Sakurako Busushima was undecided, and the door of the box was suddenly pushed open.

"Yo, Di Taro, we're coming."

"It's really motivated juniors, we just have nothing to do."

"I heard that beer is free to drink here, it seems that you can drink freely."

The box, which was originally quite spacious, seemed a bit crowded after the crowd poured in.

Seeing a group of strong men entering the arena one after another, Sakurako Busushima shrank back to the corner of the wall when she swallowed her saliva.

She originally thought that she would enjoy the so-called lady treatment, but it turned out... a world famous painting!

My life!

My brain... is shaking!

What kind of perverts is this group!

Sakurako Busushima covered her face with her hands, unable to look directly at the wine pool and meat forest in front of her.

"Why is there a girl here?"

"Is it your three friends?"

"She doesn't seem to be quite used to it."

Ha ha...

Sakurako Busushima didn't bother to complain, she bowed her head and walked outside.

All of a sudden, the girl felt her shoulders sink, and whispers of demons sounded in her ears.

"Pojima, where are you going? The reception has just begun."

"I'm not feeling well..."

"What are you talking about, haven't you been alive and kicking before?"

Kujo Tetaro leaned over, with a scarlet gleam hidden in his eyes.

Sakurako Busushima looked sideways, her face became more and more defined, "I'm not feeling well now, that..."

"Okay, let's drink a cup of oolong tea, you should feel better."

Kujo Tetaro handed back his hand, and within half a minute, he smiled and took out a cup of brown drink from behind.

"Eh? Thank you."

Sakurako Busushima was taken aback, and subconsciously reached out to take it, then raised her head and took a sip.


The taste of this oolong tea...

Sakurako Busushima savored carefully, her face became more and more serious, her shoulders trembled faintly.

"What a goddamn oolong tea! Isn't this wine!"

"A special cocktail of vodka and whiskey... oolong tea."

"Damn... Are you looking for fault?"

Sakurako Busushima wiped the corner of her mouth, the murderous intent fluctuated obviously in her eyes.

Kujo Didaro was unmoved, turned and left with a smile.

Sakurako Busushima bared her teeth, and when she glanced out of the corner of her eye, she saw a handsome blond man walking over gracefully.

"Are you all right? Poison Island."

"Eh? It's okay..."

Seeing the handsome guy in front of her, Sakurako Busushima softened her tone.

Imamura Kohei handed out the water glass and comforted him: "Di Taro is like that, don't pay too much attention to it, just drink a glass of water."

"Hmm...thank you." Sakurako Busushima smiled softly, holding the water glass in both hands, and the little girl said pretentiously, "Is your name Imamura Kohei?"

Imamura Kohei nodded, smiling without saying a word, making him look like a real noble gentleman.

Sakurako Busushima looked so relaxed and happy, and before she knew it, the water glass was already on her lips.


The smell of this water...

Why is it a bit familiar...

After thinking for a while, Sakurako Busushima raised her hand and grabbed the neck of the man in front of her with lightning speed.

"You... believe it or not, I killed you?"

"Wait...I thought it was water?"

"Pretend to me, right? Huh?!"

Sakurako Busushima grinned grimly, and her strength gradually increased.

Imamura Kohei had difficulty breathing, and looked aside for help.

Kitahara Iori turned a blind eye and raised his legs leisurely.

You wolf-hearted...!

Kohei Imamura stretched out his hand and reluctantly said, "It's's his fault."

"Huh?" Sakurako Busushima turned her head to look, and after pondering for a while, the corners of her mouth suddenly raised, "Kitahara...kun!"

Hundredth Chapter 16: If you can't solve the problem, then solve the person who asked the question?

Sakurako Busushima never thought that there would be times when she would be as drunk as mud.

I don't know how much I drank, and I don't know what I did, until the moment when I regained consciousness, Sakurako Busushima became afraid.

You know, she is the only girl here, if something unexpected happens, there is no way to reason.

But soon, she not only calmed down, but also laughed at herself.

Why is this so?that is because...

Looking at the mess of strong men, Sakurako Busushima twitched the corner of her mouth and sat up with difficulty.

"Huh? You're awake? It looks like you haven't drunk enough."

"Empty are still alive?"

"You can really talk, Poison Island."

Kujo Tetaro stood up and walked carefully over the crowd.

After the baptism of this reception, Sakurako Busushima already understood that these alcoholic perverts in front of her are actually quite easy to get along with.

Therefore, she is no longer as exclusive as before for this black-bellied man who forced herself to sign an unequal treaty.

"It's a miracle that you're still alive after drinking enough wine to almost intoxicate a whale."

"Don't be so exaggerated, since you can still stand up, just accompany me to pay the bill."

"Forget it, you've drank so much, the boss is probably sharpening his knives."

Sakurako Busujima clearly refused, but was forcibly dragged out.

Kujo Tetaro walked in front, talking without saying a word.

Sakurako Busushima Mmm, she should be very careless.

The two of them didn't walk for long before they arrived at the checkout counter.

"Room 405, let's calculate the delay fee."

"Guests, our boss has said that we are a small business and cannot afford to go through all this trouble, so please, please go to another place next time. As for the delay fee, we will waive it for you."

Kujo Ditaro leaned over to commit the crime, bowed his head and said, "What do you mean by refusing customers? Is this illegal?"

"Guests..." The girl at the front desk trembled with sweat on her face: "This is what the boss meant, and the wine you drank today is almost as much as the wine we give away in a week..."

"Okay, don't be so scared. Last time I came to your place, everyone turned into ghosts. Why are you normal now?"

Kujo Ditaro smiled warmly, and his tone was even more gentle.

The girl at the front desk exhaled slightly, and after a short silence, said in a low voice, "That's because the proprietress will come to check during that time, so..."

"OK, I understand." Kujo Titaro straightened up, put his wallet behind his back, and said regretfully: "Although you gave us free bills, to be honest, we quite like the atmosphere here, which is a pity. "

"Where are the guests, Yilanzi KTV welcomes you at any time after the wine delivery event is over."

Kujo Didaro didn't pay attention to the polite words of the girl at the front desk.

After all, the purpose of their coming here is to enjoy the free drinks here.

If there is no such event, why don't they drink it at Grand Blue.

Looking at the man who turned around, Sakurako Busushima folded her arms, shook her head and said, "I knew it, the boss will definitely not welcome you again."

Kujo Ditaro raised his hand and said flatly, "You too."

"I was implicated by you! Forget it, after drinking so much, I will treat you this time. What do you want to drink?"

Sakurako Busushima walked to the drink machine and asked a question without looking back.

"Bring me a bottle of water."

"Water, right? Go on."


Kujo Tetaro unscrewed the bottle cap and drank most of the bottle of mineral water in two gulps.

After choosing for a while, Sakurako Busushima finally bought a bottle of mineral water.

Seeing that Kujo Totarou had finished drinking the water in the blink of an eye, Busushima Sakurako opened her mouth slightly, but was too lazy to complain.

The two did not return to the box, but leaned against the wall in the corridor, playing with their mobile phones by themselves.

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