After watching the movie for a while, Kujo Tetaro saw that the girl who was supposed to be covered by the quilt was rubbing the quilt with her legs.

"I heard that girls can pinch their legs, it seems to be true..."

"But what can they bring about with such a move..."

"Could it be... think carefully and fear!"

The more Kujo Ditaro thought about it, the more crooked he became, and he even had the urge to Google it.

Dispelling the cranky thoughts in his mind, he concentrated on watching the movie.


The exact time when Kasumigaoka Shiwa left, Kujo Tetaro was not sure either.

Anyway, when he came home from school in the afternoon, there was no one in the room.

"Cousin, senior has left?"

"It's gone, her clothes have been taken away, and my mother's clothes have been washed by her."


After the two finished their conversation, they went back to each other's rooms.

Kujo Tetaro sat in front of the computer desk, but did not practice painting, but searched for some colored manga.

It's not for desire, everything he does is fighting for his career.

That's right, he's drawing on the work.

Although some of the plots of "JOJO" were extracted to make up for the shortcomings, Kujo Tetaro is still a little bit powerless in controlling the manga.

No way, even though he has excellent drawing skills, his knowledge of the field of comics is still in the most confused newcomer stage.

Compared with the step-by-step process when painting "JOJO", it can be said that he has worked hard for this independently created sex comic.

However, the reality is cruel, except for the first episode and the follow-up plot ideas, he has nothing at all.

Because of this embarrassing situation, Kujo Tetaro often wonders if he has no talent for drawing manga?

"I can't go on like this. Sure enough, I have to ask the boss for help. Ying Lili seems to have said that I'm free next month, right..."

Kujo Ditaro held his chin, muttered to himself, nodded and said: "That's the only way, I guess I don't have the talent to draw manga, alas, if I earn a million, I will let the eunuch draw JOJO, anyway Not the same site...”

【Mr. Sawamura, do you have time to chat? 】

【Um?Do you mean drawing manga? 】

【Yes, didn't you say you wanted to guide me?Are you free next month? 】

In the spacious room, Sawamura Eriri, who was leaning on the chair, was typing a reply while spinning the brush.

[No problem next month, since I promised to teach you, I won't break my promise. 】

[The teacher is generous, the teacher is powerful, and the teacher drinks oolong tea. 】

Oolong tea?

What oolong tea to drink, I am a dark matter smoker!

The corners of Sawamura Eiri's lips were slightly raised, and she typed quickly to reply.

[Okay, is there anything else?If not, I work. 】

[It's okay, teacher is busy. 】

After sending the message, Kujo Tetaro felt a little better.

Interested, he opened the search site and entered the keyword "Okubo Naoya and Kengankai".

"Huh? What kind of information is this..."

Kujo Ditaro moved the mouse, and after clicking, the interface suddenly changed into a fist pattern.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The main colors of the website are red and black.

In the center, there is no other pattern except for the fist that is sketched to a clear line.

Kujo Ditaro clicked the mouse, the fist pattern gradually dissipated, followed by a prompt box that needed to enter the account number and password.

Kujo Ditaro didn't have an account, so he simply didn't investigate further, and closed the website happily.

To be honest, he had doubts about the existence of the Boxing Wish Club.

For example... underground black fist or something.

For this kind of thing, he was somewhat curious and seeking knowledge, but he didn't have the stubborn idea to get to the bottom of it.

After all, he is just an ordinary person, and the only thing to do is to be content with the present life. As for the dark side behind the society, what does it have to do with him?

Even if everything was as he had expected, Quan Yuan would be an underground organization for black boxing, and he had the physique to be a thug, but how many people like this kind of life that earns money with one's life?

Kujo Ditaro stopped his meaningless speculation, and said with emotion: "Really, what are you thinking about, the boxing club is considered to be a black boxer, isn't it just a black boxer? Compared with foreign gunfights every day, it is completely It's just a little bit of a big deal..."

That's right, Kujo Tetaro was a little worried.

