"When are we leaving?"

Sakurako Busushima looked at the time on the screen, and couldn't help asking: "Why don't you wake them up?"

"Forget it, you won't wake up."

Kujo Tetaro was unmoved, he didn't even raise his head.

Yes, I drank so much...

Forget it, anyway, there is no class tomorrow, let's leave after dawn.

After Sakurako Busushima dismissed the idea of ​​going home, she started talking out of boredom.

"It's not a problem, let's chat for a while."

"The phone is dead?"

"Ugh...my friend messaged me and I'm disgusted."

With her hands behind her back, Sakurako Busushima leaned her head against the wall, and said with a wry smile, "You've already pushed me out, but now you explain this to me, don't you think it's ridiculous?"

"It's ridiculous." Kujo Tetaro put his phone away, nodded and said, "They are ridiculous, and you are too."

"Yes." Sakurako Busushima did not refute, and was surprisingly frank.

"We're all ridiculous, especially after meeting you guys, we look like clowns."

"What kind of girlfriend's affection is it? It's just a disguise to make others feel that you are well-connected. I'm already twenty years old, but I still care about these things. It's ridiculous."

"To be honest, my character is actually the kind of bad girl you boys hate the most. I am a face control, and I am very materialistic, but I am very good at acting."

Kujo Ditaro was quite surprised, and he did not expect that Sakurako Busushima blew herself up.

But after thinking about it, he let go.

After all, what the girl experienced today is quite depressing for anyone.

Kujo Tetaro did not add insult to injury, but listened patiently.

"For some reason, I can't hide my acting skills from Bei Yuan, nor from you guys."

"According to Bei Yuan, everyone is scum, so they can verify each other...It's a ridiculous theory...But it's powerless to refute it."

"It's very annoying. When I think of going to school and having to pretend to be with them, I'm really annoyed."

Sakurako Busushima bit her lip, she couldn't hide the disgust on her face.

Kujo Ditaro had no expression on his face, and his tone was flat, "Then why don't you act first?"


"If you are worried that they will spread rumors about you, then you should be one step ahead of them and discredit them first."

Sakurako Busushima was taken aback, "But..."

"What are you afraid of? Anyway, after this incident, you may not be able to maintain the superficial relationship. According to what you said, it is very likely that they will spread bad things about you, so why wait for them to do it?"

Kujo Ditaro folded his arms, cast his gaze condescendingly, and said with a smirk: "What are you hesitating about, anyway, if you can't solve the established problem, then go and solve the person who raised the problem, and prevent it before it happens, and the trouble has to be killed in the cradle .”


Chapter 17: Mental retardation is contagious, but there are three pigs around me?

Kujo Tetaro is not actually a demon.

After all, according to the bubble relationship between the three women, it is only a matter of time before the conflict breaks out.

Even if he didn't need to remind her, with Sakurako Busushima's character, she might not have missed this point.

But the biggest difference is that he has no sense of participation.

As the saying goes, the wicked have their own grind.

Kujo Ditaro firmly believes that only Bichi can defeat Bichi.

Although Sakurako Busushima is a bitch, there is no gap without comparison. When it comes to the degree of disgust, what Kujo Tetaro hates from the bottom of his heart is the former's two "girlfriends".

It was because of this contrast, plus the interaction at the reception, that his conception of Sakurako Busushima changed slightly.

Therefore, in the battle between the three Bichis, he was on the side of Sakurako Busushima.

If Sakurako Busushima wins successfully, then as the conspirator, he will feel somewhat refreshed.

Sakurako Busushima was not merciful, after thinking for a while, she agreed.

"You're right. The characters of the two of them are sure to deceive me, but what should I do?"

"It's up to you to figure it out yourself. I don't understand the atmosphere of your girls. An old fritter like you is much better at it than me."

"Oh, sometimes I envy you boys, no...it's my own problem, like attracts like."

Sakurako Busushima smiled calmly, and changed her words: "Anyway, I am a woman who controls material things, and this kind of thing is what I am good at."

"nonono, don't do this kind of thing with a sense of shame, or it's easy to mess up. If you think about it this way, these two bitches not only sold me, but they even played tricks on me afterwards..."

Kujo Toshitaro is scheming, and his words and deeds are full of sinister flavor.

