "It seems that this is a gift for my junior."

"Senior sister, building blocks are a game to develop IQ, and the content of my bet just now is whether I can pull out a building block, and I didn't guarantee whether the building block will collapse."

Kujo Tetaro stood up, and the building block he was pinching with his two fingers slowly fell from the girl's eyes.

"Sister, it looks lost the bet."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------


Xiazhiqiu Shiyu stood up suddenly, and stretched out his fingers furiously, "Are you...playing word games with me?"

"Senior sister, you are so naive. Playing games with me, you shouldn't let your guard down until the last moment."

Kujo Tetaro shook his finger, with a well-founded look, which really made people angry.

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu clenched her fists and said in a deep voice, "Despicable! You shameless villain, I'm sorry."

"Sister, if you don't understand the rules yourself, you can't blame others."

Kujo Ditaro disapproved, spread his hands and said: "And senior sister, I asked you twice, and you agreed, so what can I do? Naturally, I cooperate with you."

"If you continue to be so insidious, be careful that you will have no friends in the future."

"Sister, in my circle, this kind of situation is very common, don't you?"

"Others are joking, what about you? You will use everything to the extreme. I don't know if you think it's a big hatred. Forget it."

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu was in the middle of speaking, feeling a little tired.

To be honest, this game experience gave her a deeper understanding of the dangers of society.

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