Ever since he guessed that the Fist Club might be an underground black boxing organization, he has been worrying about defeating Naoya Okubo.

You know, Nao Okubo was also a man who received hundreds of punches from him.

Although he did not use his full strength and Okubo Nao was not seriously injured, this does not mean that the fight between the two was not strong enough, but that there was no reference.

Whenever an ordinary person is placed during the period, the output of the two can be clearly reflected.

Kujo Tetaro recognized Okubo Naoya's strength.

Therefore, a human being who can make him, a non-human being, must be the trump card fighter in the black boxing organization.

And he, an ordinary person, not only defeated the ace thug, but also won easily?

The weirdness of this situation is no less than that you won [-] million in the fortune lottery, and you got the first prize in the sports lottery around the corner...?

Anyway, as long as the Boxing Association is really a powerful boxing organization, there is a high probability that it will investigate him.

When the time comes, if he is not sure, someone will ask him to box, and then he will become famous in one fight, and then embark on a career of boxing champion who depends on money and sex?

"It shouldn't be that exaggerated, otherwise it's been several days, and the person who should come to me should have come long ago..."

After Kujo Tetaro thought for a while, he became more and more sure that he was thinking too much.

However in fact...

Boxing Wish Club is indeed a boxing organization, and its energy is very huge, and there are countless big shots behind it.

It is precisely because the organization's energy is huge and its scale is beyond imagination, so they are very picky about the requirements for thugs.

The thugs who can be shortlisted for the boxing wish meeting are all real strongmen. Anyone who can achieve good results will inevitably become a guest of a certain force.

In order to ensure that the thugs can go all out, when these forces sincerely invite thugs, they will not only persuade them with good words, but even give them enough benefits.

All in all, even if someone comes to invite Kujo Ditaro to go to boxing, it is expected to treat each other with sincerity. After all, only harmonious development can go hand in hand.

Fortunately, Naoya Okubo and Kaio did not spread the news about Totaro Kujo's situation, otherwise the life of Kujo's family would not be so comfortable.


eight pm.


Kujo Tetaro paused the movie, picked up the phone on the table and connected.

"What are you doing? Iori."

"Di Taro, do you have any information about the women's university tickets?"

"No, the tickets are all booked."

"You can't do it either? It seems that we have only the last way to go..."

Kujo Ditaro hung up the phone, a grin suddenly appeared on his expressionless face.


The all-white Prado slowly stopped on the side of the road.

Looking at the car parked in front of him, the black-haired man waved symbolically.

Kujo Ditaro lowered the car window and motioned, "Get in the car, we'll pick up Kohei."


After Kitahara Iori got into the car, he immediately talked about the plan.

"Poison Island's intention is obvious, she just wants to embarrass you two, and then she will fulfill her promise and give us the tickets."

"Those tickets can be extended to three, as long as we have the last one, we can all enter the Women's University."

"But the more troublesome thing is, how do you make a fool of yourself, and to what extent? I mean, in order to get it right in one step, you just make a big fool of yourself."

"Isn't she trembling? Your tongue is so thick, why don't you lick her? Go and lick her comfortably, and you'll get the ticket."

Kitahara Iori squeezed her forehead and said in a low voice, "It's useless."

"Huh?" Kujo Tetaro was taken aback, and said in surprise, "You...have you licked it?"

"No, if a bitch like her doesn't achieve her goal, even if I can lick faster than a dog, it's useless."

The black-haired man's answer was really thought-provoking.

After a moment of silence, Kujo Tetaro said earnestly, "Iori, besides desire, what else do you really care about?"

"What are you doing? Suddenly asking such a serious question, let me think about it..."

Kitahara Iori frowned, and covered his chin with one hand, looking thoughtful.

I don't know how long it has passed, but the man replied, "Besides desire, I also care about European school."

"I have to say, you live a thorough life, scum."

"To each other, Di Taro, in my opinion, we have the most resonance."

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