"Jiang, you're still too old." Sakurako Busushima sighed, but at the same time, she didn't forget to complain sincerely, "Speaking of which, what's going on with you? What have you been through? The dark side of society?"

"It's not such an exaggeration. It's just that your best friend has too many problems, so I'm here to help you out. Otherwise, I wouldn't bother to care about you."

Kujo Tetaro spoke bluntly, but did not cause discomfort.

Sakurako Busushima took it for granted, nodded and said: "In short, thank you, you have helped me a lot this time, I will prepare the tickets for the Women's University for you, and if you have other normal requests, I will Try to solve it, remember, it's the normal kind."

"We are not as neurotic as you think, the previous problem..."

When Tetaro Kujo spoke halfway, he was refuted.

Sakurako Busushima rested her forehead with one hand, and said angrily: "If you are not neurotic, I can't even imagine the real neurotic."

"It's because you have too little contact." Kujo Daitaro took out his mobile phone and asked, "Do you have a power bank? Lend me to use it."

Sakurako Busushima spread her hands, indicating that she didn't either.

Kujo Tetaro turned around and walked to the counter. After a friendly chat, he borrowed a data cable and power bank.

"I actually borrowed your power bank? It's strange, isn't that person afraid of being taken away?"

"Are you kidding me, am I the one who steals this kind of thing?"

"No, what I mean is, after all, everyone has been drinking, and things like charging treasures are so small, they might just be stuffed in someone's bag and taken away."

"The girl at the front desk lent it to me privately. From the looks of it, she is an ignorant newcomer."

Sakurako Busushima curled her lips, she couldn't help thinking to herself, I'm afraid you didn't bully others and force them to borrow from you, right?

Kujo Ditaro seemed to be able to see everything, and said abruptly: "Don't think so badly of me, I only asked to borrow a power bank after chatting with him for a long time."

Hearing this, Sakurako Busushima was even more speechless.

"Wouldn't that be worse? First get closer to that person, and then ask to borrow something, so that the other party won't be able to refuse. As expected of Beiyuan's friends, in a sense, you have a lot in common."

Kujo Ditaro was too lazy to talk nonsense, and said succinctly: "I gave money to someone, big sister."

Sakurako Busushima is different from ordinary girls, she doesn't feel the slightest bit of embarrassment at the moment, instead she has reasons.

"Well, if you didn't say it earlier, it's understandable for me to misunderstand, isn't it?"

"I think it's your heart that the benevolent sees the benevolent and the wise sees wisdom."

"This society is like this. It's not suitable for simple people. If it's dirty, it's dirty. Don't you do the same?"

Kujo Tetaro couldn't help feeling that Sakurako Busushima would probably do well after entering society.

Time passed by minute by minute.

In the originally quiet box, there was gradually movement.

After a while, a group of well-dressed strong men came out talking and laughing.

"You two woke up really early, did you drink less last night?"

"Not yet? We have already been blocked by this company."

"Ah? You got blocked again, cut it!"


Sakurako Busushima couldn't complain, and silently followed the three acquaintances.

After returning the charging treasure, Kujo Ditaro said goodbye: "It's getting late, let's go today."


There was no objection from the crowd, and they left together.

Kujo Tetaro took the first three people to the car.

"Why don't you open it?"

After waiting for a while, Kitahara Iori asked, "The car is out of gas?"

"It's not this problem. It seems that when I got out of the car before, I didn't turn off the headlights, and the car ran out of electricity."

Kujo Tetaro raised his hair on his forehead and said with emotion: "How could I make such a low-level mistake, as expected mental retardation is contagious."

"That's right, then we have to get out of the car quickly, after all, the disease is contagious." Kitahara Iori slapped him upside down, waving his hands to signal others to get out of the car quickly.

"Stop being bored, okay?" Sakurako Busushima opened the car door and urged, "Beihara, hurry up, we'll be safe if you get out of the car."

"Poison Island, we are usually fine, but this happened only after you came, so let's return it to you."

"Your IQ is recognized as the lowest here, of course you are the one who went down!"

Looking at the two people pinching each other's cheeks, Kohei Imamura raised his eyebrows, feeling a sense of loss.

Regardless of the commotion behind, Kujo Didaro opened the door and got out of the car, and started the battery power generation project on his own.

"Which one of you, light up the car for me."

"Light it up? Di Taro, do you want a lighter?"

"It's not a lighter, light the car for me."

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