Even acquaintances are sometimes more "ruthless" than strangers.

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu sighed lightly, and said angrily: "Okay, you won the bet, what do you want? Cancel the previous bet?"

"Hmm..." Kujo Ditaro thought for a while, and his smile gradually became weird, "It's a rare opportunity to ask my senior to do something for me. I can delete the recording, and it's okay to sit on a duck, but senior... .You have a good figure."

"You..." Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu took a step back, and said cautiously: "I can tell you, don't think that I will be like ordinary girls, who are afraid of hands and feet."

"Senior sister, I'm very surprised. Since you are so guarded against me, how dare you sleep with me?"

After hesitating for a while, Kujo Tetaro still asked out the doubts in his heart.

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu replied without hesitation: "I didn't think you were a bad person before. After all, you buried the bird and came to pick me up later. Even though your mouth is relatively damaged, I believe you are still a good person, but now... ..I bother!"

Kujo Ditaro patted his chest, pretending to be scared and said: "So it's like this, I thought my senior was interested in me, it scared me to death."

"Damn it..." Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu's eyes twitched, and the anger that had not been completely extinguished was ignited again, "You really know how to put gold on your face, it's shameless enough."

"To each other." Kujo Ditaro restrained his smile, and said in a flat voice: "Okay, senior, I won't cheat you anymore. I know you are dissatisfied. Let's write off everything this time. I will delete the recording for you." , you don’t have to do any punishment campaign.”

"Eh? Hmph, you have a bit of conscience."

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu was taken aback for a moment, the corners of her lips raised slightly, and her tone became gentler.

Kujo Ditaro squatted down, cleaned up, and asked: "Sister, I won't lie to you this time. Do you want real oolong tea?"

"Huh? Oh, thanks."

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu sincerely believes that today's farce is over.

Reaching out to take the water glass, she didn't pay too much attention to it, and raised her head to take a sip.

The black-haired girl squinted her beautiful eyes, and after savoring it carefully, her face instantly became gloomy.

"Your oolong tea?!"

"Sister, I really don't care. Didn't I tell you before, don't let your guard down until the last moment."

"You scum! It was in vain that I trusted you just now, look at me...see if I can't kill you!"

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu raised his wine glass, as if about to throw it out.

Kujo Ditaro was quick-sighted, and stopped the girl's impulsive action first.

"Sister, this wine is very expensive, even if you don't want to drink it, don't throw it away."

Kujo Tetaro took the wine glass, ignored the so-called indirect kiss, and got bored in one gulp.

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu opened his mouth slightly, and said in surprise, "You...I've drunk this before, you..."

"What a fuss, what does it matter, oh...sorry, senior sister, I forgot."

Kujo Ditaro smiled apologetically, and explained: "Our club is more open, I think you really want to throw the cup, so you are a little anxious, but the place where you drank just now is different from what I drank, so it's not a big problem."

"What kind of weird society did you join, wait..."

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu sighed after thinking of something, "I remembered, at the opening ceremony, the group of perverts who fell on the lawn belonged to your club?"

"Senior sister has a good memory, those are people from our club, and..."

Kujo Ditaro didn't bother to hide it, and said frankly: "At that time, they were somewhat restrained. Usually when we get together in private..."

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu waved his hand and interrupted decisively, "Enough, I don't want to talk about this."

Kujo Ditaro was quite understanding and stopped talking, squatting down and picking up the bottles and cans on the ground.

Not knowing whether it was the fatigue caused by the routine, or because of a sip of wine, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu walked back to the bed and sat down.

After Kujo Didi Taro tidied up his things, he looked up and saw the girl lying on her back on the bed, with her legs bent and falling outside the bed.


"...sleep for a while."

"Then you lie down inside, it's so nonsensical, I think it's weird."

"Too lazy to move..."

Hearing this, Kujo Tetaro immediately walked to the bedside.

Seeing the girl covering her eyes with her hands and her face flushed, his expression became a little strange.

"You just took a sip, so you're a little drunk?"

"It's not your fault? I usually don't even drink beer..."

"Since you have time to answer, please lie down more upright. You will feel uncomfortable when you sleep like this, and I'm not used to seeing it."

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu didn't mess around, and rolled over in the middle of the bed awkwardly.

Kujo Tetaro withdrew his gaze, turned around, walked to the computer desk and sat down.

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu turned his head and asked weakly: "Aren't you sleeping? Are you not tired?"

"It's all the same. It's the same whether you sleep or not. Young people, it's not like they haven't spent the night."

Kujo Ditaro stared at the screen, replied casually, and reminded: "I'll watch the video for a while, if you find it noisy, just mention it, I will turn down the volume."

"Hmm..." Xiazhiqiu Shiyu rolled up the quilt, and murmured: "Schoolmate, what made you take the path of drawing manga, is it for better YY?"

"Get out." Kujo Ditaro cherished words like gold, a simple word, but it contained a lot of emotions.

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu chuckled, and spoke about serious topics in a casual tone.

"Drawing comics is quite profitable, but this industry is very deep, and those who can get ahead are only a little bit, just like the novel world..."

"According to your tone, there is something wrong with the creation, right? Calvin is something else, the eunuch should deal with the unfinished work, right?"

"You want to know?"

"No, just kidding."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"You... really can't communicate."

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu covered herself with a quilt, and her voice became slightly dull.

"I didn't take the wine down. If you want to relieve your worries, go get it."

"Such strong wine, what do you think of me? The wine king?"

Kujo Ditaro opened the current popular movie and said perfunctorily: "If you don't drink, you can either sleep or watch a movie with me."

"Bored man."

After the voice fell, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu stopped speaking, as if she was asleep.

Toshitaro Kujo didn't take it seriously, and enjoyed foreign masterpieces on his own.

Some time later, there was a slight movement from the side, and his gaze subconsciously glanced away.

Looking at the girl who rolled over from the bed and sat up beside the bed, he was puzzled.

"what happened?"

"A little dizzy..."

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu bent down slightly, put his hands on his eyes, and murmured: "Student Kongjo, I actually sometimes want to give up the novel industry."

Kujo Tetaro noticed the element, paused the movie, and asked, "Why? There's a lot of pressure? Isn't this your part-time job?"

"Stress is one aspect, it's just..." Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu hesitated to speak, obviously he had a lot of things on his mind.

Kujo Ditaro turned his chair, faced the girl, and said bluntly: "Just what? The sales of the work are not satisfactory, or?"

"The sales are okay. I don't know why. Anyway, I always have the idea that I don't want to be a novelist. This is not the life I want..."

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu didn't hesitate, and answered almost without thinking.

Kujo Ditaro made some analysis, nodded and said: "You have been engaged in novels for several years, and many people will have various negative thoughts after working in a profession for many years, for example... I guess this is the case in my life. , Did I make the wrong choice at the beginning, can I have a better path... Wait, this is the situation you are in now."

"That's right..." Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu didn't deny it, and her voice became lower and lower, "I started writing novels in the first year of high school. Although it was only a part-time job, it took up a lot of time. I... I'm a little bored."

"Senior sister, you must be content in life. If this career can bring you considerable income and you are suitable, you should stick to it."

Kujo Tetaro didn't know the specific situation of the girl in front of him, but from an objective point of view, it would be very irresponsible to persuade someone to give up his career for many years without knowing it.

So, he said it very euphemistically.

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu shook her head, but said nothing.

After waiting for a while, Kujo Tetaro couldn't bear it anymore.

"Okay, I understand, the current life style is very tiring for you, isn't it?"


"Then what kind of life style do you want?"

"do not know..."

Seeing that the topic was dead again, Kujo Tetaro changed the topic in time.

"Go and tell the editor that you are going to take a long vacation. I believe you will understand something after the vacation is over."

"Ask for leave? Impossible..."

While Xiazhiqiu Shiyu sighed, his body suddenly fell forward.

Kujo Ditaro was taken aback for a moment, then reached out to support the girl.

"Are you OK?"

"For some reason... the center of gravity is forward, and then..."

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu sat back on the bed, rubbed his forehead and said, "This wine has a strong aftertaste... Junior."

"What should I say, your drinking capacity and the degree of alcohol, you should be [-]/[-]." Kujo Tetaro pursed his lips, and motioned: "Stop talking, let's call it a day, and you still have your business. I thought of a good way, so you go to bed first."

"That's right..." Xiazhiqiu Shiyu lay down on her back, and she was already unconscious in just a few seconds.

Kujo Tetaro picked up the girl's legs, adjusted her to a normal sleeping position, and covered the quilt with his backhand.

According to reliable rumors on the Internet, the sleeping positions of girls are not elegant.

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